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Taiwan's Bid to Join ICAO Was Denied

Taiwan's request to be invited to the September 27 ICAO meeting in Montreal was denied. ICAO is the UN's regulatory arm for the aviation industry. Taiwan was invited to attend an ICAO meeting in 2013 but has not been invited since. Many suspect that China moved to prevent Taiwan from being invited in order to further isolate Taiwan politically. Taiwan's Taoyuan International Airport is the fifth busiest cargo airport in the world and the 11th busiest international passenger… ( Más...

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randomguy 1
Joining ICAO is not the same as being invited to a meeting is it?

Hap Arnold 1
China will take over Taiwan with our help. We are intentionally proceeding towards a one world government. Each of the major countries is convinced they will run it; in fact none of them will.
Jeff Phipps 1
And what does ICAO get out of bending to China's will? Does China pay a disproportionate amount of fees to the ICAO? I don't get it.
Politics beats out safety and common sense -- again.


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