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Amazon planning to have delivery by drone

On CBS's 60 Minutes, Jeff Bezos revealed that is hoping to have 30 minute delivery by drone available in four to five years. ( Más...

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AAaviator 1
Lots of questions about this! How will the following be dealt with: shears, gusts and strong crosswinds? thunderstorms, and all other weather related phenomenon? obstacles near landing area like trees, flagpoles, utility poles? how to deliver to high rise buildings? mechanical failure and LIABILITY? vandalism - while on the ground, or by skeet shooters?!! saturated drone level airspace and crashes or collisions with other drones, birds, objects, etc. My UPS guy delivers packages to my covered porch which keeps them more secure, and dry when it rains. I would love to see a drone maneuver beneath my covered porch! All in all, its an interesting idea but years away from "prime time". More likely to happen first will be FAA surveyed landing zones in designated local areas where packages would be securely "air dropped" into the custody of company employees who will STILL make overland delivery in the end.
AAaviator 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Amazon Drone Delivery

Amazon proposes package delivery by drones. The FAA is studying rulemaking for drone operation in US airspace.
preacher1 1
One thing I don't think anybody has said but will be a factor: Pilot or auto course program?
Drone hunting may become popular. Lol. But I don't see drones flying down at people level. Also, a 5 lb package dropped from a couple hundred feet can cause damage and death. Bezos must be using really good dope.
preacher1 1
Well, the link on the story showed it coming to ground level and releasing it's package so I guess we'll see.
Everybody was supposed to have a flying car decades ago too.
preacher1 1
yep. LOL
Gene Nowak 2
What a PANDORA'S BOX this will open. I hope the FAA takes a rigid approach, if not outright ban, to any generalized use of drones by public and private corporations or the general public. If not, the next thing we will be seeing are statistics on drone strike occurrences of aircraft in NTSB reports. The NTSB will then have to investigate each drone strike to find out who is responsible for damage to the Rolex, or other valuable contents in transit.

Then of course, after you allow general public ownership, we can have each drone delivering 2 kilos of pot, heroine or cocaine directly to your door using fake Amazon markings. Imagine the number of drones crossing our borders from Canada and Mexico daily, being piloted by faceless drug dealers with unregistered drones. They can not only deliver, but return with the cash. How many $100 bills can be crammed into a 5 Lb. box? Further, do we authorize and arm the Border Patrol now with automatic weapons capable of shooting them all down, going both ways?
Marcus Pradel 2
Amazon did a great job at being the most talked Company this Cyber Monday..

When can I get Drone Pizza? But how's it going to ring the doorbell?
Jim Lynch 0
Amazon is just the beginning. Take this to its LOGICAL conclusion - every dumbass MBA and reality-challenged "entitled" executive in North America firing off drones in every direction every 30 seconds for the novelty of an instant delivery, and before long we may not be able to see the sun for the millions of drones criss-crossing the sky (and the smoking ruins of the crashes and collisions).

And has ANYONE thought about aircraft in the sky? It would only take ONE drone to pull an A380 and 400+ people out of a stabilised approach or departure and down into a high-rise or otherwise populated area.

This smacks of NO THOUGHT AT ALL. And it's only a matter of time before the Department of Homeland Security starts popping off rockets at bad guys.

What kind of Wild West is the US nowadays, anyway?? It may take two years, hundreds of millions of dollars and extensive background checking to start an airline, but Amazon can start flinging books into the sky at will - nationwide - in 30 seconds?

WHERE are the Departments of "That's a really stupid idea" that are so badly needed, especially these days?

I watched a documentary last night on the ancient peoples who abandoned their cities two thousand years ago, and the closing comment, by an archaeologist, was that EVERY Empire falls eventually, no matter what... the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire, the Mayan Empire - and now the American Empire.

