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So Long (and Good Riddance) to CNN Airport News

Will we finally get some peace and quiet at the gate? ( Más...

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Ira Hargis 2
I have loved aviation since my brother was a P-38 pilot in the Second World War. Fly every chance I get and love the Kalamazoo Air Museum. Haven't been there in some time, but a great place.
John Manley 3
THANK THE LAWD! Finally, we can actually relax and more so enjoy our travelling endeavors... or at least to a certain extent. lol
Thank goodness! That network quit "News" a long time ago.
This guy needs to chill. I never found them "blaring" at any airport.
Pileits 2
jeez is this a food fight in here or what?
Ken McIntyre 2
Steve Koskey 2
Finally, the king of fake news will be removed from the airport terminals. Good riddance.
WhiteKnight77 1
Thanks for this information, but, I think I will still listen to music while waiting at the gate as with all the other noise, it can get too loud as well.
flyerh 3
I'm a private pilot and my son in law flies four engine passenger jets. I'd prefer this forum to be primarily the aviation industry. A year or two ago I got into a discussion with someone on this site.
We had opposite views about an issue. After several back and forth discussions on said topic, I was very surprised to learn I was in discussion with Chuck Yeager. Keep this for the aviation industry. Oh yes, good riddance to CNN.
JJ Johnson -4
CNN the most trusted name in Marxist Propaganda and left wing lies. Pure journalistic garbage
Mark Madeley 1
Late joining this census of users. I joined FlightAware to help the FAA identify a private helicopter that was performing hammerheads at 800 ft above a densely populated urban area. I have never held a license, have had exploratory prestudent flights in rotor and fixed but don't have the $2000 a month to keep up and develop my skills further once licensed. I do RC hobby flying and I am interested in GA safety and understanding what it takes to avoid falling out of the sky, UAV or manned. I'm working my way through the FAA helicopter pilot training guide. I try not to criticize or offer expert opinions just because I watch YouTube. If you want an all pilots forum, then ask Flight Aware to request and confirm current or previous licensing in order to comment or charge a fee equal to the value you find in excluding drivers and pedestrian from a pilot forum. You can downvote comments, too. Even mine. This forum seems to have a lot more user feedback to squash squalks than most others. I'm just here to learn. Over.
terry gersdorf -1
Speak for yourself I like the wx updates where do you think I get my wx brief before I fly this pig
MSU Sparty 5
All 12 people that watch it are very upset.
Jesse Carroll 3
Proper place for CNN crap!
"TDS"Texas Disposal Systems"
Juan Ordonez 4
Thank God! no more Fake News CNN at the airport
Elisa J 10
Thank God CNN won't be assaulting my ears and brain in airports any longer. Too bad they're leaving for the wrong reasons.
wiregold 2
Boeing could use the screens for pilot training ...
"MCAS will ignore your pull on the yoke, try something else"
The title flatters it greatly by including the word "News."
Cliff Schultz 7
Great News finally for 2021! Bye Bye Losers!
stratofan 5
I am soooo.... glad to see the Goebbles News Network GONE! Maybe their employees can find acting jobs in Hollywood. They certainly won't need "reeducation". LOL!
user3956 6
"Goebbles" LMFAO, CNN really is a POS
soupy264 3
