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Boeing Completes Successful 737-10 First Flight

Boeing's 737-10, the largest airplane in the 737 MAX family, today completed a successful first flight. The airplane took off from Renton Field in Renton, Washington, at 10:07 a.m. and landed at 12:38 p.m. at Boeing Field in Seattle. "The airplane performed beautifully," said 737 Chief Pilot Capt. Jennifer Henderson. "The profile we flew allowed us to test the airplane's systems, flight controls and handling qualities, all of which checked out exactly as we… ( Más...

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George Pepe -2
Uh huh and I bet that after a month or two, it will be grounded for a totally different reason than the max was grounded for.
Thanks to God
Robert Cowling 3
I remember being in Seattle during the testing for the 737-900, and seeing one take off from Boeing Field. Pretty awesome, and I got to see it come back and land too. I don't know if it was a 'max', but it was interesting to watch.
Highflyer1950 6
Nifty new landing gear concept but I still think there will many tail strikes from early over-rotation and longer take off runs due to under rotation, but that’s true on other types as well? Sully’s idea of a 3rd AOA sensor is akin to the 3rd Stby Attitude indicator, nice to have but you still have to follow the proper checklist procedures. It’s getting pretty close to the 757 specs with the -10.

David Beattie 1
It has about the same geometry as the 900. The -900 actually had fewer tail strikes than the 800, at least at my Airline. Perhaps because there was higher vigilance.


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