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Chinese airlines drop foreign pilots

Chinese carriers account for 20 per cent of global fleet of grounded plane Boeing still trying to fix a flight-control system implicated in two crashes ( Más...

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ian mcdonell 5
What a fool you are linbb
bentwing60 5
Might be a "troll", His favorite term, not mine. He is very persistent in persuing the down vote. Maybe a trope. Moderator treats him just like MH.

The difference is that MH does not comment, he only posts squawks where most of the time Boeing is shown in a bad light, but once in a while his squawks are valid.

linbb only rants, often quite irrationally.
bentwing60 0
Despite the inanity of the usual linbb post, there are some nuggets in there. The constant BA bashing by mh squawks is, IMHO, the epitome of a 'troll'. I learned about them from JRRT.
canuck44 5
It was only a matter of time until China trained pilots to take seats in cockpits. Many of them essentially finish their training with ex-pat pilots. There will be another plateau when the MAX comes back on line, but eventually all expats except a few instructors will be replaced.
linbb -8
Well here we go second rate pilots second rate airlines oh by the way an Airbust had a smoke in the cabin problem seems the POS had a hydraulic problem time to ground them and start bashing.


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