They were good,till they became "Commie News Network"
Leroy Kelley 4
Yeah what ever replaces it will make money. Think the ads before movies. Well when we had movies.
Doretta Prior 5
This was one of my biggest annoyances when traveling. So glad it is going to go away.
Allen Irons 9
Thank God!! So sick of their BS, people bashing and "cancellation" of people. Don't know what they are going to do without Trump to bash. Probably start on anyone not a Democrat. They sure as hell will not be trying to heal a divided nation, that is for sure.
Josh Hekekia 4
Not sure when I'll be in an airport again, but I typically am on my iPhone at the airport so I never noticed whats on unless I'm preserving my battery.
Tim Dyck 1
Same here but it will be so much better without all the noise from the TV. The only thing we should have broadcast in an airport is flight arrival and departure information.
Brent Lee 10
Best news I’ve heard today!
s s 4
Travelers information, weather and maybe a random episode of SpongeBob belong on airport monitors, not pointless political pandering from either side.
Anne Bracken 5
Never understood that monopoly. Maybe in Atlanta, CNN’s base, but everywhere?
Justthefacs 4
Screens were bid and CNN paid was willing to pay the most. I guess you could call it buying "eyes."
Ken Lane 4
HEY Flight Aware, you really need to add a feature to block a specific user.
Tim Dyck 1
You can easily just skip over comments you don't want to read.
D Rotten 7
LOL.....this is where they are getting their ratings from!! Plus, places like bus/train waiting areas, some doctors office waiting rooms and Corp 'food' chain businesses (Applebee's, Chili's TGIF's, ect). Looks like rating will now go even LOWER!! lolol
Larry Easton 1
No more news channels of any kind. Maybe replace them with rotating beautiful pictures of the world, with some low volume music. such as on "the frame channel" in Canada. and have a few rotating ads of no longer than 10 seconds
user3956 2
I actually didn't mind it strangely enough, even thought I'm not the biggest fan of CNN. It seemed normal for there to be news playing in the areas where the monitors are/were.
Neil Klapthor 17
I, for one, couldn't be happier...or, as my granddaughter would say "Happylula!"
Justthefacs 16
Just put up the Weather Channel and maybe travel logs and maybe have them on with no sound only closed captions.
gapster 6
I agree, maybe some flightaware too
Jeremy Stuckey 1
Who else had a noisy video ad pop up within the first 30 second of opening this article??
Tell me about noise pollution again!!!!!
You guys dropped the ball on this one.
Better yet is I have no clue what the ad was selling. Hahaha!
Gerald Buxton 1
IMO it was only good during the O.J. Simpson trial, because people would all gather around one of the TV locations and I could walk from gate to gate or shops and so forth quite freely. No clips or bumps by tunnel vision passengers that only see their gate number sign ahead!
Who really watches that garbage anyway? I enjoy looking at all the coo coos running around!
J.J. Lasne 1
As an aside, the last time I was in the Buenos Aires metro, perhaps 10 years ago, there were huge fans and TV screens on the platforms. I understood the need for the fans - it was hot in the tunnel - but the TV's were incomprehensible.
Doug Drebert 4
That’s for now, wait until the people in charge of mind control now hear about that, CNN will be back!
J.J. Lasne 11
CNN Airport News was more about spewing advertisement at captive audiences than actually providing factual news.

