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Iran Air 727 lands without nose gear. Nice job.

Gotta admit, when a fellow aviator type, a master of the fine art of subtle sarcasm, sent me this link I didn't expect what I saw. It would be hard to improve on the technique, and this guy probably has more time in a 727 than Len Morgan did. ( Más...

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Gerry Creager 2
Very, very nice landing, but I do have to admit I feel sorry for the old bird!
Pierre Hamel 1
Nice Job !

Roland Dent 1
This content came from here:

Not my fave forum, bear in mind a lot of the guys over on that site have their jacsies so far up their own anus they live off methane. That said this does give some background info.
Roland Dent 1
Many of you will recall the spectacular emergency landing of an Iran Air Boeing 727 in Tehran airport last year: (

What you may not know is that the pilot responsible for the landing, Captain Hooshang Shahbazi, is claiming that he is now being forced against his will by Iran Air officials to take early retirement: (

Having read the above article, Captain Shahbazi appears to feel betrayed by the Iran Air management, and makes a joke about the 10 gold coins that were given to him by the Iranian government as a token of appreciation.

In my opinion the fact that Shahbazi has mocked the gesture of the government officials in giving him 10 gold coins, as well as praising him, would suggest that Shahbazi feels unappreciated, and that he hasn't received his fair share of fame and fortune.

Let's compare this with Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger who performed an arguably more impressive emergency landing on the Hudson River in 2009 - Sully didn't receive any form of special payment for his actions, and never once complained about that. When a pilot performs an emergency landing, he does so with the intent of protecting the safety of his passengers and crew - NOT for the purpose of expanding his personal wealth! (take note Captain Shahbazi).

No "Gold Coins" were offered to Sully and the crew of Flight 1549 for their heroic actions, instead they were simply awarded a Masters Medal (with a precious metal content worth less than $20) by the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators and publically praised for their actions. This recognition was likely more than enough for Sully and his crew, with that said however I am sure that if Sully and his crew were offered "Gold Coins" by their authorities, they almost certainly would have graciously accepted them and been most grateful for the kind gesture.

Looking at the stark contrast between the humility of Sully and his crew, compared with the apparent greed of Captain Hooshang Shahbazi, I honestly can't help but feeling that Captain Shahbazi is behaving like a spoilt brat in possesing such a grandiose sense of entitlement. At the end of the day, Shahbazi was simply doing his job. Period. Don't get me wrong, Shahbazi's landing was an impressive display of airmanship, but I truly believe that any other airline pilot in his position would have strived to do exactly the same, i.e. attempt to perform a safe landing. For some strange reason however, Shahbazi appears to have developed a pronounced sense of entitlement to fame and wealth as a result of simply carrying out his duties. How delusional :=.

It's hardly surprising therefore that Iran Air's management wants to see the back of him.

