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Aluminum Patch May Be From Amelia Earhart's Lost Plane ?

Researchers say they may have identified a piece of the airplane flown by vanished aviatrix Amelia Earhart as she made an ill-fated bid to circle the globe more than 70 years ago. As reported by Discovery News, an investigation done by the International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery. ( Más...

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chalet 1
TIGHAR has been fabricating Amelia findings for over 20 years funding their scapades bumming money from a lot of naive or unsuspecting people including good ole Hillay Clinton when she was SOS (I belive it was 2 million) in fact a number of lawsuits have been instituted against N. Gillespie, Thigar's inventer-in-chief such as(
bbabis 0
You couldn't be more wrong. You are believing the wrong people. Look at the facts and give them the chance to look at the sonar imaging with a camera and we may finally solve this mystery. If lawsuits controlled the truth we surely would be in a heap of trouble.
chalet 1
Yeah, and I just saw Elvis driving his pink Cadillac down 5th Ave. after picking up some rags at Bergdorf and Saks, and by the way I have an irresistible offer for you: a 5,000 sq.ft. luxurious chalet beachfront with a private pier and a boat,´gleaming white sand just outside Denver, Colo. at a firesale price.
bbabis 1
If you saw Elvis, I do not care to take you up on your offers. I will gladly let you pass by and have a nice life. So sad. Hope it works out for you.
chalet 1
On a serious note: Google TIGHAR, GILLESPIE and you will find reams about their grandiose schemes and claims and proof of their 100% failure rate.
bbabis 1
Thank you for the seriousness. I have researched and followed TIGHAR extensively. I get every update and yes I have contributed. I also gave money help find and recover "Glacier Girl" and am satisfied with how it turned out. In the search for lost needles business, failure is the norm but they have far from a 100% failure rate. This story is part of a positive find. At least there is evidence that can be quantified and more that must be further researched. As of today, the search for MH370 has a 100% failure rate but we keep looking. No one's theory is wrong and no one's is right until the evidence starts tipping the scale. Safe travels.
How serendipitous would it be if Amelia Rose kicked off the search to find Amelia Mary, and found more as to Amelia Mary's and Noonan's whereabouts..
Richard Smith 3
The TIGHAR group have been making claims about finding AE's airplane for years. Even Hillary mentioned them a couple years ago. They must need more donations for "research."
Martin Haisman 2
That's a nice piece of aluminium that has resisted salt corrosion for over 70 years.
Pileits 2

Ric Wernicke 4
Let me see. An aluminum scrap is declared to be from a rather small plane, but MH370 is nowhere to be found.

That scrap could be from a canoe I paddled at summer camp.
siriusloon 3
Given TIGHAR's success rate, that's almost certainly what it's from.
linbb 1
Well lets see they found it according to the paper in 1991 in one account. If so why so long to id it? Nope they have been sued by at least one person for defrauding him don't know how that turned out. They are crooks and just show up when most have forgotten about what they are about so they can get more money.NO GO NOTHING NEW HERE

[This poster has been suspended.]

linbb 0
Gee is that there new quest? Bet with there record they will find it in about two lifetimes.LOL
siriusloon 10
And it will be flown by Elvis and Brice Lee, with in-flight entertainment provided by Jim Morrison.
bentwing60 4
If this fabricated and so called identifiable patch was indeed riveted to the airframe how come they found it but believe that the airframe itself is off a shelf in 600 feet of water, more or less intact. Wouldn't the patch still be attached to the airframe? TIGHAR has been prospecting for a very long gone Amelia for a while now so I'm a tad skeptical on this one. Maybe they will find Noonan since he was supposedly known to be "pickled" most of the time.
bbabis 0
It does make sense. The piece was found on the island and bent in such a way as to possibly make a cooking utensil out of it or something to at least collect and boil water in. Since it was patched over a window and not part of a larger skin that would of had to have been cut, the castaways could have kicked it out while they got what they could before the plane was lost to the sea. I think it showed signs of being used in a fire and the vast majority of water that got on it over time was fresh rain water not saltwater. I would love for the next expedition to the island to bring back something with a traceable number on it. A part of the fuselage or an engine would leave no doubt.


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