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Ken Lane 5
Hey JohnBoy, have you noticed your posts are voted down more than anyone else I've ever seen on this site?

You are making enemies faster than an ASI issuing emergency revocations without just cause. That's probably over your head. Most things seem to be based on what you're writing.
Every article I have tried to read has turned into a political hash. I find more politics thrown around on this site than I do on the evening news. It would be nice if ya'll would find a political forum to run your complaints (which change nothing). If you don't like the current state of affairs in politics, then take it to the ballot box.
Tim Dyck 1
I agree. This should be a site for aviation related news and information. Keep the politics on Facebook and Twitter.
soupy264 3
We tried.See what good that did.
BimmerJones 6
My home airport has always lived without it. (We have CNN/Fox/MSNBC feeds on our non-GIDS displays.) News can be had on-demand through your phone, and you can always start a game when you've had enough. When I look up, I just want to see if I'm at the right gate.
Jon Turner 14
Don't bother reading this list of comments... it's a waste of time... I'll sum it up for you.
Good an decent people happy that the noise is gone from the airport environment.
Communist Political trolls and bots insulting the people mentioned above.

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Sean O'Marra 10
Let go of the hate man, it’s brought you to a dark place...

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Time to fire your doctor and get on the correct meds, Mr. Noogemeister ...
Steve Coffey 4
day drinking again?
Scott Kohls 5
Seek help.
user3956 4
Jesus dude.
richard Helfand -2
Did anyone read the article? It was against the TVs, not CNN. Maybe all these radical comments are just Russian Bots left over from the 2016 election still trying to screw with our minds. This deserves only an amen to the quiet which we will have until they figure out how to start the TVs up again.
Jesse Carroll 3
I would enjoy the quiet! Maybe it would help hear the Terminal annocements! Talking over each other, volume to high, or low! I prefer to hear the Reverse Thrusters and full power takeoffs than any other noise!
Just sayin!
CNN has a horrible reputation for Fake News. Why anyone would watch it I do not know:
Marty Wa 1
Scott Alan 6
To calm everyone down before the boarding Stampede they should loop cute puppy videos.
Ray Sundar 3

Or post images like the one in teh above link to teach orderliness!
Alister Grigg 4
Maybe one of those 'calming' channels from YouTube......wouldn't that be nice
Or an ASMR channel ... HAHAHAHA! :D
Michael Moen 2
Thank. God
TWA55 5
CNN, CCP one in the same. Those who have been dumbed down are going to get a real eye opener soon. But hell, facts don't matter anymore, and common sense seems to have been banned as well. Watching CNN and they are not the only station, takes a real knob to believe the stuff that passes for news or comment. I am not worried what some may think of me, I will be proved right. I have history and facts on my side. And more so common sense.

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Scott Kohls 14
Take a pill, John. Nobody wants to hear your two bits on every comment.
ravenshammer 10
Is there a way to block that idiot? I don't come here to get trolled, I like to see what intelligent people have to say about a particular subject. Any help?
Tim Dyck 2
When you see the name just skip over the comment.
I miss the days when this site was just aviation related news and comments. People want to argue politics can go to Facebook or Twitter.
Wait a few hours, then all you'll see is: [This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

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Ken Lane 9
Good riddance.

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Scott Alan 1
Would like to see NewsMax on those screens for the next 20 years for some balance.

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Scott Alan 5
Since you are taking it personal, I see little hope for you dude.

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msetera -2
Hallelujah!!! Good riddance Fake News!!!
Nooge -9
Good Riddance wont ne till next Weds

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Keep this respectful!!there is no need for these pointless and uncalled for attacks.

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Silent Bob 10
The fact that you come on here using a slur against the handicapped says a lot more about you than the people watching Newsmax.

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John Manley 2
fake news
Dave Huffman -4
All of the anti CNN comments sound like the language of all of the other Cretinous Insurrectionist Gargoyles. Yes the airport terminals have become much like what the Greyhound Bus Terminals used to be, so sad.

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Any article that references Sideshow Bob gets a like from me. And now I can read my book in peace.
Tim Dyck 1
Sorry Phillip, I went to hit the arrow up thingy and my fat finger hit down instead. I agree with you 100%, a little peace befor a flight or between flights will be a good thing.

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Dave Huffman 0
So just give us all Rainbows and Lollipops?
marc hall 12
Way overdue!
marc hall 6
Way overdue!
They couldn't afford to pay off the contracts anymore

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TWA55 4
Sorry, but that money is ours, the gov. takes it for use to provide a better nation. Well, that idea went out the window a long time ago. I suggest you look at this "Chicken Anyone" Goggle it and see what Stalin said.
TWA55 3
By the way he may not have say it, but the lesson is still there.
Yes good riddance to one of the most bias media, or should I say liberal propaganda machine.

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John Manley 2
donald keeble 9
Next to getting a Covid vaccine that's the best news I've heard in quite a long time.

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Dave Steele 10
CNN will now see a three-quarters drop in viewership numbers. Once a trusted source for news, they’ve morphed into a source that nobody capable of critical thinking relies on for anything.

They can’t disappear from the American landscape fast enough.
Gary Ondrey 2
Thank goodness and good riddance to the Communist News Network. They used to be so fair and objective. Whatever happened?
Ray Sundar 9
Good Riddance! Yes! Eliminate political news at the airports. Instead calisthenics for flight travel and yoga and other things that can help people endure long and tedious travels especially those going abroad.
MrTommy 9
You can include doctor's offices in this. Put on HGTV stuff. It's almost totally non-political. No matter what 'commentary outlet' you put on on public places, somebody is going to be upset.

