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Check out this Citation Jet taking off from Courchevel Airport

Watch as a Citation Jet takes off from the French Alps ( Más...

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30west 1
So how does that BFL work-out on that takeoff? Not!

30west 1
It's the amount of runway required so that at V1 with a engine failure just before V1, the distance to accelerate and continue the takeoff is equal to the distance required to stop on the payment. Accelerate-go = accelerate-stop, thus a "balanced field".

With that runway length, steep downhill slope, higher indicated airspeeds due to the altitude; I don't believe a successful abort near V1 would have had a pretty outcome due to the inability to stop the jet on the pavement before the cliff.

It's an adrenaline rush, I'm sure, (much more so if you loose one!) to do, but unfair to any unsuspecting passengers or the owner of the jet who expect/demand that the flight to be operated within normal safety limits, not hoping all systems continue operating normally to achieve a successful outcome. Just my opinion.
Explanation appreciated. I have heard of BFL but not the acronym!. Courchevel is a rush in a 172 and I have difficulty understanding how they (safely) got a Citation in there. I agree that it would not take much for a nasty outcome. It is worth a visit if you ever get the chance. I have been to Saba, and St Barths and landed at both, but to date Courchevel is my favorite!
30west 1
I always enjoyed flying into Aspen (7000' runway, at 7820' agl) and Telluride (6870' runway at 9078' agl) in a Falcon 50 and SNA (5700' runway) in a B757. They were out of the routine for the airports that I normally operated in and out of. Always liked the River Visual into DCA, as well.
I have flown in and out of Courchevel with an instructor from the Flying School there in a C172. Absolutely fantastic! The instructor was very helpful and for Euro 150 I had the experience of a lifetime (read bucket list!).
The runway is 1750 ft long and at 6600 ft elevation. I recall it is an 18% grade for the step part.
linbb 1
Looks like it went as planned very little if any sink off the end nice job.
Peter Atherton 1
Another angle here...yikes!


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