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TFRs in effect around KSTL in wake of ferguson announcement

In the Wake of the Michael Brown shooting, TFRs have been set up around Ferguson, MO to "PROVIDE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES" ( Más...

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matt jensen 3
When the step-father made his statement, they should have arrested him on the spot for domestic terrorism and dropped him and his cohorts off at gitmo. I'd gladly fly them there.

When people bring Halloween masks to a protest its a dead give away what's next. Lol
I think I could hear Cindi Lauper singing in the background.
As Captain Lou Albano's body-slamming her...
LOL - I never could figure out all of those rubber bands in his facial hair.
preacher1 2
From the looks of things last night it may have been needful. What is sad is that with all the Emergency preparation from a month or so back is that a big part was burned and looted last night. The good part was apparently no injuries.
Other than the guy they found dead today - in the driver seat of a car...oh, and the Fox News guys who had their camera busted.
joel wiley 1
Was the death related to the Grand Jury decision, or just the usual overnight activities?
preacher1 1
I heard about the camera. Hadn't heard about the dead guy.
Its odd - they were talking about it on WGN AM (Chicago) other news source is talking about the body.
sparkie624 4
And it was all still going on at 5 AM this morning... Not sure what is wrong with these idiots... Morning police reports here in STL state that it was worse than the worst possible case that they imagined it could be,
Ray Zimmermann 1
Worse than they imagined? Apparently they never heard the old adage "prepare for the worst and hope for the best." As public safety officials, there job is to imagine the worst.
sparkie624 1
They said they prepared for the worst, and it was even worse than they ever perceived.

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sparkie624 1
I am not sure what you mean by training... I never mentioned training... If you are referencing my term to idiots, I was referring to the idiots that are doing the rioting, not the police. I think the Police did a good job, and if anything they should have gone with in solid force, taken these people down with what ever force was needed. We are talking about Criminal Acts Of Vandalism and Flagrant disrespect for other peoples property.... If I was in charge it would have been much difference and the ones caught in the act would be in the corners office right now. These people were acting like savages, they should have been treated like savages.
To your point, there is something amiss when the police watch people vandalize, rob, then burn people's businesses and do nothing. So tell me again about protect and serve.
preacher1 2
Commander of MO state police last nite admitted on CBS and probably others, that they screwed up big time from the leadership standpoint. Resources were there but nobody directing them in unison. Governor tripling the NG for tonight but I imagine it's way too late.
preacher1 1
I'll tell you like I told another friend up there, keep your head down and you butt covered, and stay as far away from it as you can.
sparkie624 1
You got it.... And come 6PM, I am out of here headed south bound as fast as I can go....
preacher1 1
Make sure you go in and come down 55 instead of the loop. They had some traffic stopped on 44 somewhere last night. Just be careful. I am generally down early with all this recovery so I probably won't be on. I'm up awhile but past that I'll talk to you tomorrow.
sparkie624 1
Always... From the Airport, I am south bound all the way.... I never go to the North.
matt jensen 1
Landed at Scott last night - traffic all f*kedup. Classic CF!
preacher1 2
I thought that was normal for over there. LOL


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