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Mike Mohle 58
Being a pilot and weather nerd, I like the simple info to see what is going on and what might affect my flight(s) and if I might possibly miss a connection. Show the US/Canada Map with current radar, flash to weather forecasts for major cities that airlines travels to, and back to the map every minute or so.

Oh no. Can't show Canada or Mexico.....they don't get any weather!
Tim Dyck 7
Canadian weather is predictable because we only have four seasons...cold, really cold, not quite as cold and massive swarms of blood sucking mosquitoes and black flies. None of those really affect flying except the visibility in bug season.
Have a great day
Tommy Boy 1
Mexico has three: Early Summer, Late Summer, and Next Summer.
Ray Sundar 6
Don't you get more accurate info from the Airport control towers of your departing and arriving airports about your route? This is for those who want to be just Flight Aware that's all.
Mike Ziemann 25
It used to be that almost the only people on this forum were pilots, ranging from PPL up to ATP, with a shared love of aviation, and the discussion was mostly aviation related. Now, it seems that an overwhelming number of respondents are non-aviators, who are simply looking for yet ANOTHER online forum to troll and spout their ignorance. It's sad.

Mike, you clearly weren't implying that you use the terminal monitors to do your actual flight planning. I think all of those who actually ARE pilots can attest that even when we're just riding along as passengers, you can't completely put the pilot mindset to rest. And many of us crave having that SA about what is going on and how our flight(s) might be affected. I'm right there with you... I would find that way more informative than the drivel that spews out of the CNN monitors.
Ken Jackson -1
Or, the drivel that flows from Fox News. Terminals are full of both.
Dan Grelinger 3
I agree with you. 'News' used to be news. Now (with few exceptions) it is 'here is how you should think about things'. You can be assured that is what you are being fed when a talking head is not telling you the facts of what happened, but how you should feel about it.
joel wiley 2
Mike, not a pilot but I've been here since 2013 feeding FA data first from Planeplotter then piaware. FA introduced the Flightfeeder to add reporting sites. Someone opened the box, discovered it had a raspberry pi, and asked if FA would release the software.
That added tens of thousands of users providing data. My first feeder is 304, my latest 71K+.
That brought a lot more people, and some are trolls.

WhiteKnight77 3
I cannot help you dislike the fact that I was born on a SAC bomber base where there were B-52s stationed during the early part of The Cold War. I also cannot help you dislike the fact that I lived on or near military bases my entire life or that I was aircrew while in the Marines on Phrogs. Aviation has been in my blood from my first breath. I still have an interest in aviation, even if I do not get into the air as much as I would like.
Ken Lane 2
You're the kind of person among the veteran pilots that used to make up the vast majority of this site. Sadly, that's no longer true.
Tim Dyck 9
I stumbled onto this site years ago and kept visiting so I could get aviation industry news from people in the industry and my comments were generally asking questions from those people. Lately I see too much political BS that could be left on other social media but sadly everyone just wants to tear down whatever is left of the internet that isn't politics. I miss the days when it was mostly people from the industry and I could get good information from this site.
Terri Miller 4
I was forced to sign up for Flightaware when my husband and son flew to Europe. It was the only way I could see the flight path of the plane they were on. I just never unsubscribed afterwards as occasionally there is an article that catches my interest.
Alan Raymond 9
This is the first time I've replied to a comment on this site. I'm not a pilot, just someone who has been interested in aviation and aircraft since I built my first plastic models as a boy long ago and hung them by thread from the ceiling of my room. I was a radio and datalink tech in the Air National Guard working on F-102s and F-100s. Sorry, if us non-pilots commenting on this website offend you.
Ken Lane 3
That's not what I'm saying at all. And, I addressed it in more detail in a later post a bit further down.

I had said, "Those directly involved in engineering and construction with a love of planes certainly count." I'm pretty sure you would fall into that category in some fashion though my description wasn't that broad.

I first learned to fly while an avionics tech working on the S-3 War Hoover. But my love started way back at ten when I got into building balsa wood models.