Now that he has finally been shown the door :D at least he will have plenty of free time on his hands to go chasing fame ;)
I don't see what all the fuss is about since a similar landing happened in Minneapolis, MN in the early 70's. The late director of flight ops., Capt. Paul Soderlind simply determined the best configuration and landing speed and it was a done deal. The crew simply followed Pauls advice and it never even made the local news. Time to get over it and realize the pilot was just doing his job to the best of his ability.
bentwing60 1
As do we all Marshall. Some better than others. It was all about a job well done, and if you wouldn't accept the Atta Boy, had it been your landing, that's Ok, he probably doesn't even know he got one! And if you flew for Iran Air, would you even care?
Dee Lowry 1
You know doesn't matter when this incident happened. Whether it be in the 70's or 2013...the fundamentals of flight still are the same. Although, since Computers came in to play in the cockpit...fundamentals took a nose dive. Example: Asiana in SFO. Clear wind...perfect VFR weather. And they still came up short. Why? They lacked "Hands on Flying"! Diss the Auto Throttle..Diss the "AP"! Fly the Airplane! Pilots always have to be ahead of the airplane. "Always expect the unexpected". The "Iran Air" landing was "Text Book"!
bentwing60 2
You know Dee...You are 100% correct. For most folks who are serious (or not) about flying, and spend a considerable amount of their lives doing it, there are those who have, and those who will. I'm not talking about putting down the wheels! Sooner or later you will have a real life emergency, and nobody will come thru that radio to save the day. For those who will never expose themselves to the privilege, yet comment relentlessly on those of us that do, go pack some sand. You probably don't get to be an old hand 727 driver at Iran Air without an emergency or two.
Roland Dent 1
At any moment on this planet there are 500,000 members of the public being flown in public transport. They are exposed. The people on the ground which the machines fly over are exposed too. After the tragedy of 9/11 people became more interested. The internet helps people understand. Telling the public that they have no right asking questions reminds me of N Korea.
bentwing60 1
At any moment, there are a considerable number of aircraft aloft whose pilots have no intention of crashing into an innocent neighborhood. Your reply is inane. My previous post addressed the likely hood that if you spend enough time in an airplane, the odds are, at some point in time you will encounter a problem. I'm talking about the guy in the left seat. We get to deal with it and we don't aim at the populated territory. Until the arrival of the airport, much of this was unpopulated territory. I don't remember sayin the public has no right to ask questions, and I'm from Odessa TX., not N Korea.
Roland Dent 0
The probability of a commercial license holder to have an accident are extremely small. Now as far asking question goes I am glad you agree. The comments the public can and do make in text on this and on other sites are a resource and not a hindrance. The comment you made about filling sand bags basically telling people to "get out of my back yard" or we have enough regulation already without more from the public is just a tad over the top.
Roland Dent 1
The word INANE is new to me so I looked it up and here is what it means: "senseless, unimaginative, or empty; unintelligent inane remarks"
bentwing60 1
You are an idiot!
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Dear bentwing60, allow me to add. As a non pilot. Even in daily life we face ifs and buts. Every minute, every second. So, what do we do ? Give up and die ? No, no way. Every time we get out of bed, every morning, do we try to live in fear of death ? No. We get out to live, to live as best as life has taught and trained us.
Same is true for flying. With every other profession, irrespective of level or probability of risks involved.
I hope and pray that every one strolling on this portal understands the hard realities involved in flying.
I knew some already BUT now getting a better insight.
ThanX to guys like you .
Roland Dent 1
Mr Mittal. As a lawyer you will not be short of money. If you have a private flying facility within 500 miles I suggest you book an introductory lesson. This will give you an experience that you will either persue or discard.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Dear Friend Roland Dent, I tried to find out but the nearest is over 1500 miles away, in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
More over, lawyers in India are not even quarter as lucky as their counter parts in USA !
Jeffrey Babey 0
WOW, quite impressive!
Richard Parmelee 1
The pilot of the Iran Air 727 did a fantastic job of keeping the nose off the ground for as long as possible! I'd fly with this crew anytime!
David Johnson 1
Nice job! Send that guy a new 727. Can't imagine what the cabin announcement must have been like. I know what it sounded like in an Air Force C-130 when our copilot had to give the brief, and it wouldn't soothe your anxiety level the least bit. That guy knew what he was doing and what to expect.
Jeffrey Bue 1
Very impressed with that landing.
Tim Swift 1
I had never seen that video. Hell of a landing. Did they reverse engines or use brakes at all. Would that even be possible. Thanks for sharing.
Aircraft19 1
Nice but this was like a few years ago
Dee Lowry 1
Who cares if it was a few years ago. That was great "Hands on" flying!
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Abs right friend Dee Lowry. Even today we remember and praise the guy who invented the wheel eon ago!
Don't we ?
Aircraft19 1
That is one heck of a landing though. He must be a hero
Andre Perez 1
Awesome job!
Can we please leave politics to the politicians, there is no reason to make comments that have no bearing on the story.
The crew in that flight deck did an awesome job, whether they were trained by Americans, French or little green men on the moon.
These gentlemen had a very good training and it showed during that short time.
Happy Landings to all and remember to keep the greasy side down!
curtis morris 1
Andre Perez 1
Awesome job!
khan sardar 1
Faan taas tics
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
fun that's it .... :-)
michael fangel 1
way to go sir
Dee Lowry 2
That was a "by the book landing". Keep the nose up for as long as you can! Great job by the crew.
Hal Deatherage 1
It will be flying again in a week. I'm sure the Russians would sell them something.
Roland Dent 1
Nah.. they will pick up some fakes parts out the booneys in FL and get em shipped over on a FedEx thru Tel Aviv.
Richard Klima 1
Can't buy parts because of sanctions?
Roland Dent 1
Since when have sanctioned goods been scarce. Greenbacks buy you whatever you want whenever you want anywhere on the planet and beyond.
FlyBoyDC10 1
He did a good job......and so do I
Google Amsoil Dealers nose up landing.
mrippe 2
no just silly me who had this strange idea to say "WELL DONE" in his native language
Bruce Boaze 1
Was that the Shah coming back?
mrippe 0
به خلبان،
من به زبان شما صحبت نمی کنم، من مترجم گوگل برای این استفاده می شود.
من فکر کردم که مهم است به این می گویند در زبان شما بود.
یک خلبان خوب خلبان بدون توجه به آنچه خوب است.
به خوبی انجام می شود، آقا. پرواز امن
Roland Dent 1
Yup..make good orthopaedic surgeons too. Two of 'em rebuilt my right lower leg. Twice.
If they rebuilt it twice, does that mean the first guy wasn't good?
Roland Dent 1
Second time around was a diff trauma. First guy was Europe based...good. Second time was in the UK. Team of 6 did that job. 9 bolts 310mm of CRV non magnetic metal.
Jan Esbra 2
Calm, Knowledge, skill, guts and a mature patience, make a great pilot like , Hooshang Shahbazi!!
Eric da Silva 3
An outstanding landing!!! That is one heck of a pilot.
william muñoz 2
wowwwwwwwwwwww perfect landing
mrippe 2
WOW ! ! ! !
leaves me speechless
i don't care what country he's from.
this is worthy of praise !
Jan Ludekuize 1
Ivan Makevic 2
Well done, what a nerve to perform in such a chellanging situation! Bravo , chapeau bas!
My hero!
Stukje vakmanschap
Stukje vakmanschap
vdt 3
My felicitations for the crew
Nice landing like a butterfly
andreas peleties 1
perfect emergency landing bravo to those skillful. pilots.
Hats off, top job !!!
Bob Tarver 1
paul hurst 1
Good job
Alain Rustici 1
excellent contrôle de son appareil ,félicitations aux pilotes !
Alain QQN 1
very good job
Back in the early 70's we had the same thing at NWA in KMSP and I don't even think it made the evening news. I happened again to the same plane at a later date -

