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Now arriving in Alabama: Your lost luggage

SCOTTSBORO, Alabama (AP) — Welcome to the final resting place for lost luggage. Along a country road next to a muffler shop and a cemetery is a 40,000-square-foot (3,700-square-meter) store filled wit . . . ( Más...

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steven meyer 0
For years I have placed a strip of duct tape on the bag (along with the airlines tags) with my info as well as something in the bag as well. I never pack anything in my bag that is valuable-that is just insanity.

This store is like 30 minutes away from me. While I have been there several times, I have never bought anything. It IS indeed interesting to see what people either lose or do not claim in terms of freight. I could've bought a Movado watch on my last trip, but wasn't feeling good about paying $500 still for a used watch. If you are nearby, it is an interesting trip. I can recommend the diversion. There is a local airport about a mile away if you want a fun aviation field trip.
Chris Bryant 0
Matt - might want to re-read the article. 68K bags lost out of 700M. That's 0.00971%. Less than 1/100th of 1%. That's pretty good, unless one of those is yours. :)
Paul - They did mention that the store launders some 40,000 pieces each month.
As for me - 3 tags. One on the inside, one in a pocket on the outside, one in a rubber protector on the handle.
Marty Brenneis 0
I don't use loose ID tags, I print the contact information on the bag. A card inside OS also a very good idea.
smsatgnv 0
I always enclose "this bag belongs to" contact information inside my bag, as well as in an outside pocket of the bag just in case my ID tag gets ripped off during the handling process(which it frequently does).
Paul Glick 0
I noticed the store did not mention the "dirty laundry" section. Whoa! I fly a lot and after a week or two in Denver or Anchorage, I do not even like opening a suitcase of dirty laundry. Only in Alabama.
Matt Worthen 0
I never check my bags. 29 million bags lost last year


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