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Flying the Fairchild Swearingen Metroliner, the one-of-a-kind turboprop that’s become an AvGeek delight

Did you know that it is possible for a plane to simultaneously be cramped and roomy? I didn’t, either, until I recently took a flight aboard one of the most unique passenger planes flying in the U.S. right now, the Fairchild Swearingen Metroliner. This plane was popular with regional airlines in the 1980s and 1990s, but now just a single airline operates it — and on a single route. I recently flew this plane on that route, from Denver International Airport (DEN) to Alliance Municipal Airport… ( Más...

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Ken Jackson 1
We called them Flying Pencils (among there, less printable names).

Ye olde San Antonio sewer pipe aka the tube of terror.
Randy Barron 1
You could always plan to stay overnight in Alliance, and visit Carhenge ☺️


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