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FlightAware is Hiring

Love aviation? Join FlightAware! FlightAware serves all segments of the aviation marketplace through best-in-class applications and data services that provide comprehensive information about the current and predicted movement of aircraft. Through the collection, interpretation, and enrichment of hundreds of sources of data, including data from FlightAware's own proprietary terrestrial ADS-B network with tens of thousands of receivers spanning seven continents in 200 countries and… ( Más...

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Dale Mingo 1
Any comment on the actual fact that they are hiring and what those positions offer? Anybody?
srobak 1
not applicable as it is all overshadowed by their very unfortunate jab requirement.
Gary Rozar -3
All vaxxed people have 36mts to live or less...I would say 18 Mts at the most... but until they die they are poisoning the rest of the worlds to the vaxxed find the nearest live 5 G tower and hug it for a while...that is the right thing for you to do at this point...or you will turn into a zombie like creature walking the streets after all hospitals refuse to treat you b/c most of those Doctors and RN'S are showing the same open running sores b/c All the Vaxxed are in the same boat! 2Water events happening in April? ...Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific will be nuked?...move 100-200 miles away from any coastline...
William Smith -3
Not well known or reported is that on January 15, 2022, the International Common Law Court of Justice, in Brussels, Belgium, found the top officials of Pfizer and KlaxoSmithKline, China and the Vatican, guilty on charges of "Genocide" and "Crimes against Humanity" (Case Docket No. 09152021-A001).

The Court has sentenced 75 individuals to life imprisonment and stripped defendants of "all assets, disestablishes their corporations and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale or use of their COVID vaccines as “products of genocide and mass murder”."

The convicted include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), ‘Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor) and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.

Judgment and Warrants (Arrest and Seizure) can be downloaded from under “Breaking News”.
Is this a top secret case or something? The official site for the International Court of Justice in Belgium doesn't seem to have any cases related to covid
Oh ... you're talking about some made up group by a handful of people ( that no established authority recognises. Good luck (possibly) to anyone stupid enough to try and enforce these 'warrants' or 'judgements' - I'm sure all those named are quaking in their boots.
DaveRK 0
This post is a copy of a false & fake news report.
William Smith -2
Have you even read or even seen the court opinion and the warrants? I have. Also found here:

Try reading before you assume that it's "This post is a copy of a false & fake news report."
DaveRK 0
Ahh yes I read several articles from established news outlets.
srobak 0
established news outlets...

you mean the ones who touted Soviet collusion w/ Trump & the Steele dossier, insisted Jacob Blake was unarmed even after he came on their own channel and interviewed admitting he had a knife in his hand and refused to comply, that people wielding tiki torches (including 1 black man) outside Youngkin's campaign bus were the cross-section of his racist supporters and were not planted there by a radical left organization, that reported ivermectin as being horse medicine while covering up the fact it has been used in meds for head lice and skin conditions in humans for decades, or that hospitals were turning away gunshot victims because they were overrun with ivermectin ODs, or who intentionally mis-edited the Sandmann interaction and outright slandered him resulting in hundreds of millions in lawsuits against every single one of the established news outlets, or accusing a grocery chain of benefitting from "pay for play" in vax distro, or of border agents using whips against illegal alien border jumpers, or that Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an illegal weapon and was a racist (despite having only shot white people), or that insists that CRT is not taught in schools, or that there is no inflation (or that it is "transitory"), or how this country which has for generations had the most diverse population of any other country on the globe is systemically racist? Shall I go on?

Yeah - ok.... you keep on reading those, and enjoy the shining example of credibility that comes with them.
William Smith 1
As I indicated, "Not well known or reported..."

