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'jihad' wifi halts flight

Pilot refuses to fly packed airplane because passenger labelled his personal wifi ‘Jihadist Cell London 1’ The worrying wifi name was seen on a Thomson plane due to depart from Cancun to Gatwick After security officials failed to find the culprit, the flight from Cancun to Gatwick was cancelled ( Más...

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matt jensen 1
25 May 2017 is when the flight was scheduled.
Kobe Hunte 1
it had it on a news website and it said that it had happened yesterday:(
bbabis 2
This one may have. My guess is once someone gets news coverage doing it then the low IQ copycats also come out of the woodwork.
Kobe Hunte 1
this one i think really did happen when it did...that website is a very good website for that...

bbabis 1
Very poorly written story about a situation that happened months ago. A valid terrorist act happens and then these stories come out of the woodwork. Journalism has done the same disappearing act as common sense in this country.
Kobe Hunte 1
Jihad sorry


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