Unfortunately, there seems to be an ever-increasing number here who have no relationship to aviation, let alone flying an aircraft.
Chris Chura 6
You are Not Offending anyone Since you’re not a troll or a bot trying to instigate a political fight. I don’t think that’s what he meant about non pilots. There have been lots of issues with bots in the comment section.

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Scott Kohls 3
Three lies in one post. Your MBA is showing...
Communist News Network!
patrick baker 4
welcome to america, where we encourage a diversity of opinions , so that prejudices can be lessened . However, you do not get to make up your own facts. Ted Turner, beloved maker of CNN, one heck of a yachtsman, a spendid imbiber of spirits and beers, is a raging capitalist, so smearing him with a fully ignorant slur tells me you have red hats in your wardrobe.

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Ray Sundar 4
True. But commercial aviation will not be there unless there were passengers. Unless you fly to go on cargo aicraft.
Ken Lane 6
It has indeed gone down hill over the last couple years.

There used to be regulars I knew by name on the pages. Now, I don't know a single name on here. And the greatest majority do not nor ever will hold an airman certificate.
Scott Campbell 0
UH hopefully you have no connection with inspiring others to do anything, you walked in for the first day for kindergarten correct? and flight school as well?. We want all the non flying ANYONES to shoe up here and join, and daily as a pilot I'll talk to, attempt to inspire, and accept as worthy anyone who has even one stupid question about flying. Because that's what you do when you love something ... move to iceland
Dan Grelinger 1
"and daily as a pilot I'll talk to, attempt to inspire,"

Well, I found that entire post VERY inspiring, and I am sure that Ken will, too! I am sure that he would wish to be inspired like that all day long! ;-)
Ray Sundar 9
I introduce myself as an aerospace engineer who used to work for for Boeing before I retired. Just an aviation enthusiast.
I'm extremely late in getting the aviation bug. If I had put the alcohol and the other demons down as a teenager, I would probably had close to 30 years under my belt by now. Wasn't even on my radar in those days. Dad was on the Constellation on its maiden voyage, so he'd bring me to air shows as a kid ... but it just never registered as something I could do. If I were richer, I'd have the license and something fixed or rotary wing to play with. I've got a paramotor, so I can still satisfy the itch - just can't go anywhere to quickly, or take anyone with me, or fly when raining ... or dark .. but I can fly. :) Just wish I had figured all this out 30 years ago!
Scott Campbell 1
But you are now - congratulations !!
James Willich 9
My dad worked for Boeing and my mom was a flight attendant for United. I grew up in and on airplanes. I have videos and pictures of me and my brother farting around with the 737-300 test plane. I was on the delivery flight for the first 737-300 to Piedmont.
Do I count?
I'm also an engineer, but not aero.
Ken Lane 2
Those directly involved in engineering and construction with a love of planes certainly count.

But, I do not see those characteristics in so many of the newer names appearing based on their comments. I'm betting some appear as nothing more than trolls.

Based on my observation over forty years around aviation, including military, a good 75-80% of pilots and others in the industry are conservatives. For those airmen with substantial additions to their ticket they have a lot to protect. And if it's threatened by a government agency that has a way to keep you on the conservative side.
James Willich 2
Although anecdotal, your observations are astute. My experience in the industry has similar observations.
I hope you don't design modern cars, James, or you and I might be mortal enemies ... :D
James Willich 2
Nope. Any car I build is a hobby.
Mike Ziemann 3
Ray, I apologize. I would MOST CERTAINLY include your likes amongst the aviation fraternity. Typical pilot response on my part, thinking the world revolves around us! I should have said something more to the effect of "pilots, professionals in the aviation industry, or actual aviation enthusiasts..." Unfortunately now a lot of people here think that because they have once RIDDEN on an airplane, that somehow makes them experts on all things aviation.

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Tim Dyck 3
It is comments like this that are ruining this site. Please go back to Facebook if all you want to do is insult people.
Neil Klapthor 5
Your TDS is affecting your coherency...take it somewhere else troll.

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Jay Harris 8
said the genius with three grammar mistakes in his short paragraph.....

