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El Al Reeling from Coronavirus Travel Bans

“This is a testing time for the airline sector and El Al,” company CEO Gonen Usishkin told employees on Monday in a statement on the economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic. El Al has suspended flights from Tel Aviv to Beijing and Hong Kong and scaled back the frequency of flights to Bangkok. Ticket cancelations are growing while bookings decline, Globes said. ( Más...

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Highflyer1950 1
It’s sad to think of all those years flying into Hong Kong and the first thing they hit the crew/pax with is a touch less thermometer, 101 and away you go and not to the hotel?
bentwing60 0
Hey, I was happy when Walmart stuff always said made in the USA! WE paid for it. And got something 'out' of it.

Covid19, Made in or stolen and distributed by CHINA. Happy now?

as has been reported,the virus has now been found in northern italy,and of course,tourism is severely affected..all the airlines,cruise lines and the hotel industry are now beginning to feel the effects,not just in china..lets hope this can be quelled..
Paul Miller 1
That's going to be the case with many other Airlines too ? The Philippines has placed a Ban on at least Five Countries from flying into their Airports ? and might even add more soon too ? IF this Virus goes along as it doing right now.
What a dreadful situation, and so sad for the many who have passed away to it so far RIP.


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