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Awesome video of B767 CATIIIB Landing

Actual ILS Category 3B autoland at Milan (MXP) and low visibility taxi - B767 ( Más...

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K Nixon 0
Fantastic! Thanks.
Chris Oldfield 0
Great Job! Loved the Korean vacuum cleaner.
William Bohannon 0
Steve Shaw 0
Very impressive indeed. Wish my CJ3 had CAT III. And I must admit to the increased pucker-factor-value even watching the video.
George Haksch 0
TheSkipster 0
That's why I walk, drive, take the train...anything but fly. Of course, full body searches may have something to do with it.
"Get paid the big bucks" .. seeing the awesome views out the front windshield at 36,000 feet or so .. baby sitting a most very complicated computer !
preacher1 0
It has it's perks but try sitting in that left seat awhile. That computer and them systems may be taking a lot of the redundant work off the pilots but you better damn sure know how to fly the plane if they go haywire, and some are either non existent or malfunction like happened to me this morning on one of DAL's old DC-9's. We basically hand flew that thing from somewhere not to far out of KATL back to KMEM this morning. Nothing life threatening but it was that or go back to KATL and I didn't like that option.
gara gorgone 0
Pan Sophic 0
Like others have suggested this is a very procedural approach, verbal and electronic callouts included. Just in case the fog has not lifted after you touch down a ground guidance system has been devised called the Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (SMGCS) or "SMIGS" as most of us call it. This system indicates where to depart the runway and then guides you to a point near the terminal. Here is a link to better understand SMIGS.
patrick Kuffner 0
Travelers really have no complaints about finding their departure gate in a brightly lit terminal with easy to read signage.
lvdudeman 0
Amazing video. My wife starting having a panic attack watching it, claustrophobic.
gara gorgone 0
Greg Bath 0
toolguy105 0
Okay, that guy deseves a tall one. Taxing a 100 million dollar airplane with 200 + passengers in a fog so thick I wouldn't drive my $40,000 six passenger car in. Not to mention having to land in that fog. That is a lot of faith to put in some silicon ships.
preacher1 0
I notice that between sometime yesterday and this morning that the title of the article was changed from a CAT3c to a CAT3b landing. Not a lot of difference between the 2 except for a radar guided taxi or similar once on the ground and I think B requires a 50' alert but at 50', it doesn't really matter what you are in, you are there anyway.
Walt Morgan 0
I put a 767 into MXP several years ago in similar lost on taxi because the vis was worse taxing in...could see maybe two centerline taxiway lights. Found the parking positons finally after completing a u turn on a cul de sac ramp! The flying is easier than the taxi!
Robert Duke 0
A little spooky if you ask me....I'm sure the crew and aircraft performed flawlessly but I get the jitters about other stuff out of the crew/aircraft control such as ground traffic and ATIS control. Just me though..Remember Tenerife?
preacher1 0
Well, besides the pucker factor previously alluded to, Mr. Honeywell did a fine job. Kudos for the crew and controllers for getting thru the maze. In years past, this and many other Airports would have been closed in these conditions but this is getting commonplace at times in some locations. Takeoff is not much different as Michael alludes to above, once you get to the runway. I don't know how these younger guys feel about it but having transitioned thru it all, while it may be the norm, it still scares the hell out of me because while you are watching it all happen there is a total lack of control until touchdown and unless somthing goes haywire and you have to take manual to abort, you are along for the ride.
Robert Duke 0
Oh yea, that's another issue in itself, "manual control" in those conditions? Pucker factor just goes up exponentially in my view. Todays pilots although generally speaking are very good, I would consider their jobs as really "system managers" Not too many "seat of your pants" flyers anymore...Just an opinion.
preacher1 0
Well,Robert, your opinion is not far off, if any.That "systems management is creeping into the majority of things these days and becoming a "have to" rather than an option anymore as far as flying big iron, and there is a lot of smaller GA stuff out there getting to be the same way. That being said, those that don't know what do do when a system fails are the ones we will read about. As far as manual control in that situation, if something went haywire on the way into that, I would pray I would have enough altitude left to take control, pull up, power out and go somewhere else. If not, you'd probably be reading about me.
Lots of pilots, like yourself have had to perform a basic zero/zero in a situation. But a cat111 as routine is not of interest to me as a pilot or a pax. I need a better reason than to stay on schedule.
josh burr 0
I love how the KE747 "cleared the way"
Casey Strickland 0
Very Impressvie :)
Michael Enzmann 0
Northern Italy fog - remember some mornings driving from my hotel on the airport edge to the terminal and missing my correct turnoff on the roundabout - even driving at 10 - 20 km/hr I just couldn't see. Think at the time there is no way a plane is going to fly out in this crud so I'll miss my connection home. Then the plane leaves on time, we taxi out with me still not being able to see squat out the window - until we lift off and get to see this solid white blanket below except for the mountain peaks.
Kenny Amis 0
I agree 100% Jeffrey. very good piloting.
Jeffrey Babey 0
I always feel safer flying somewhere then driving myself great distances and this is why :)
preacher1 0
Big bucks are for kinda being along for the ride on one of those deals; it's called GUT CHECK and something you would probably not do on your own. Been there, done that. In the old GCA days, that Airport would have been closed. Did you notice how the lights just appeared out of nowhere. Years ago I was a pax but had to grab the right seat on a TWA convair 880. FO had a bad heart attack and OKC was going below minimums. Crusty old Captain told me to call lights when I saw them; GCA controller called "on slope and 1/4 mile, can you see the lights?" He was already flared. Captain never answered, I called right side lights and he put her on the ground without a bounce. We inched to where we could see a taxiway# and they had to send out a strobe truck to get us into the gate. Couldn't hear the audio on this end but I can't imagine them liking it. I know I wouldn't. Talk about putting your stock in automation. It may work but it makes your seat
Jim Anderson 0
Wish I could be more prolific... but... wow...
Ryan Pitt 0
misschristys 0
Great piloting shed great video!

Jeffrey Babey 0
And that is why they get paid the "big bucks" Pilots deserve it :)


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