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‘It’s Not Quite Like Riding a Bike’: Pilots Get Ready to Fly Again

As airlines ramp up service, pilots who have been furloughed or laid off need to be retrained in everything from dealing with the control tower to “volcanic ash” scenarios. ( Más...

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Bill Butler 3
I don't know why I keep accessing these stories from NYT. I'll just get the salient points from y'alls comments.
Gary Bain 3
First of all I wouldn't pay a single penny to subscribe to the NY Times. Secondly, it actually is exactly is like riding a bike. A quick refresher in the sim and any professional pilot would be good to go. Another BS article by someone who knows nothing about real aviation.

[This poster has been suspended.]

lvenable 0
Actually, the sim can replicate the thousand decision points. That is its purpose.

ADXbear 7
Not very reassuring comments, maybe crew sched needs to keep returning pilots close to those that have remained flying.. qusi-instructor
Rico van Dijk 12
I was made ‘current’ again after 6 months furlough and in the sim everything went smooth, no issues at all, but now I fly about twice a month and I find I have to think allot for simple tasks like anti-icing, split packs operation and the likes. But nothing too serious. Also I rehearse the memory items now in the car to work. Just in case.
belzybob 7
Having not ridden a bicycle for many years I actually found I had not only lost a lot of skills, but more importantly lost the confidence in riding like I used to. It took quite a while to get it all back.
Silent Bob 14
And it's a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.


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