The established news outlets will not report anything that does not line up with their agenda nor their narrative.
After reading "to be required to be fully vaccinated and present proof of vaccination" I no longer want to have anything to do with 'FlightAware'. I will be shutting down my station and using the hardware for other purpose. Do some research ...
srobak -1
oooh be careful.... the radical whackadoos don't like it when you turn their own cancel culture against them. you get accused of being intolerant.... or something.
DaveRK 1
I never in all my years, expected to see such nonsense and uneducated thinking from a (supposedly) intelligent group of people.
srobak 1
Yeah... I thought FA as a company was better than that, too.
Jesse Carroll -1
Wonder what DR. Fauci would say about this aviation site?
Dr. Anthony Fauci ? MD/NIAD/ Director/BSS in charge
Phil Nolden 1
GOOD GRIEF! Can we talk about ANYTHING else besides COVID?
srobak 1
it is a hiring requirement for FA - so.... it is on-topic.
Judd Lee -3
Aww, you lost me at vaxxed. Not a guinea pig
Juan Jimenez -3
Nah, just an anti-vaxx dimwit.
srobak -1
anti-covid jab ≠ anti-vax. know the difference
arno simon 2
I thought TX forbid VaxPass?
Elliot Cannon 2
They probably wouldn't want someone as ignorant as you anyway. LOL
Robert Preston -9
Maybe thats why theres a shortage of engineers...common sense is to NOT get vaxxed with an experimental shot with horrendous side effects...good luck finding decent people..
Reily Stafford 6
Probably most engineers know how science works and understand risks. 100% of the engineers (electrical, in my case) are vaxed because the employer requires it. 0% have left because of that requirement.
Engineers may know the science as applied to their area of expertise, but they do not understand medical science works (in particular with reference to the Covid-19 fiasco. We have not gone more than 2 weeks in the last two years where there hasn't been a change in at least 1 or more factors (social distancing, getting the virus if you are vaccinated or not, etc.), obvious lies such as the recent "long term studies reveal..." Unless "long term" has been re-defined, this cannot have had such examination. On top of all the confusion, the removal of personal choice on such a decision is totalitarian. Bottom line: If you take away our choice of being vaccinated, you take away your privilege to hire me. Go hire someone who can't think critically instead.
Juan Jimenez -3
So don't apply. You clearly have zero clue what you are talking about.
Reily Stafford 2
So don't apply. I don't see what the problem is here. United posted the requirement. You choose not to meet it. End of discussion. your anti-vax doublespeak doesn't change that equation. Also, just FYI, the supreme court upheld the right of private companies and local governments to require the vax just as recently as 2022. So really you do not have the right to be un-vaxed. Sorry.
Michael Dealey 2
Where do you get your information? The Supreme court ruled just the opposite - except for healthcare workers.

There are no FDA approved vaccines available in the Untied States and it is therefore unlawful to "mandate" (also not legally enforceable) that people be forced to submit to medical experimentation against their will.

Even if there were approved vaccines available, an individual's consent is paramount. Violating that consent is a breach of the Nuremberg Code - specifically item 1:

srobak -3
not a chance the last sentence is true
Reily Stafford 4
It is 100% factual. 0 of the engineers have left. 100% are vaccinated. Sorry you don't like these facts, but they are facts.
Juan Jimenez 1
The Army has vaccinated 98% of the troops. The rest are getting sh*tcanned. Facts are facts.
srobak -2
Engineering headcount must be 3, then.
Reily Stafford 1
NO, around 900-some EEs.
srobak -7
ok now I know you are talking bullshit. lol
Reily Stafford 3
nope. sorry. facts are what they are, even if you don't like them.
srobak -4
keep convincing yourself of that.
Reily Stafford 1
reality has a way of intruding even if you don't like it. Sorry.
Juan Jimenez 0
Keep clicking your heels and hoping you will somehow be right. LMAO!

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srobak -1
now now, don't go confusing the issue with facts
Juan Jimenez -3
Who cares what you think about it? Don't apply and leave it at that. No one will miss you.
Reily Stafford 2
Then just don't apply. Simple as that. Any employee that doesn't care enough to get vaxxed probably shouldn't apply for a job where it's required....

[This poster has been suspended.]

Reily Stafford 1
I suggest you look into the recent Supreme Court rulings on the exact topic - from as recent as 2022 they upheld a private company has the right to require the vax. Also, just in case you're curious, the Supreme Court ruled that local and state governments can actually *require* you to get vaxxed. Sorry but you're the one spouting the BS here.

