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Rolls-Royce finds cracks in small number of Trent XWB engines

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s Rolls-Royce (RR.L) will carry out extra inspections on some of its Trent XWB engines after cracks were found on a small number of them, in a further headache for the company whose finances have been hit hard by the pandemic. ( Más...

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Robert Cowling 2
It's only on the A350, and so the number sold has to be rather low, and Rolls-Royce can't get it right? OUCH!

Yeah, they have problems. Sad...
Roger Anderson 2
Yep, regardless of the size, it puts RR's reputation into question especially after their 787 fiasco

william baker 1
Now who was the cornflake saying that the Airbus A350 engines didnt have any issues?? My only question is thou is are these going to be contained to a certain few engines or are they going to find more issues like they did with the Trent 1000 engines.
Scott Campbell 1
Don't put you 57 in the grave just yet


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