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che mex 8
Nooge.....IQ and judgement are two different may have the former but certainly not the latter....
Elisa J 2
Freeze him out.

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TWA55 6
your voting history says it all. Scattered
And they still haven't got his meds right ...
Jon Turner 9
Hahaha! That's a good one!
First... how many buildings on campus did your daddy have to put his name on to buy you that degree?
Second.. I have had to fire TWO mba titled twits because they didn't know squat about how the real world works. I replaced them with a 63 year old lady who has a certificate from a Jr College .... she is now one of our company's key employees.

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Is that where you learned your stellar grammatical skills?
ravenshammer 8
I guess they must just give those away anymore with a side of fries and the little paper crown, huh?
Chris Chura 9
Haha letters after your name is all you have to go on. You are one sad individual. Go back to school and get some more useless letters!
James Cox 15
Says the person who doesn't know how to spell too lmao

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Laurel Catto 9
Or you're
Joseph Watson 15
Now if I could just get it out of the gym.
John Stevenson 22
Guess that means that CNN can no longer boast "More people get their news from CNN..." I'm with ReverendLee, I think the country could use a dose of SpongeBob about now. Can you imagine what a conversation with your unknown seat mate would be like if everyone got to watch the antics of Patrick, Squidward, Plankton, Sandy and Gary

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Steve Rosenthal 11
The airport is not the place to have slanted news (and if you are a CNN fan and don't think the news and views presented is slanted there is no hope for you). Why not put on Russia Today. Heck THEY aren't slanted... (insert Wayne's World line: "hyaaaa..." Most airlines are no longer offering in seat TV screens. You watch on your own device. You now choose what you want. In the end I will bet it's a financial decision. However: "Honest to G-d your heads will catch fire" Nice hate speech. PS Fox has gone left. Hooray NewMax!
Bet it becomes infomercials

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Ken Lane 2
It was done by their own executives based on financial issues. It was not the same as several other companies run by liberals conspiring to destroy a conservative company.

Educate yourself, fool.
Joseph Watson 10
It's not about cancelling or not cancelling DJ. It's about being held hostage by a monopoly. In soviet Russia all apartments had a hardwired radio box. Everybody was forced to hear the same state approved news.
Mike Mohle 1
We have that now, here in the US.
Mark Carter 7
They cancelled themselves. Was not someone telling others how to think as the cancel culture does. You are losing it.
John Lussier 7
You clearly do not understand what Cancel Culture is. You also clearly don't let that keep you from spouting off with your hair on fire. Thanks for the chuckle.
ExPatHere 27
Amen! The indoctrination of the masses can subside just a little now that CNN is off...I’m all for The Weather Channel or AccuWeather.
Is that a good idea? Do we really want passengers to know about lines of thunderstorms or tornados that might be on a straight line route betweeen two destinations, but which the dispatchers know about and have planned accordingly for! People might get skittish to get on the plane!

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Tim Dyck 1
Fox is no better or worse then CNN. They both twist the news to their own ideology and neither should be blaring away in public places.
Dan Grelinger 12
Didn't take long for the trolls to come out, did it.

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Dan Grelinger 4
Hey, you joined the party. I guess a mirror is in order.
Robert Mack 3
(I think I was married to her once)
HAHAHAHA! I may have dated her and moved in with her in the late 90's myself. :D
ReverendLee 27
Maybe weather updates? Or Spongebob. Spongebob would be good. Everybody likes Spongebob.

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Dave Steele 5
He lives in a pineapple under the sea.
ImperialEagle 21
Over time they went from questionable content to content without any credibility at all. Thank heavens the noise is now silenced. Activists masquerading as journalists.

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Joe Manhart 32
Amen! Peace and quiet prevails over the garbage and garble we were submitted to while traveling!!!!
BR5Engineering 28
This is a good start. The fewer screens shoved in our faces while in public, the better.
Robert Cowling 2
The screens won't go away. I am concerned at what they choose to fill them with now that CNN is gone.

I have memories of getting my first reports of some major news on the TV's in airports.

Earthquakes in Mexico, tidal wave in Hawaii, Fukashima, etc, and now? Do I need more fashion news?

