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Student pilot comes under fire while landing a plane at Gardner Airport

Authorities are investigating after a bullet hole was found in a plane at Gardner Municipal Airport on Monday. The Federal Aviation Administration said the pilot of a single-engine Cessna 172 reported a bullet hole in the gas tank after landing. The pilot tells Boston 25 he was two minutes away from landing and about 700 feet in the air when the bullet went through, hitting the fuel tank. Student pilot Dan Black says he and his instructor were practicing landing in the four-seater single-engine… ( Más...

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What is wrong with people these days? Shooting at an airplane? Really?
srobak 16
while I agree with you that there is something quite wrong with people, and that shooting at aircraft is of course bad - unless you have had your head in the sand the last several years - the level of "what is wrong with people" should not be at all surprising to you. Without law & order which operates in the blind instead of on the basis of race, equity and favoring criminals and the social-angenda'ed - we are on a trek to endless devolution in society.
21voyageur -9
Suggesting more guns and ammo for the police state? Hmmm, why not fix the problem.
srobak 7
Can't fix it without a strong foundation for law & order. If the last couple of years have demonstrated nothing else - it has certainly shown that left to their own devices of self-regulation - the people will not, and chaos and mayhem will prevail.
sparkie624 3
Because they are in full force to "Defund the Police"!
HP Baumeister 1
No, because it starts at the top! If a traitor-president is already trampling law and order, why would his disciples be any better?
Kevin Wanecke -2
Who is they? I believe your miss informed. Unless you only listen to fox or other similar broadcasters.
sparkie624 2
Surely you have seen Minneapolis, San Francisco, and so many other cities trying to Defund the police! It is all over every type of news..
Peter Ertman -3
Hasn't been on any reputable news source in months. Of course, Faux News is probably still covering this non-story.
WhiteKnight77 2
bbabis 9
There will probably be some bragging on a social site. You can't fix stupid.
Jim Quinn 12
If the shooter is found I would hope he'd get the 5-years incarceration and $250K fine. I'd be willing to bet it was not a random shot but rather an intentional act. And I'm also surprised the FAA doesn't want to help. Perhaps I shouldn't be....
linbb 11
I dont know any more as look what is done with lasers and drones. Even felons with guns dont get fve years every time. Too many crimes not getting prosecuted fully plea bargains are the easy way out and now OR Governor Kate let a person out early who murdered a teen gir.
sparkie624 4
Needs more than 5 years... Now days the Penalty does not nearly fit the Crime.... They get off easy now days... just look at Drunk Drivers... Slap on the wrist until next time, then they get 24 hours in the tank... takes a long time before they get what they deserve!
Peter McGrath 2
It's Massachusetts where if they catch you with an illegal gun they all but look the other way! Mass. has an automatic 1-year in jail for an unlicensed firearm that I don't think anyone has been called on. Also, if it goes Federal, the A/USA for Mass. is Rachel Rollins who pioneered the "these are the crimes I won't prosecute" rule!
sparkie624 8
Geez... that is crazy... Hope they find the moron that did this.. chance are he will never pay up...
First the FAA, now people on the ground. When will the harassment stop?
Justthefacs 3
Would have been nice to state the location of Gardner Airport in the headline.
srobak 2
take it up with - they are the ones that published the story
WhiteKnight77 1
I got downvoted here for posting a similar squawk that had the state name in the title as I used a local news source. Go figure. :/
WhiteKnight77 2
Until someone is caught, and that might never happen, we will never know if it was intentional or accidental.
sparkie624 5
Accident Maybe, but a Random shot in the air is just stupid... The person who did this even if it was not intentional needs to be held accountable... What goes up, must come down. If you pull the trigger you are to be held accountable. If not the plane, it could have come down and killed someone miles away! I hope they catch this idiot and throws him under the jail!

John Lussier 4
Fake News, Massachussetts has some of the strictest, if not THE strictest firearms laws in the nation, therefore this could not have occurred.
21voyageur 3
oh,,,, you are a funny man!
srobak 4
obviously he is being drippingly sarcastic. while MA does have the most strict gun laws in the land as a measure to supposedly prevent all.bad.things (tm) gun-related - obviously those don't work.
David Sandidge 2
This is no surprise. But I AM surprised that it doesn't happen more often in democrat-run cities.
David Rice 3
Democrat run cities? Can you name a large Republicans can led city? Nope...the largest is dinky little Ft Worth, less than 1M people. The next largest...Jacksonville, also less than 1M people. That’s right, there really are no Repub led cities, just small towns of less than 1M.
WhiteKnight77 2
Duplicate squawk.
Torsten Hoff 5
James' squawk was posted first.
WhiteKnight77 -3
I am totally aware of it and is why I posted there as well.
linbb -4
Kind of stupid to do just trolling sites I guess. Normal on here anymore getting treated like FB anymore.
WhiteKnight77 1
While I had originally read the report on Yahoo as well, I wanted a local source to post and is why I was a bit behind this one, yet people cannot see such. Hence why I, and appears you as well, have been downvoted.
21voyageur 2
They did not call it "yahoo" for nothing.
Edward Ludwig 1
with Lazer attacks on aircraft are rising it seems plausible for these yahoos to take it to the next level. When I was flying the tier states we were landing in Lincoln Nebraska. approach told us to maintain 4500 ft until 2 miles out because national guard helicopters were caught rustling cattle and they were shooting at low flying helicopters.
Brian Freeman 1
Guns don't shoot airplanes, people shoot airplanes...with guns.

