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The Bizarre Space Force Plane That Hasn't Landed In 2 Years
The U.S. Space Force got off to a complicated start. Born as a campaign promise from Donald Trump, it wasn't terribly clear at the beginning what the Space Force's role would be among America's armed services. It received quite a bit of political pushback (and no small amount of ridicule) as a resurrection of 80s SDI thinking (via Arms Control) and an unwelcome intrusion of the military into America's space strategy. Prior to Trump's proposal, American space travel had… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
People keep forgetting (many likely don't know) that Star Trek copied their insignia from the Air Force first. The chevron is pretty historical, and I'm fine with it. The "Guardian" stuff is pretty bad though, yeah.
"USAF Space Command was completing the same missions with the same success rate"
Could say the same about the USAF... it wasn't after WWII, on September 18, 1947, that the Department of the Air Force was created under the National Security Act of 1947. It did just fine in two world wars as part of the Army.
Could say the same about the USAF... it wasn't after WWII, on September 18, 1947, that the Department of the Air Force was created under the National Security Act of 1947. It did just fine in two world wars as part of the Army.
Could not agree with you more. I was also in the Air Force and served in what is now the USSF. As you stated, there was basically a separate command in the Air Force for Space Operations and it worked fine. I don't doubt that sometime in the far future a separate Space Force would be a good idea but it was not necessary now and it all it created was more bureaucratic overhead that costs more money and more division. All this because the previous administration thought it was "Cool to do" not because it made sense or was necessary!
The creation of Space Force was not a DoD idea, nor was it their priority. That was all driven by President Trump.
Well, we got two seasons of a Netflix comedy out of it, so there's that. :-)
Can we please just change the name to US Space Command,
Space Comm for short. PLEASE. It’s just embarrassing.
Space Comm for short. PLEASE. It’s just embarrassing.
It's a wonder he didn't call it Trump Space Force.
As a retired USAF guy, the only thing I can see the USSF has created is more General billets and even more duplicating of positions. USAF Space Command was completing the same missions with the same success rate, just without the ridiculous "Guardian" titles and Star Trek styled insignia. We even won the Cold War without a SpaceCom.
The DoD keeps pushing for another round of BRAC to "save money", yet the creation of another branch is considered OK? Someone needs to take a step back and examine exactly what our priorities as a nation are.