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Runaway TAAG 777 rolls into grassy area at Porto Airport, knocking down light pole in the process

Earlier this morning, video was captured showing a TAAG Angola Airlines Boeing 777-300ER rolling away from its parked location, into a grassy area at Porto Airport (OPO) in Portugal. ( Más...

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Julie Reinke 1
Hmmm used to know a Roger anderson in minn but he was drunk alot. This would nt be him ? Might explain the actions.
Kim Hackett 2
Gravity. It's not just a good idea, it's the law.....
Doug Parker 3
TAAG 777 Cleared to taxi to the grassy knoll.
sharon bias 1
Mother nature will always win. A slight change in the incline of the tarmac, or a gust of wind can send big things moving. This was a gust of wind that moved a 737.
Reginald Caton 1
Good eye William. I think you are right on. It looks like the tow bar came adrift as they made their turn.
Where have you seen a tow bar that long on a Triple 7. I saw a Super Tug pushback a Boeing 777, and the tow arm was less that 8 feet.
John Baas 1
Very quiet engines! Glad no catastrophe

Ivan Rincon 0
Wow... a runaway plane on the tarmac and a bird taking off in the runway close to the event... Where was ground control?
William Heck 2
The 777 wasn’t parked. It was being towed when the towbar disconnected. Should be a brake rider in the cockpit, maybe forgot to start the APU.
According to the story that is not what happened... As it was a larger aircraft, it was customary to park it in the cargo area of the airport as it would not be making the return flight until 10 p.m. The Portuguese newspaper reports that around 9 a.m. local time, the aircraft started to roll free on its own accord. There must have been a slight incline, which is what would happen to your car if you didn't put it in park, and left it in neutral. If the plane had arrived at 0543, and was not due to fly again until 2200, the plane would have been towed to the parking area long before 0900.
djames225 1
I just went back and watched video 3x in a row..tug was not attached at all..looks like tug may have been trying to go in front of it, but that would have made it worse, and veered off.
" The Portuguese newspaper reports that around 9 a.m. local time, the aircraft started to roll free on its own accord.
The runaway aircraft, with its tow bar still attached, slowly rolled down the taxiway and veered off into one of the grassy areas." It also states someone forgot to chock the wheels.
George Cottay 2
Hi, William. Where did you find that info? Just looking at the video I thought the tug was getting in position for heroics before getting out of the way.
William Heck -1
Until 00:00:08 of the video it was being towed by the tug.
You must have been watching a different video. That tug was never in contact with the aircraft. It appeared that the tug driver may have been trying to get into position to stop the roll, but decided the speed was too great to risk.
Guy Rhodes 5
We must be watching different videos. At no point in the clip linked in the story above is the tug attached.
Ken Hardy 1
Common sense calls for the brakes to be locked and wheel chocks, but good OJT for ground crew training and Boeing gets some leading edge business.
Ivan Blakely 9
so often phone videos are this silly vertical format when landscape mode would be much better.
I have often made that observation on my YouTube Channel that people need to stop being lazy with the one-handed vertical operation, and take the time to hold the camera in the orientation. No one uses the common sense that if we were supposed to view it in portrait mode, our eyes would be on top of each other, not side by side.
djames225 1
Perhaps the triple 7 took it's name too seriously. "TAAG you're it, as it nails the light pole"
Just glad it didn't mow anyone over.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

richard turner 7
What do you really think about the Portuguese?
I believe this incompetence could be possible anywhere. Not just in Portugal.
Leander Williams -1
I think that perhaps an equal amount of blame should be on the aircrew. Obviously someone didn't do the engine shutdown checklist, which is where the parking brake is set. The fly in the ointment did the pilot's taxi to the designated parking area or was the airport ground crew responsible for moving the plane. Maybe an overlooked scenario [no one on the ground on-site mentioned it] was that the tug was trying to go into position to tow when the plane started to roll.
djames225 3
"Yes I am to roam the airport grounds alone........OH crap"
Jetfixr 3
Why was there not a brake rider looks like the towbar broke!
racerxx 3
I'm guessing you just read the headline.
Don Quixote -4
Didn't even know this airline existed.
Maybe that's why they are called TAAG. Always bumping into things.
patrick baker -4
no way this aircraft is airworthy. no way i am going to be a passenger on this aircraft. 777's bruise easily, so much has to be checked (by someone qualified to do so), so don't expect to see this bird flying for a few day, minimum
Roger Anderson 1
The flight was eventually cancelled. Not sure what their relief plans are
The passengers were the relieved ones.
jim sisti 4
In speed tape we trust. Just grab another roll of it and gob some over that dent, and we are good to go
Interested to know if it is standard practice to park with brakes off and chocks or brakes on and chocks.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

djames225 6
Let me place Andy's question into context you may comprehend. He wants to know if an aircraft, parked as it was, has the brakes left with chocks on the wheels, or do they leave brakes on and chock the wheels also? Highflyer1950 was nice and gave him the rundown on what happens.
HTH that question made no sense to you, boggles the mind!
I think he doth understand little. We could be friends!
djames225 1
left off*
I am not trolling with anybody. I asked a reasonable question and your reply is an attack. You make no attempt to answer (maybe you do not know either?) and I await a more reasonable and thoughtful response to help me be better informed.
You tell him Andy . He's usually an a** at his better times .
Thanks. I am sad for people who go therough life like that. I am a former Brit who has lived in the south for over 40 years and we have a great expression here "Bless his heart". Appropriate I believe
Highflyer1950 21
Usually brakes are off and nose and main wheels are chocked. Hydraulic pressure will bleed off after a period of time but more important the aircraft will not be able to be repositioned by a tug only. Although in most airlines a cockpit qualified ground staff usually occupies the left seat during towing ops with the APU running to provide brake pressure via the electrically operated Hyd Pumps.
Andy Cruickshank 12
Thank you. That is what I would have thought and your response was comprehensive and polite unlike Linbb above who seemd to delight in being a jerk!. What a sad way to live your life.
william baker 4
Opps someone was being a chock head today. Glad nobody was hurt thou but looking at the video why didnt the guys on the tug try to stop it since they were in front. Yes they would have had some damage but would have been safer i think.
sharon bias 7
Somebody is going to be looking for a new job.


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