One airport I used to fly through had a screen at every arrival/departure kiosk that showed live nationwide radar. So many times it accurately predicted a delayed flight, or connection. Now, that screen is gone as of the last time I was flying through there. Pilots used to stop and look at those screens too. It was a quick and dirty way to get a look at current conditions. That's all it was...

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Bob Harrington 1
What was your face doing shoved up his behind?
Ray Sundar 0
It would have thrilled those rioters returning home to see their faces on TV during the riots!
Mike Mohle 10
Yeah, the BLM team loves posting stuff and being on TV.

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Ken Lane 8
I believe you to be a fool and a liar.
Jon Turner 9
Are you calling for the assassination of a sitting president and his supporters?

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Kairho Carroll 11
Now to get doctors' offices to dump HGTV, too.
Robert Cowling -1
My doctor's office had a TV blaring Fox News once. I got up and changed the channel. A few people actually thanked me. My concern is that airports will fill the void on those screens with Fox News, or some equally obnoxious variant. I don't want to be bombarded with fake news while waiting for my next plane. If I want toxic crap like that, I'll hang out in the men's room, smelling other peoples feces.

I'm all in favor of showing videos of the destinations the airport services, maps of services available from that point, and gate change announcements. Be useful, and happy...
Bob Harrington 2
What could possibly be concerning about a doctor interested in digging holes and planting stuff? :^}
drpepper 4
Some entity will swoop in and use that infrastructure. Hoping it's a 24/7 stream of PBS Nature or Smithsonian's America from the Air episodes.

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John Manley 1
why would you want to watch fake news and be brain washed? asking for a friend.
bbabis 13
Seriously, Mary?
Mike Mohle 1
That is good news, in most airports there is rarely enough room to find a seat anywhere to watch it anyway.
James Driskell 6
On advantage of being hard of hearing is that one can remove the hearing aids and tune out the noise. For those of you who don't want to listen to the noise, I suggest you sit farther away or just turn off your brain which apparently some have already done.
Anthony Dennis 7
Finally we get rid of the Communist News Network. Put pictures up on the screens, terminal info, weather info, i really do not care, anything but the broken news media. They all deserve each other.

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Dan Grelinger 5
Another troll raises its ugly head.
Nooge -9
Ugly head like Combover Donnie?
patrick baker 8
both cnn and fixed, er fox news can be grating on my nerves, their insistence that "breaking news" is worthy of my attention an any time. We can get information updates, not properly called news, from our phones at our own timing. Need a good laugh? step to the side of the waiting room and observe the craning of the necks as passengers stare at the telly, in obedient unison. Bloomberg anything is preferable to fox or cnn or msnbc.
Roy Hunte 19
Awesome, now no more jabbering heads while you're waiting to board.
Chris Bryant 5
Wonderful news!
If they want something up for the business people, put up Bloomberg. Or maybe half Bloomberg and half something for kids to watch.
ADXbear 19
If anything has to be on the tvs.. use Natgo or Smithsonian type viewing with volume off

James Simms 31
I’m sure Air Disasters will be a big hit
Tim Dyck 1
One place I worked we had to fly in and out and that show with all the air crashes was always on TV as we were waiting for our plane home. It's always nice to see a plane splashed all over a feild just befor you board.
stacey go 7
James that made me chuckle.
vector4traffic 2
I often travel in the US and seeing the political mess over there confirms why it's best to buyout US Corporation and bring their IP back home.
Minivation 40
Thank goodness. I would much rather enjoy the ambiance of the terminal environment, watching people go about their travels and hearing the occasional rumble of a plane taking off in the background.
jerry walker 8
God Bless America (finally)

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bbabis 8
I may think about taking an airline trip again!
Nooge -9
Save your stimulus check
Colin Seftel 0
In my experience, every airport mutes the sound and shows subtitles.
Dave Steele 3
My experience from coast to coast says otherwise
Torsten Hoff 4
I wish...
ed lang 31
Thank god!! Those TVs are so damn annoying!
scott ebrite 20


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