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NASA To Test New Approach System

NASA said this week they are ready to start airborne tests of new cockpit technology that aims to help air traffic controllers manage landings more efficiently. After years of research and lab tests, a full airborne demo of the system is scheduled to fly later this month over Washington state. The flight crews will be using software developed by NASA that directs pilots to fly at a certain speed and maintain a precise spacing with an aircraft flying ahead of them, all the way down to the runway. ( Más...

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Richard Smith 3
And then, what about wake turbulence? The requirement now behind Super Heavies (A380) is 7 miles, no exceptions. Put just a couple on final, and there goes the efficiency for the other aircraft.
Highflyer1950 3
Well that's a nice thought but one could only control the speed of each plane down to the last 5 miles or so before landing. Then after configuring for landing, the speeds can vary as much as 40 knots depending on aircraft type. Some jets have a final speed of just over 115 kts and others north of 145 kts. That 30 kt difference. eats up a fair chunk of airspace in 5 miles, not to forget about different spacing for different types.
bentwing60 2
They have been touting this for nextgen all along and every time I read it I think about going into TEB and hearing the controller peel out another airplane and send him to the back of the line cause they can't do the plus or minus ten for the spacing. Don't think it will only be about the airplanes, but they will be the biggest factor for sure.
Highflyer1950 5
TEB, ugh! I used to remember the wind would shift at JFK, that spun the actives at EWR around and TEB got the short end of stick. I really liked the controllers there, some of the best in the country.

bentwing60 2
Spot on about the controllers, and the ugh!


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