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SpiceJet: Indian airline planes 'grounded'

India's troubled airline SpiceJet has grounded flights after oil companies refused to refuel any of its planes, reports say. The debt-ridden carrier owes money to creditors, including oil companies. SpiceJet is India's fourth-biggest airline by market share. ( Más...

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steve rogers 1
that's just the tip of the ice berg , I wonder what else can be wrong with this situation , if you can no longer afford to fuel your aircraft , how can you keep them mechanically sound ? and how long has this been going on ? some of these planes could be on the edge of disaster , I sure would think twice flying with these guys for a while .

ssjan 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

SpiceJet operations canceled

India's fourth largest airline has been losing money for years, and for the first time, it's facing the consequences.
preacher1 1
I'm a guessin' that fuel companies weren't getting paid so they cut them off. Petrol industry is notorious for basically cash. In other words, I got 10,000 gallons. You pay with cash or certified check and I'll dump my load. You don't, I won't.


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