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Japan Airlines plane in flames on runway at Tokyo's Haneda airport

A Japan Airlines plane was in flames as it landed on a runway at Tokyo's Haneda airport on Tuesday evening. Footage on broadcaster NHK showed flames coming out of the windows of the aircraft and beneath it. The runway was also set alight. ( Más...

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Torsten Hoff 8
One thing that struck me when I saw images of the A350 fully engulfed in flames was that the fuselage was essentially intact even when flames were pouring out of every window. The composite fuselage structure held up much better to the intense fire than metal structures have in similar circumstances.

My condolences to the family and friends of the Coast Guard members who perished -- they were on a mission to bring emergency supplies to the victims of the earthquakes that just struck Japan.
Colin Seftel 7
The JAL cabin crew did an amazing job to safely evacuate 379 souls.
Torsten Hoff 7
It's not just the JAL flight and cabin crew who deserve praise, the passengers did their bit too by assisting each other and not dragging their carry-ons out with them.
Bandrunner 2
There are many other places where the selfish would have been barging through the rest and causing chaos, but they don't care.
I know someone who was on an evacuation drill for some research into passenger evac times. He did exactly the above and said he was only doing what he'd do in the real situation. I thought he was a selfish asshat.
Tim Dyck 1
Sadly there are a lot of people like him.
ken young 7
Please, no speculation or throwing around blame. Lets allow the process to unfold. Audio recordings of communication between ATC and aircraft would go a long way....
Marty Martino 3
Hear. Hear. Except to point out, at first glance, this incident appears, similar to the USAir-SkyWest collision at LAX back in 1991.
ken young 7
This is from You tube channel VAS Aviation.
4 hours ago (edited)
Any audio prior to the incident was recorded in such bad quality that it's nearly impossible to extract clear communications from either side. JAL516 did receive a clearance to land from ATC, and so they did readback. The Coast Guard aircraft had been instructed to hold short of the runway at intersection C2.

This pinned comment will be updated as more information releases. Leave your condolences here."
There are recordings of Comms POST incident. The audio quality is fair.
mbrews 2
From the Avherald site, (update as of Tuesday, Jan 2nd 2024 20:55Z)

.... "According to ATC recordings the A359 as well as a number of other aircraft departing runway 34R were handed off to Tower Frequency 118.725MHz, however, the Coast Guard DH8C was handed off to tower at 124.350MHz. JL-516, upon being handed off to tower by approach, was told by tower to "continue approach", about 90 seconds later tower cleared the aircraft to land. "....
New York Times has video doing a slow pan down port side of AC. I noticed a dent in the upper portion of the port engine nacelle that looks consistent with having struck something solid - perhaps the leading edge of a wing or elevator ? Not a great way to start a year, but thankful for the safe evac of all pax on the JAL flight.

matt jensen 3
The BBC still has the best coverage since the indident started
Jose Suro 3
Sky News reporting that the landing Airliner collided with A Japanese Coast Guard aircraft like this one:
Colin Seftel 2
You Tuber Juan Browne discusses the official ATC transcripts and reveals that the stop lights at the Charlie holding points listed as inoperative in Haneda NOTAMS.
Ichiro Sugioka 2
Compilation of videos of the accident starting with video taken onboard.
linbb 6
And looking at the interior videos shows everyone just kind of taking things as it goes. Unlike other videos of other airline accidents where people are getting luggage out of overhead bins, climbing over each other and such. And in doing so with this one everyone got out.
Tim Dyck 1
Here's a video from inside the plane. The end of the video shows the plane is a total loss.
Colin Seftel 2
Good analysis here:
Tim Dyck 2
Thanks for the link. That was a good video.
Yuji Mochizuki 1
Victor Engel 1
Is a modified TCAS for incursions possible?
Tim Dyck 1
I just heard about this. I am not sure how this kind of accident can happen at a modern airport.
Matt Smith 8
At least one aircraft was in the wrong place at the wrong time... We'll find out eventually.

Hats off to the Flight Crew on the A350 that apparently kept their heads and kept it straight and stopped "smoothly" on the runway rather than skidding off. That plane looks mostly intact until after everyone made it off.
Tim Dyck 5
I read an update. Sounds like the pilot of the Coast Guard plane survived but is in bad shape. As you say someone was wrong place at the wrong time and we won’t know until the actual investigation gets going. All kinds of speculation on social media with every whackadoodle idiot weighing in which is why I came here to see what people in the industry were saying about it all.
I agree that the flight crew on the A350 did a great job. Passengers were praising how they kept calm and professional and got everyone off before the plane was uninhabitable due to smoke. Training and practice are great but when the real thing happens some people fall apart, this crew kept it together.
Matt Smith 1
PILOTS - chime in on this - I've had vehicles-on-flight-line airport operations training but I'm not a pilot.

The ATC transcript reported on numerous sites (agree about BBC btw) did NOT have the work "SHORT" in it. see for example.

What does "Holding Point C5" mean???? Is that or is that NOT the same as "Hold Short at C5"?

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Tim Dyck 4
Let’s wait until we have a clearer understanding of what happened instead of jumping to conclusions.


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