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United Airlines May Move Training Out Of Denver

United Airlines is considering moving its training center out of Denver. The company uses flight simulators to train its pilots in the Stapleton neighborhood. The facility, at East 32nd Avenue and South Quebec Street, has been there since the 1950’s. ( Más...

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preacher1 1
Well, facilities in Houston are newer but I am like Scott here below, why change it. I have just always operated on the principle of " If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Scott Campbell 1
Anyhow, now that I got that out. Denver is the perfect place for anyone who wants to be 3 hours to anywhere in the country outside of Hawaii. Makes no sense to have 3, cant be spending that much on their travel, and they're all sitting up front taking a perfectly good First seats out of play or profit, so what the hell leave it ... non story
Joseph Terry 2
I have never seen a non-rev flying first class. In fact, they fly standby. FYI
Shawn Connelly 1
I've flown first class non-rev plenty of times. And I'm just a parent of a ramp agent.
Scott Campbell 1
Employees on non-rev are watching the loads and
Making sure there is room in business or first on long haul flights also-
I've flown with many pilot wives in first that were non revs - sorry Joseph not sure where you learned to BS but your BS ing the wrong crowd there champ ... , Going home commuting , they'd sit anywhere just to get home , as would I. Could
care less if I'm standing by - I'd sit on luggage if it was allowed ;)
preacher1 2
It has really gotten tighter over the past several years as capacity has been tightened up and not near as many empty seats. Some airlines are even making some arrangements for employees flying out of a domicile, but not living there. The dependents are having a tough time of things though on account of that capacity thing. As far as this SIM training or something like it that is company directed(crew repo), they will have a seat and not be standby. To show how things have changed, a friend of mine up here is a retired PanAm driver with good seniority of the board at MIA. They moved into AR about 12 years before he retired onto some family land up here. He would commute out of LIT to MIA, pull his runs, and then back. Never missed a trip. Retired about a year before they went out.
Scott Campbell 1
Not on company travel for their pilots - I've ridden with pilots
In first on their way to training-
Scott Campbell 1
An ATP would know that - look like you picked the wrong job
preacher1 3
If it were to happen, I would put it at DEN. As stupid as it was, Houston did not make a grab or overture of any kind to keep the corporation down there. They shouldn't have this just drop into their laps. I rule out Chicago cause that is just a bunch of losers up there.
I do wonder if they have any regrets over the Chicago move. Remember them getting walloped on their fuel tax by Chicago and the great state of Illinois? Guess they didn't get the memo that smart business is departing that area (headquarters wise).
preacher1 1
You know I have been a vocal opponent of that move for various reasons. Plastic surgery or education will help some things, but you can't fix stupid and that is all you can say about that move. I don't think they got the memo, and if they did, Jeffrey didn't read it. sad part was, he just put it out there to float it, expecting something to keep them there. They really didn't acknowledge his moving, thing he wouldn't or whatever. At any rate, they mad no overture of any kind and Chitown did, so he had no choice.
ashepley17 1
Have you even met any United ORD employees?

Scott Campbell 1
well of course cause he knows them all, and yes he thinks your losers, :0 but i think he means Tilton and the ex big wigs
preacher1 2
I ain't talking about ORD people or even aircrews. I'm talking about the guys in the Ivory Tower that Jeffrey surrounded himself with when he moved up there
ashepley17 1
In that case Chicago is full of losers!
Scott Campbell 1
you bet cha
preacher1 2
Shawn Connelly 1
Another article not he subject,


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