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YouTube star Casey Neistat flew in a new Emirates first class suite — and he called it the 'all time greatest airplane seat'

YouTube star Casey Neistat checked out Emirates' new first class suites on a flight from Brussels to Dubai. He said the experience was "everything he ever wanted." ( Más...

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Mike Mohle 1
You Tube "Star"? Is that a thing? A thing that pays bills, something like a "job"?

George Lane 2
For an elite few, posting videos of oneself playing video games can be quite lucrative:

(No, I had never heard of this guy until I read an article about how famous he was).
joel wiley 2
It has been said the rich get that way from spending other people's money. I wonder who paid his fare?
Tom Novak 3
Emirates pays it. The guy shares the video on his youtube channel. Millions watch it and Emirates reach millions via this video. Yes this guys has millions of subscribers following his channel and he makes thousands of dollars from the ads.
So he’s flying free and giving a great review. Duh!
bentwing60 3
So why not just call it an ad? Duh! I bet in accounting Emirates does.


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