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14yr old Girl Readies for Air Race Classic

While most high school freshmen are preparing for their driving tests, 14-year-old Danielle Carastro is busy preparing for a cross-country airplane race. ( Más...

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Paul Robbins 2
Does anyone know what airport the race starts at in Fredericksburg?
Joe Daniel 1
Stafford Regional Airport KRMN
Paul Robbins 2
I was just wondering because my uncle owns KEZF near Fredericksburg, and I was wondering if it was there.
Joe Daniel 1
Here are the designators for the entire route and a way to follow online
In reality, she's preparing to go on an airplane ride!!!
Paul Robbins 3
True, but if there is a CFI rated pilot with her than the time will be counted as duel control time, she can't operate as PIC though.
I know that. The point is, she isn't a competitor in the race.
Down-vote me some more for pointing out the obvious. Let's see if I could get to -100!!!
Joe Daniel 1
THRUSTT, I beg to differ. YES, she is a Competitor... According to the story, she can and will be acting as a pilot on any given leg of the race. And since she is a listed an official team member, she is subject to all the fines and penalties listed in the rules of competition located on the ARC website. (

In addition, her Aunt Susan, the lead Pilot, is a CFI. The Racing officials have already approved her for competition.
30west 2
She is listed as a "teammate', neither as pilot nor co-pilot. She could log dual received, but so could Jessica Debroff which didn't end well. And I am NOT suggesting that as an outcome here, but only highlighting the hype that pretends that a non-pilot could truly be the decision maker, or the manipulator of the controls in an "in extremes" situation. The PIC would make the decision on all significant areas of the flight and not allow a non-pilot fly in other very routine situations.
Joe Daniel 0
Did you read the competition rules? Are you familiar with the team setups? Even though she is listed as a teammate, that person can still fly provided they meet the flight requirements.

Apples to oranges. Jessica was a 7yr old. Danielle is 14 going on 15. She is already old enough for a drivers permit in Mississippi. She is also part of an aviation family and practically raised at the airport.

I need to study up on the CPSA I dont feel comfy commenting on that part yet.

And I down voted you because IMO, it was not obvious, since she is competing and not doing a ride along. And gosh darn it, it would only let me vote once.
30west 1
Joe, I am not comparing the two people, but using that example as the ultimate hype of using young and in Jessica's case very, very young, non-pilots to be hyped as qualified pilots achieving this or that aviation goal.

Her exposure to aviation is great and will serve her well in future aviation endeavors once she becomes a certificated pilot beginning with the Student Pilot Certificate. Until then she is being used a prop to gain exposure for the event.
BaronG58 2
Calling her prop is a little much. Aviation is in her DNA, family business and tradition. I get the feel from the article she is carrying on the tradition and her family is exposing her to any and all things aviation.
Joe Daniel 1
Baron said it better than I did. And in fewer words.

Joe Daniel 1
I can see your point concerning that it is not a direct comparison. But on your other point, I do not believe she is being used as a prop. This is an article in a local newspaper. As far as I can tell, it has not been picked up by any major news wire, nor have I seen it linked back to or from the ARC website. I am willing to bet, that no one here would have even know about it, had it not been squawked. In anycase, this is exactly what the ARC is all about. A event to stir the dreams of flight and encouraging and educating current and future women pilots. As a final note, had Daneille wanted to fly gliders or balloons, show would already be soloing.
30west 3
I agree with both you and Baron that my referring to her as a prop was over the top. Thanks for calling me on that.
Joe Daniel 1
H.R. 3267 (104th): Child Pilot Safety Act
Introduced: Apr 18, 1996 104th Congress, 1995–1996
Status: Died in a previous Congress This bill was introduced in a previous session of Congress and was passed by the House on July 22, 1996 but was never passed by the Senate.

This appears to be a very poorly written bill based on knee jerk reactions. Paul, did you read the summary or entire wording of the Hours Resolution? Alas, it is not relevant to this discussion since it is dead.
Paul Robbins 2
Ok, I didn't realize that the CPSA was shot down; anyway I wish her the best of luck in her race and her pursuit of becoming a pilot!
BaronG58 2
Joe...thanks for taking the time to look that up and post. AS I said in my earlier post I was going from memory and that does not always work these days. 8-)
Joe Daniel 1
No problem Baron. It is too easy to be called out on mistaken facts now that everyones got the interweb and smartypants phones...
Paul Robbins 2
Yeah, I thought this sounded a lot like Jessica Debroff when I first read this story. Today I looked all over the FARs trying to find if this is even legal or not. According to Federal Aviation Reauthorization Act of 1996, and the Child Pilot Safety Act THIS SOUNDS illegal to me!
BaronG58 2
I could be wrong (going from memory) the child pilot saftey act was passed by the House but never passed by the Senate.
There are a lot of those, my intent is not to rain on someone's parade. It just points out that these flights are being flown with a baby-sitter. Jessica Dubroff, Amelia Earhart, etc., so the baby-sitter is the PIC/record holder...
Paul Robbins 2
Paul Robbins 7
I can kinda relate to her because I started flying when I was 13 years old, and I just soloed on May 25, 2015 on my 16th birthday. It's really cool to see other people my age flying!
30west 2
Awesome, wishing you the best!!
adambear8 3
I can relate to her as I am 16 now, and started when I was 13/14. Sadly have not soloed yet due to not getting enough consecutive time to work on my maneuvers, but hope to solo soon. Also started flying before getting my drivers permit.
Joe Daniel 3
I would bet money that yall are 10x the drivers that your fellow classmates will be. You both know that there is more to this world than left-right, drive-reverse. Keep up the studies and solo you will.
Paul Robbins 2
Thanks for the encouragement!
Paul Robbins 2
Hahahaha, everyone asks me if I have my drivers license now, but I haven't even started it yet! We are in good company though, Neil Armstrong, the man who landed on the moon, was the same way; pilot before driver! It's awesome to see other 16 year old pilots.
30west 2
Great work, keep it up!!
BaronG58 4
Happy belated birthday Paul. Conduct all future flights as your first solo and you will be just fine.
Paul Robbins 5
Yes sir, and thank you.


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