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The Safest Seat On A Plane, According To Studies Of Crash Data

Air travel is the safest form of transportation. In 2016, for the seventh year in a row, exactly zero people died from plane crashes on U.S.-certified scheduled airlines. Experts estimate your overall odds of perishing in a plane crash are well into the millions. But curious travellers may still wonder about the safest place to be in the event of a very unlikely accident. The answer, it turns out, depends on the type of crash you’re in. ( Más...

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sueridge307 2
have you all noticed this queen of the skies beautiful she may be is VH-OJM B744 now parked at Majovie and being stored there. nice shot or photo from the top of the jumbo jet

skippyroob744 2
Yes i flew her many times gran proud b744 that one. I thought the jump seat was the safest seat on a plane?
Torsten Hoff 2
I always thought it was the ejector seat.
I thought is was the rear of the Jumbo jet that was the safest place to be
matt jensen 1
The last one near the krapper


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