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That it is!!!
btweston 1

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Er.A.K. Mittal 1
How very convenient !
If a pilot performs WELL, you look for American connection.
And if BAD, you look for Asian connection ! Eh ?

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Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Dear phil rudd, it's not me who has to understand, but many of guys obsessed with class bias who have to understand and ADMIT it ! Those who stroll on this portal and find faults with every thing Asian !
Well, in all fairness, isn't that what America wants to do too?
Roland Dent 1
Thrustt I can see that point of view but I want you to consider my point of view..I am prolly a little older than you and have seen both sides of this argument. I am the product of a WW2 war marriage and was raised knowing and witnessing the way Europe was rebuilt after WW2. There is no question that the current awareness of how the USA military machine prospered during global conflicts. Some 200 million people "legally" were manslaughtered this last century. USA rescued Europe twice this last century just gone. The Free Market Economy is the only system we have that keeps people reasonably happy. 3/5 of the world population starves because of greed of some leaders. Obama is the Commander in Chief of NATO and he has done very very well with overseas policy. Much better than any other president has in the last 15 years. Whilst it is true that I could survive in Kiev or Portland OR it is also true that as a citizen with a voice and an opinion I would be safer in Portland. All in all the USA does what she can to further a free market and that I will always side with.
I see your point too, BUT America needs to get out of every country it's in, let Israel and every other country fight their own battle. Put all the carriers offshore and let the fighters fly an orbit a couple hundred miles offshore. At the end of the day it's not America that's helping every Tom Dick and Harry abroad while there are homeless and hungry people and animals right here, it's me, the tax payer. All these trillions spent, gas for my truck should be free. By the way I am a person with a heart...
Roland Dent 1
The carrier that is assigned to nursemaid Israel is costing the USA 1,1 million dollars per day. That combined with other assets is there to prevent WW3. That is around the clock 365 days a year. All in all Israel costs the USA about 17 billion dollars per year. In the 100K years we have been around on this planet we have made no progress at all in respecting ourselves or this beautiful planet we live on. You hit the nail when you cite gas as the issue. That is fulcrum around which much of the trouble pivots. Another issue is fresh water in arrid regions..that is another hidden reason why the west pushed up toward the Tigris river. Tel Aviv has barely enough water to drink let alone use in industry. I think most people care about all this stuff but there is evil, plenty of it wrapped up in greed and power and hubris. I see all your arguments very well and I think service people do likewise. Obama does what he can and I am glad to say he will let the Senate take a vote on the proposed intervention in Syria. All you can do in a democracy is ask the representatives.
AAaviator -1
Thrustt, it's one thing to be ignorant, but quite another to display your ignorance to the masses as you have.
Forgive me Turd!!!
Roland Dent 1
I live with 5 dogs Thrust. Keeps me sane.
That they do!!!
Roland Dent 2
Oh come on...what does calling Thrust ignorant do...just perpetuates more malicious crap. FGS man cut it.
N9ZN -1
Not in the least do we desire to rule the world.