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ADXbear 4
I'm interested.. im instrument rated and licensed Aircraft Dispatcher..fully vaxed, I dont see any positions that want these ratings. I would be a remote worker if interested.
Cleffer 0
"All newly hired employees in the United States are required to be fully vaccinated and present proof of vaccination before their start date." LOL.
avionik99 0
Whats the point? It has been proven that the vaccine will not stop you from getting or spreading covid! At best it might lesson symptoms. I know as I have been fully vaxxed and boosted and still got covid! This makes no sense whatsoever!
Steve Enderlin 1
When are all of you unvaxxed dimwits going to realize that the ever increasing variants of the virus are starting with you?
Juan Jimenez 3
So don't apply, no one will miss you.
Reily Stafford 8
The point is that is the requirement. If you don't want to, you don't have to apply. Seesh. I swear people have lost their minds.
srobak -2
the point is it should not be a requirement. S[h]eesh. I swear you have lost your mind.
Reily Stafford 5
the point is nobody cares what you think about a private company's requirement. If you don't want to get vaxxed then don't apply for the job. If you disagree with them, too bad you have no say in the matter.
srobak -2
Actually lots of people do case - as clearly evidenced by this very comment thread. Personally - I think the un-jabbed (it is not a vax) should be a protected class after all the bias, hostility and discrimination that has been shown them, and the undue hardships they have had to endure for no legitimate, factual reason.

What if the requirement of the private company for these jobs were for the applicants to be white, catholic and conservative? Would you still have no problem with that? Or do we know the truth already that you would be fighting others off for your chance to climb upon the soap-box and scream bloody murder? Ahhh... so you have a say in that matter because it matters to you - but others don't or can't have a say in the matter which matters to them.

Yay hypocrisy.
btweston -1
Jesus are we still beating that drum? You’re wrong, and you sound ridiculous.
srobak -8
You might want to read up on the recent discoveries made at large by the medical community regarding this. It is not _still_ beating the drum - it is in fact a new and confirmed drum. The only ones who sound ridiculous are those who are continuing to ignore it.... that'd be you.
jglazko 2
"at large by the medical community". Ok, so supply the source and an actual study, not "my grammaw got covid anywaay"
Juan Jimenez 1
Do anti-vaxxers ever wonder what life would be like if they'd had enough oxygen at birth?
Cleffer 0
No. We're experiencing life by not taking medicine being forced down our throats which is causing a myriad of issues, such as an increase of 472% of female infertility, a 437% increase of ovarian disfunction, a 369% increase of testicular cancer and a 487% increase of testicular cancer. (Source: The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database) So you can go right ahead and have fun with that because this is working out just how I suspected.
Chris Muncy 3
I know... and I do not understand the reasoning behind the thinking. Yes, being vaxed and boosted *might* lesson the severity of the symptoms but will not prevent it. As a side note: I hope this does not turn in to a shit-show by posting this.
Reily Stafford 7
Actually, that is not true. As of January 28th, the CDC reported that the 2+1 (two shots + booster) is ~95% effective at +14 days. The data is pretty easy to get, the CDC publishes the data on their web site so you can check it out yourself.
srobak -3
ah... so because of the high efficacy is why the infection rate of the past two months is a full FIVE TIMES that of the previous peak a year ago, and the death rate is at it's highest since the vax [sic] became available. Right. Got it.
Michael Dealey -3
The CDC is highly corrupt. Other studies (with no financial ties to pharmaceutical companies) say otherwise.

Also, it is completely illegal to mandate that people take an experimental vaccine. In case you are unaware, there are no FDA approved vaccines available in the United States and there are no planes to make them available anytime soon.

If you think that's bunk, do some research.
avionik99 20
And the funny thing is most of the jobs are "Remote" meaning work from home. Need vaxxed to work from home? Thats even more ridiculous!!
srobak 1
I've worked remote since long before covid made it chic to do so. My company tried to institute this after a full year and a half of not requiring it. I simply ignored them and when they tried to followup I threatened legal action. It's been all good ever since then.
Steve Hunter 1
It is always a good move to threaten your employer with legal action.
srobak 1
When they are in the wrong - yes, yes it is. There is a long track record of people successfully taking action against employers who cross legal, ethical and contractual lines. If you instead prefer to think of yourself as a slave to your company - then that is how they will treat you, and that is all you will ever be.
Cleffer 0
The United States Supreme Court agrees with him.
Stefan Sobol 12
Don't want to get vaxxed? Then don't apply to work at FlightAware. Seems pretty simple.
srobak -3
And you missed the point. Vroooom!
Juan Jimenez -4
What point was that, Tonto?
srobak 0
that there is no need to be vaxxed for remote work for FA, Dingo.


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