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Delta Pilots Announce Historic New Contract

The most innovative airline in the U.S. has done it again: Delta pilots will now lead the nation in pay for most positions and provide one of the most compelling pilot experiences. With the deal resulting in raises upwards of 30%, it is expected that the rest of the industry will follow in lockstep soon. ( Más...

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Roger Anderson 5
Would be nice if I could view your site without the paywall.
jmilleratp 1
Right click on the "More...", click on the "Copy link address" and then open in an Incognito Window. More work, definitely, but if you do want to read the article, that usually works. Some sites have hard paywalls that will load before the rest of the page does, so that means that method won't work. But, a good majority of the time, it does work.
John Mahoney -2
works for me, I just had to turn off my ad blocker
sparkie624 2
I don't turn off my ad blocker! Way too much crap out there.
Roger Anderson 2
Of course you would say that given that you work for Aeroexplorer
jmilleratp 1
I don't think that posting a press release equals news.

James Driskell 1
Won't waist my time with sites like this.


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