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NTSB rips Boeing for failing to produce key door plug documents

Interesting read. One wonders what Boeing is trying to conceal if they won't turn over a list of names that worked on the faulty AS Max 9 door. ( Más...

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siriusloon 8
I truly believe that it's just a matter of time before Boeing starts selling off entire divisions or is bought outright. While it would be the end of a once-proud corporation with a sterling reputation, it's probably the only way to get engineers back in charge instead of beancounters looking after their stock options.
A decision that will do nothing to help rebuild confidence in Boeing. The only people who will gain from this are all at Airbus.
Vaughn Blue Jr 2
Boeing & Spirit are all trying to save their butts! I wouldn't be surprised if the NTSB shuts Boeing down until they come clean.
Keith Caley 1
Four days ago, I tried to post a squawk about this that I saw on one of my IT newsfeeds: -
avionik99 3
A union employee removed the plug and reinstalled it and did zero documentation on their work. How hard is that to figure out? The big question is Where are the missing bolts at??
Steven Newton 1
NPR is reporting that National Transportation Safety Board chair Jennifer Homendy told the committee the documents may not even exist.
linbb -3
NPR? Far from my first choice of news.
Bill Overdue 7
Well lets see .... CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and the New York Post .... they all say same thing ..
siriusloon 3
Good idea. You wouldn't want to risk allowing facts to sneak past the Fock Snooze propaganda in case you heard something that doesn't confirm all the "facts" you already know about everything.
jetjocknj 2
avionik99 1
The lazy union mechanic failed to install the bolts that hold the door on and never documented any paperwork for that same job. So what they are really looking for does not exist. Also, what exactly did this union worker do with those bolts that were left over?? They have to be somewhere??
HeissZephyr 1
Is it not the job of the FAA to ensure quality systems are in place and funtioning? Who is holding them accountable? Boeing is the easy target. Homendy, will you be looking into another government body or are you politically astute enough not to do that?
EMK69 1
To some degree yes, however like anything including our small company <100 if you are not honest in your dealings you can skim the system. I have caught two of our Vendor's trying to pull "getbyitis" when dealing in parts.

As a Retired Marine, I spent 28 years in the Corps with 24 having the QA stamp.
Vaughn Blue Jr 1
You got the wrong org. The NTSB is handling this situation. Homendy works for the NTSB!
HeissZephyr 1
I know that. I am asking if the NTSB will look into the FAA. What is happening within the FSDO responsible for Boeing?

Someone should "lift the rug" and cast some light there.

I will not hold my breath while waiting.
Bill Overdue -9
Sounds like one of two things probably happened:
1. The documents were never created, and therefore don't exist.
2. The document writer was in an ESG or DEI seminar during this time, and was unavailable.
Jennifer Homendy (Chair of NTSB) has stated "Boeing has one team of 25 employees and a manager that deals with the doors"
Whilst "Documents" may be questionable it is hard to believe that nobody knows which members of that team worked on the aircraft in question.
If there really is no record of who did what and when then it follows that there is little or no attempt at quality control and that does nothing to inspire confidence in their working procedures.
Bill Overdue 2
Wow, only 25 "union" workers and a manager! How in the world could such few people manage a door? Reminds me of state road workers all leaning on shovels watching one guy is working his azz off!
btweston 4
You need some new material.
Bill Overdue -1
Until Corporate DEI and ESG policies stop killing people, I'll keep reminding you what you voted for!
jetjocknj 1
Not serious about contributing to a knowledge-gathering and -sharing discussion. Probable right-winger.
Bill Overdue -2
To advance equity and diversity and build a culture of inclusion, we have established a set of aspirations we will strive to achieve by 2025: Increase the Black representation rate in the U.S. by 20%. Achieve parity in retention rates of all groups. Close representation gaps for historically underrepresented groups.
C J 2
In a purely hypothetical scenario, what would your reaction be if news broke that the technicians involved in this door plug issue were actually distracted by conversation about right wing conspiracies (such as the ones you toss around on here)? It's equally as likely as your paranoid fabrications.
Bill Overdue -1
Hmm, I'd say they watch waaaay too much MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS news shows!
jetjocknj 1
Still not serious.
jetjocknj -1
Not serious about contributing to a knowledge-gathering and -sharing discussion. Probable right-winger.
Bill Overdue 1
I'm contributing by informing fellow pilots and avaition enthusiasts regarding the very dangerous DEI and ESG programs that corporations were forced, albeit some willingly, into their environment. Along with record numbers of close calls, near misses and actual contact of aircraft, ATC failures, pilot errors due to DEI "training and acceptance"...and now the industry itself is beginning to suffer becuase of these principles, in a very bad way I might add! Wouldn't you say?9


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