We fought to eliminate one leader who did have that ambition and returned those he terrified and did not kill to freedom. That mans name was Adolph Hitler, a coward, tyrant, and war criminal. Another was Sadam Husein who desired to copy hitler in many ways, also a coward and war criminal. Another Osama BinLaden just a plain criminal, as are his followers. This list goes on and on.

Every time we take military action it is never intended that we rule anything. What we do is only intend to protect our freedom and free others who have lost it. In fact much of the world looks upon America to act as a world police state. Something we can not nor should not do unless our national security is involved. For example right now Syrians are all but begging us to free them. Unfortunately we can not nor should not be everywhere there is tension but we may strike Syria now that they are threatening our national interest.

Need more history to understand us?
I hate history, I failed it so I became a pilot. Refresh my memory, what did they find in Iraq???
Roland Dent 2
N9ZN. What the USA must do is solve the Israel Palestinian situation. Easier said than done. You cannot give Israel 200 mid range nukes, park an aircraft carrier off Cyprus to nursemaid and just pretend that Islam will not respond. The hate runs deep and last generations. One way or another you have to get Tel Aviv to stop bullying the Palestinians. Most USAers have no clue what is going on in the mid east.
peter jahn 1
it not america acting it is only the US of america

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Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Famous song " Those were the days my friend", by Mary Hopkins, c 1968.
Were they your salad days ? They were mine though.
Without meaning to start an unwanted and misplaced debate, but what about power struggle since the WW 2, Japan, Korea,(Vietnam), Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Egypt. Next stop Syria ! And many others which I may not be familiar with. And it continues. American vs. Russian n Chinese !
Its all part of dirty international politics. So, let us accept it. And ejoy FA .

btweston 1
Obviously? You are one presumptuous dude, I have to say.

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N9ZN 3
Because it was built in the U.S.A does not mean the pilots were trained here. In fact most pilots who are trained in America do so because they want to be trained here. That has nothing to do with what or where they fly.

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btweston 1

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Dee Lowry 1
Do you guys remember ALOHA 243? Talk about the integrity of a Boeing built airplane. B-52's have lost their vertical stabilizers, inflight, and still put the "BUFF" back on the pavement.
Aircraft19 1
That was a scary incident
gewy 3
well... except for the nose gear ;-)
PhotoFinish 1
It's a nice landing, given the challenging circumstance, but it's old news. ThR same that has made the rounds before.

Landing: Oct 18, 2011
Added to YouTube: Oct 24, 2011
bentwing60 4
I knew it was old but hadn't seen it on FA, or at all, so if I waste a few digital electrons, I'm optimistic that the internet will survive.
PhotoFinish 1
Certainly a great bit of piloting, so I've up voted it. But it has come up here before, including a recent mention/link in the last month or two.
Er.A.K. Mittal 2
I hope no damage done if any. After all, there are always some who missed the first bus !
Eldho Thomas 1
I had.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
'bentwing60' - a remarkable search . The pilot concerned every possible praise for landing with nose up in a take off stance and reducing speed simultaneously.
I am sure the damage must have been bare minimum !
Though I am not an aviator, but I am sure that actual pilots will agree with me . Ofcourse with greater professional elaboration !
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
The pilot concerned deserves every possible praise ....
error - my apologies
bentwing60 1
No apologies necessary. No harm, no foul. I know some of us seem a bit nettlesome at times, but, as with any forum, the input is large, occasionally the knowledge base is small, and the old hands get testy when it seems that the inmates are running the asylum.
Cheers from 450.


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