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Engine Out Caught On Video, Well Performed

A 22-year-old instructor suffered an engine out while flying with his 18-year-old student in a Jabiru J-170 at Victoria Point, Australia, two weeks ago and all ended ruggedly, but well, for the pair in a sequence that was captured by an in-cockpit video recorder ( Más...

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Steamjet 2
NICE JOB..... A real pro....
Pat Barry 1
Is that a real aircraft? It looks like a hang glider with a canopy over it.
Robert Benjamin 9
It must be a horrible thing to go through life thinking every thing is "staged" or a conspiracy. This Kid did a great job and deserves all the credit he is getting.Chalet, go back to flying your google sim.

Cole Meierstein 3
Brian Crosby 8
So we have determined two things....

1. The pilot did an amazing job
2. Chalet is a jackass
Toby Sharp -2
Chalet is a great guy.....somebody just burned his breakfast this mornin' is all. Knock it off. let's go home.
chalet 1
How did you know it, did the CIA or FBI tell you that, LIMAO
joel wiley 1
Blame Snowden, it was the No Such Agency
chalet 1
Blame Bush (LIMAO)
chalet 2
He is frozen in London now, it can't be him
chalet -7
And what are you
Toby Sharp 1
I have a sense of humor.
Jeff Lawson 1
There is a little more detail at the original story from the Australian news source's article:
David7700 1
Plus here are some other pictures of the plane, one showing the broken prop:
Justin Hunt 1
I guess some of your expertise isn't from first hand experience. When I had an engine failure I was extremely calm and reverted to my previous training and instinct. I was in a mooney when the engine stopped and I was a little higher then he was but I made sure my passengers knew what to do. I calmly told center what I was going to do. Freaking out only lets the airplane do what it wants to do and not the other way around. Remember... Calm, cool and collected! A true professional.
David7700 1
I've never had a true engine out. I am glad you consider yourself a professional though. Good job on how you handled your engine out.

What exactly did you take issue with in my post?
David7700 1
Ooops. Maybe you were not responding to my post. I never have posted here before, and I got an email that you had replied to my post (I thought), but perhaps not. Anyway, cheers.
Justin Hunt 2
Wasn't replying to you just the ones calling it fake. I do consider myself a professional but I was calling the instructor a true professional
David7700 2
My apologies. Just figuring out how all of this "squawking" works.
David7700 4
At 1100' (the article doesn't say if this is AGL or ASL) I don't think you'd be leaning at all. I keep mixture full rich at pattern altitude at KFCI at 1200' ASL. Doing simulated engine outs at 1200' when I know where the runway is and where I am going to go, I have a quick second or two to simulate checking the mixture, switching tanks, turning on the fuel pump, ignition, etc. Looks like he used that time to find a suitable place to set the plane down.

When the engine quits (they are saying it was surging before that, so the CFI had taken over from the first time student), the CFI reaches for the mixture. It is between the seats behind the yoke. I assume he is checking full rich, but there's a choke and carb heat on the panel there, too. There might be trim there as well, I can't tell from the cockpit pictures I googled.

It then appears to me he is looking for a place to land. He keeps touching the throttle and the mixture/carb heat/choke/trim, but I do not see him touch the ignition. It looks like he continues focusing on finding a landing spot that he can make.

At that altitude, he probably decided not to try a restart (or never had much time to think about that). I won't second guess that.

When he turns final for his field and knows he has it made, he puts in the flaps. It looks like he lines up for the field behind the pond, but doesn't like something he sees, so he sidesteps across that pump house. The prop struck a fence on landing and broke. It looks like he pulled the mixture back as they rolled to a stop.

I think he did a great job.
tim mitchell 2
I didn't have any audio....but I noticed the mixture never moved and he never tried to restart it......could be staged but I doubt it.....not enriching the the mixture would cause the engine to stop too.
jackaus 1
This Jabiru aircraft has no mixture control.
Colin Payette 1
My first impression was that they'd already gone through the checklist and were having engine trouble before the propellor stopped windmilling, before the start of this video.
rxcw43 1
I agree. The PF also continues to have his right hand on the throttle seeming to adjust it throughout the video. At the time the engine "stopped" there was almost no reaction by either person that such a thing happened. And to echo your point, he never tried to restart nor did he make any adjustments to the engine controls at the time the prop appeared to stop turning.
David7700 1
I think he was looking for a place to land. I keep my hand on the throttle instinctively anytime I am at pattern altitude or below. Our FAA likes that, and my CFI would pull the power if my hand strayed from it unless we were too low like on take off--then he would just elbow me until I put my hand back.

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joel wiley 4
And you base this conclusion on......?

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Toby Sharp 5
I can. got a medical that says so anyways. Have a good weekend Chalet!
Colin Payette 8
Are you capable of discussing your theory without putting others down? Really, there's no sense in that. Why are you so upset?
Toby Sharp 5
I don't believe so.....why would you put a plane down in a field like that to make a video? He may have damaged the gear even in this landing. C'mon just sturing the pot on this one?

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Toby Sharp 1
David7700 2
I don't think he's casually talking to his student. He was communicating with ATC and may have made a few remarks to the student to keep him calm, explain what he was doing, and remind him of what to do when they touched down and stopped.
shane mcmahon 2
I would say that the video is genuine.I had an engine failure while instructing a student in a PA-28 in march 2000. I talked through what I was doing to keep him and myself calm. Landed in a field with no damage.
Cole Meierstein 5
After seeing your post I totally watched it in a different way. I'm nearly 50/50 on my judgement.

1. The video lapses in between the instructor grabbing the yoke and the engine going out. Giving him time to lean the engine out without us seeing him do it.

2. Why isn't there audio? What was he saying to the kid?

1. If you "practicing" a dead stick why would you put an incompetent student at risk?

2. The prop clearly moves when the plane touches down leading me to believe that it would have struck the ground causing an expensive repair.

3. They way he approached that particular field (avoiding the pump house) doesn't seemed premeditated.
Grant Baker 1
There's no mixture control for the little Rotax engine on the J-170 if I remember correctly.
tim mitchell 1
I believe you are correct....that reddish-orange handle in there is the park brake.
tim mitchell 1
tim mitchell 2
same things I noticed
Toby Sharp 2
I'd create a Flight Instructor page advertising myself and put that on there.
randomguy 20
If I were the student, I'd think I just found a guy I'd take lessons from again.


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