Who here can recite the first four words of the 2nd Amendment and explain them?? It's past time we obeyed those words.
Matt Lacey 6
Regulated, when the Bill of Rights was written, meant kept. This is why originalism/textualism is the correct philosophy.
Jerry Lohman 10
Sir, if you're suggesting that the 2nd Amendment only applies to an active militia, you're not keeping up with Federal court rulings. It is an individual right and does not need to be argued here. Someone committed a felony by shooting at an airplane. I hope the guilty party is found and brought to justice.
WhiteKnight77 1
And you show that you stop reading at the first comma. The part after the second comma, the right of the people, tells everyone who can understand and comprehend English, exactly who has the right. People make up a militia as well.
Wayne Fox -1
The second amendment and several others need to ne updated not just interpreted. It's pretty bad that idiots on the ground are graduating to guns from lasers.
strickerje 5
Well, if we want the constitution amended, there's a way to do that. That it hasn't been attempted suggests there's not as much support for changing the second amendment as you might think.
srobak 5
basic rights do not need to be updated. they need to be followed, adhered to and enforced.
sparkie624 5
You are correct... A Gun has never shot anyone.. Every gun incident had an idiot in charge of it. A Gun is a Tool just like a Hammer or Screw Driver... Shooting someone with a Gun and killing them is just as bad has killing them with a Screw Driver or Hammer! I am certainly glad I do not have to register my Screw Driver...
gilgraham 1
I thought it interesting that the bullet penetrated only the aluminum skin, and not the tank. It makes me think it must have been a handgun with lower velocity & energy at 700' straight up. I would think a rifle would have gone straight through the tank, likely causing an explosion. Surely somebody on the ground heard the shot and we'll hopefully catch the culprit.
Thomas Brown 3
If the tank was full, a hollow point may have mushroomed like it does in water and ballistics gel and lost enough energy to not penetrate the top. Like you said, probably a handgun.
WhiteKnight77 2
It did pierce the tank, hence the fuel dripping onto the concrete ramp under the plane.
wtwisniewski 1
Shooting an airplane (disabling a pilot) with a laser can have similarly disastrous consequences. With guns, locating by sound is easier than finding the very directional source of light.
srobak 0
I'm going to encourage you to read your 2nd sentence again, and really think about what you wrote.
Cathy Conroy 1
Is there an an outdoor gun range nearby? If so maybe it was a stray bullet?
sparkie624 2
That would be one very stray Bullet... I cannot see that happening.... I know mistakes taken, but I just cannot see that much of a stray bullet from a legitimate range... nor can I imagine an outdoor range that close to an Airport!
srobak -9
Going to go out on a limb here... most likely they were doing repeated pattern work.... T&G's - probably either very early or very late, and probably for an hour straight, at that point. Buzzing overhead of the same homes again and again and again... and there is a walmart and a trailer court just to the east.

Sooo.... you do the math. Not saying that it is at all right - but even other pilots get annoyed at the sound of a 172 going around and around overhead for a constant hour.
David Beattie 7
So, if someone irritates you it’s ok to shoot at them and possibly kill them? Welcome to our wonderful new vigilante world.
srobak -4
What part of "Not saying that it is at all right" did you fail to understand?

And for those of you downvoting me - don't get mad at me for posting a most likely scenario.... I didn't shoot the goddamn thing! Buncha maroons on this site. smh
strickerje 3
I would wager the downvotes are because your scenario doesn't seem that likely. Airports have always been noisy (and 172s aren't that noisy as far as these things go), and yet this doesn't happen often. My guess would have been stray bullet rather than intentional.
srobak 0
Yeah, well we have all seen just how "tolerant" people have been becoming. It has been on prime display for the last few years, and it is rapidly and rampantly getting much worse.
strickerje 0
I do agree with you on that. I'd prefer downvoted comments not get hidden, but at least you can still opt to see them. I look forward to seeing how Twitter goes under new management. :)
sparkie624 1
I would agree to an extent... Some posts are in appropriate and need to be hidden. Most are ok, but there are some that are just out of here!
strickerje 1
Yeah, it's because there's a Walmart and a trailer park nearby... Last I checked, urban areas had higher rates of shootings and murders.
srobak 0
Yes - precisely because there is a walmart and trailer park nearby. Now you're catching on. Guess which national chain store has the highest number of shooting incidents? Yeup - walmart. Guess which one has the highest number of crime in general? You already know.

Anyhow - guns, murders, crime and shootings are of course always higher in urban areas. But that does not mean that sub-urban areas do not have them - nor that skyward-shooting lunatics do not live there, too.
strickerje 0
Walmart also happens to be the largest retailer. Are we talking about overall number of incidents, or relative to the population? The latter is what I'm referring to when it comes to shootings (hence my use of the term "rate").
HP Baumeister 0
Surprised that not more Harley drivers are being shot at….
srobak -1
they tend to shoot back

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srobak 5
don't be stupid

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srobak 1
that is not an exercising of the 2A. Don't be stupid.

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srobak 0
oh here we go - another "wild west" catastrophizer


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