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(Video) British Airways Boeing 747-400 in D-Check

Engineering Giants is a documentary series which takes a look at the making of some of the world's biggest machines. This series will go behind the scenes and document what it takes to overhaul a British Airways' Boeing 747-400. ( Más...

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David Restrick 1
I've been to the Boeing plant in Everett, and with this video I feel like I've been to BA Maintenance Cardiff. It is a great video, but the presenters don't inspire very much confidence when compared to the BA engineers.
William Lenoch 1
Way back in the early days of the 747 I was lucky enough to be a part of building them. Of course that would be with how many other thousands of people. Just seeing what goes in to their construction, and at the time stress testing, is amazing. Getting number 2 ready to go to the Paris Airshow was especially hectic but worth all the effort.
Roland Dent 1
I hope the BA workshops at Cardiff Wales are big enought for the A380. Qantas send theirs to Hamburg.
Jesus Rivera 1
Super video, Great educational value. Gives the prospective passenger a greater appreciation for the work that is involved by the ground crews. It's way more than just getting a ticket and getting on ... point A to point B. Hope I can catch "VX" at SFO one day.
Aaron Wallbank 1
Great doco!!!!!Thank you for sharing....AMAZING
jbermo 1
Check out the horribly wrinkled stitch work of the "refurbished" window seat at frame 54:28. An embarrassment, I hope that this refurbished example was a fluke, and not a true sample of BA craftsmanship.
Neville Ebert 1
Thank you for showing this to a 'layman' like me. I now have an appreciation of the work that goes on to build and maintain an aircraft like this. I will fly in one of these air planes again confident that it will take me safely to my destination.

David Betlock 2
I was also USAF long ago. The marvels and technology of today's flying machines
just are beyond imagination. Thanks to all those brains who keep them flying with
safety as a priority.
Mark Lansdell 1
One of the best if not the best video I've seen. Well put together and great continuity. Really well done. Thanks very nmuch
toolguy105 1
Yes I too was USAF Mechanic and I was amazed each time one of our planes took off that we could get all those thousands of parts going in the same direction at the same time. Many man hours go into safety checks after each flight to ensure these parts keep going in the same direction on each flight.

Boeing and Airbus will keep building them bigger and faster. Though it it the mechanic, the person almost never seen, who keeps them flying safely. So next time you see a mechanic walking through the terminal give them a wave, a smile and s than you. The pilots get all the glory though it is the mechanic that keeps you safe.
Roland Dent 1
Well said
Charles Collins 3
Looks like I won't be getting any work done for the next 58:59.
Conor Ball 1
Just amazing, we should appreciate the people that work hard to keep airlines and aircraft working!
joel wiley 1
Thanks Daniel.
The rudder control cables reminded me of some of the discussions around here about Boeing and Airbus' fly-by-wire. It reminded me of why I don't try rebuilds- I have too many parts left over. It made me think about who translates the manuals for the overseas outsourced maintenance
Roland Dent 1
Consider this Joel. Rolla Royce uses the Oxford English dictionary..the product is a very erudite rendition of "how too". Airbus uses vernacula French on the shop floor. When the machines go up to Hamburg for a tear down they use Platt Deutsch (regional German) in the wotk shop. The common language is Oxford English. Let you decide which is the easier to use.
Ric Wernicke 1
'ave a copy of the OED on a stand in me vestibule. Quite useful when one wants to select a word to make a paragraph sound stodgy.
Roland Dent 1
Agreed. The American English text books were always easy to read. That was exactly the point I was trying to make. I think it is wrapped up the social class system of the UK. Well said.
Bill Schmiett 2
I've had the chance to do the VIP tour of the assembly plant in Everett a few times, so cool to see an aircraft stripped down again and refurbished to almost new.

Hats off to the folks that keep them flying. I did have to chuckle at the reference to the 25 year life span of the design. These are the folks that built the B-52 and that may still be in inventory for a few years yet. I get the economic life span part, but look out DC-3.
Wingscrubber 3
That's British Airways Maintanence Cardiff (BAMC), did my work experience/intership there. Fun memories :)
Jeremy Kudlick 6
Awesome video. It's amazing that something that large can be stripped down and completely refurbished in less than 6 weeks. Thanks for sharing.

Ric Wernicke 5
6 weeks? I saw the video, the Brits did it in less than an hour!
Jeremy Kudlick 2
It would have actually been less than an hour, but they kept breaking for tea and biscuits! ;D
Er.A.K. Mittal 8
Ironically engineers ALL OVER are the most unsung heroes ! No exceptions . Barring politically motivated references . Sad . Very sad . :-( :-( , Remember , Wright Brothers were engineers NOT FLIERS ! ! - from one engineer to every one .
Johnny Broderick 2
That is a great video thank you Daniel for the heads up.
joe johnson 16
Before I was a pilot, I was a USAF Mechanic. I have an enduring appreciation for the work these professionals do to keep us flying safely.

Excellent link Daniel...Thanks.
Roland Dent 1


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