We don't know why the Mayan Empire fell, but we do know that the Roman Empire collapsed through use of lead in its food containers and the degeneracy of its leaders (Nero, et al). The American Empire is clearly WELL on its way to ending through sheer stupidity and greed.
MultiComm 2
I agree to most of this but keep in mind the FAA still has jurisdiction of the airspace. Even if this is allowed it will take 5 maybe 10 years to "get of the ground". By then established routes could be determined (to avoid busy airspace [i.e. RNAV routes]) and altitude restrictions (i.e. Max 200 feet) and with the on coming of ADS-B mandates, it would have the ability to "see and avoid" based on known position.

I really don't see the necessity of this but you gotta give Amazon some credit for thinking outside the if they pull it off in several years.
Gene Nowak 2
Yes you can give them a max. 200 feet. However, then they need terrain following radar like the F16 to clear the 20+ story buildings in such places as Chicago, NYC, Miami, Houston, Dallas, LA and the like.

I don't deny them the credit of thinking outside the box. The only thing they didn't consider was the REPERCUSSIONS of their thought OUTSIDE OF THEIR FLIGHT BOX!
MultiComm 1
Come'on, with all the mapping technologies out there that guide our GPS devices I am rather positive that it would take something much simpler than terrain following radar. Give it a GPS chip and a 4G connection and it will easily avoid talk buildings and be able to maintain a set altitude above the streets that it is navigating by.

Yes, following streets, not the most efficient route but certainly the most do-able.

BC Hadley 5
The quest for immediate gratification will be our undoing.
josh homer 2
The underlying factor being greed. We are consumers, not survivors. We lack the knowledge, determination, resolve, and courage of our grandfathers. Our undoing is by our own hand, while refusing any part of this disaster. We blame politicians and the rich, but it's our fault for letting it happen.
bbabis -3
AMZN is too high already. Any more money put into this effort should definitely trigger a short, and I'm not talking octocopter batteries.
jclark12345 1
$120 billion disagrees.
Silly! Right up to the time it cuts somebody's head off.
Ric Wernicke 5
Why doesn't Amazon work to establish a bird farm between runways at every major airport? That makes as much sense as having self-guided aerial vehicles bombing our front porches.

America has 30 minute delivery now. It's called Domino's. It has the advantage of placing the item in the hands of the buyer, not dropping it in a place only accessible from the air.

In Tokyo or Hong Kong I can get anything delivered quickly. In Los Angeles McMaster-Carr has same day delivery of industrial supplies. Why do quadcopters need to interfere with aviation?

Bezos' vision is to deliver only 5 pounds using an electric powered device while quickly touting how green this delivery system is compared to other delivery vehicles. This is disingenuous malarkey sauce. The batteries and motors involve manufacturing processing that far out pollutes the fossil fuel delivery vehicles. The energy needed is in excess of that needed by conventional vehicles. The use of electric power simply moves the tailpipe from the vehicle to the power plant.

A person on a bicycle could make a delivery of up to 50 lbs. in New York faster than a quadcopter with no "carbon footprint." (I admit a hot pepper hero sandwich consumed by the bike rider could contribute undesirable atmospheric methane.)
DrBHathaway 4
Keep in mind that moving the emissions from the tailpipe to the power plant isn't an equal thing. Small vehicle engines are very inefficient with thermal efficiencies in the 20-30% range, while power plants typically are using their fuel at a thermal efficiency of 40-50% and electric motors around 90+% efficient in converting electricity into thrust. Thus emissions per unit of energy used are reduced via electrification.

Additionally, the batteries and simple motors used to make quad-copter style drones are not more polluting than the manufacturing methods used to produce a street-legal delivery vehicle. That's simply nonsense, and many studies on life-cycle emissions associated with manufacture of various transportation devices would back that up.

Aside from those two oversights, I do agree with the general gist of your statement that it isn't needed and presents significant concerns for aviation. However, you mustn't exaggerate or oversimplify, as it hurts your stance in the long run.
MultiComm 0
Nice comment Ric! :)
Sean Kelly 2
Amazon's page on the topic:
Bob Ziehm 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Amazon trialling the use of drones for parcel delivery

“The big idea is half-hour delivery,” he said. “You order something and within half an hour you can have a drone land on your front porch, drop off a little box and off it goes.”


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