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Unruly Passenger Forces United Airlines Flight To Make unscheduled stop at SFO

An United Airlines flight from China to Newark was forced to make an unscheduled stop at San Francisco International Airport after the flight crew became exhausted from delays caused by an unruly passenger while the plane was boarding in Shanghai... ( Más...

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David Buck 1
Should have tazered the old b-tard
Merete Madsen 2
Agree, he should have been left in Shanghai ....but now they should send him the bill!
"Older white Yank in MAGA hat gets the Colonies a bad name".

Hmm, where have I heard that before?

Wishing our cousins across the Atlantic a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

Torsten Hoff 4
They should have left him at the gate in Shanghai.
matt jensen 1
Don't understand why they let him board
Mike Mohle 4
Send him the bill! One landing and T/O is what, 20K? Plus passengers' personal time and missed connections. 100K ought to be getting close.

josh homer 6
Making America Great idiot at a time!


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