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Pilot shortage forces United Airlines to suspend more regional routes

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Speaking during the company’s 2021 fourth-quarter results, United Airlines CCO Andrew Nocella said the airline would cut more routes to secondary cities in the coming months due to the ongoing pilot shortage problem for regional aircraft. ( Más...

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I have heard of pilots who were forced to partake in that Jabberdo ritual were dying at the controls in their cockpit at 39,000 feet. The story out there is that if you are a pilot who did not partake in the Jabberdo ritual you are in high demand because of your lessen chance of taking your last breathe here on earth in the cockpit at 39,000 feet over the Bermuda Triangle in the middle of hurricane season.
DonDengler -6
United is still about getting more diversity. As in less white Americans. So your “ thumbs down “ are meaningless to me. Ta ta
srobak 0
We don't like racists here.
srobak 2
really? someone downvoted me saying we don't like racists? Whoever did that needs to go take a REALLY hard look in the mirror. And then swiftly bash their own head into it.
Aaron Capps 1
Wouldn’t be a shortage if the airlines paid more. Spending 100k+ For ATP only to earn 30k a year isn’t going to attract youth to the profession. Sure long term it makes more economic sense but kids don’t think that far. Heck I would quit my non aviation job and upgrade from Private Pilot if the money made sense!
srobak 1
You do know you have to work your way up to that paygrade, right? No - regionals don't pay that, and they shouldn't. If you want the big bucks as a pilot - you need to advance your way to the majors, fly the big equipment, on the long trips and spend extended amounts of time away from your family. By year 10-15 you should be pulling 6 figures - which is better than many other fields at 10 years.
DonDengler 0
Buh bye!
srobak 1
Juan Jimenez 1
Heck, I'd fly for them if they paid well enough. But I am 62 and can make more money sitting at home writing code. Meh.
srobak 3
writing code or soaring through the air. Gee - tough choice.
Jeff Jones 5
Yep I was forced to give up my job as a 787 captain due to age discrimination while the President of the US at almost 80 keeps his job along with the speaker of the house at 81, Supreme Court justices in there 80s and many of my medical doctors are in their 70s. Go figure. But at least I found a great post airline job flying for a corporation.
DonDengler 0
Good for you. There was life after UAL immediate for me. And it keeps getting better. So glad not to br back up there with the irates & undesirables anymore.
Bill Sanford 2
True that, but not one of those poor souls has seen the sights or felt the exhilaration we have. I wouldn’t have traded it for anything less than a huge Powerball jackpot- and then I would have bought my own Global.
Jeff Jones 2
Bill Sanford 3
65’s in the rear view mirror, but I could have given them a few more years of service. Oh well…
DonDengler -2
United Aero Lines latest money -grab making sham Bet this will be shut down in w year by FAA

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

srobak 1
Your safety is at far more risk in an Uber or Lyft than it will ever be in a plane.
MrTommy 4
No truck drivers. No pilots. What's next, no cab drivers or bus drivers?
vermaas 3
Bus drivers have been in short supply for quite some time now, and Chicago and other cities are running many lines on a reduced schedule.
DonDengler -7
Yes that’s a given. But this whole
Conversation is about United drawing in “minorities “ to United new fly x night flight training school in Arizona. Minority is now the majority in some cases and fly x night pun intended! Get off the truck driver thing please
Jim Rosser 2
That’s what I want somebody piloting an airplane because of their gender or minority status. Where’s the safety in that
srobak 1
safety now plays 2nd fiddle to equity, haven't you heard?
DonDengler 2
Once again. The television ads for United new flight school showing all other ethnicities to show the world how woke United is these days ….this has nada to do with weather and Lufthansa. !
srobak 2
who said it did?
and didn't you say you were leaving?
srobak 3
it's all connected and part of the same problem and mess, Bonnie
DonDengler -3
It wasn’t a “mess” when Trump was the President of the United States. Period.

DonDengler -2
Who cares
Do the Marh Bonnie. Compare administrations
MrTommy 1
I do, Bonnie. The country was a LOT better off from 2016 until 2020, regardless of what you think of President Trump. A LOT BETTER.
DonDengler -5
Mr tommy. That is YOUR Stupid liberal take. Do not bother me again.
DonDengler -5
Sorry yes it was awesome from 16-20. I won’t give a Democrat the time of day
srobak 1
Most people
srobak 3
So, how's that mandatory vax workin' out for ya there, United? :)
DonDengler -5
You wrote what I did couple weeks ago….ol Scotti is in bed with creepy Brandon
DonDengler -2
What did I hear today? Now liberal UAL opened a pilot school in Arizona? Trying to draw “minorities” to apply to fly commercial aircraft? This has to be a joke.
Yep. My friend sat at gojet three years constantly being passed up by women and minorities. Eventually got on with Atlas, boxes don’t care what is between your legs or what color your skin is I guess.

I think something like aviation needs to steer as far clear as possible from diversity hiring and focus on solely on aptitude, skills, record of performance, and qualification.
srobak 1
now now - we will have none of this common sense and equality talk, here. this is flightaware! the land of covid vaxxes and equity!
klaus1970 6
UAL took over the pilot school from Lufthansa Aviation Training which has been producing thousands of highly trained pilots over decades. Arizona as a location is due the near perfect meteorological conditions, what exactly does that have to do with "drawing minorities"? What a foolish comment, Bonnie.
DonDengler -1
The reports flagrantly say “looking for minorities “. We are being overrun by quotas if you haven’t heard Santa
Maybe because " majorities " are either lazy or unqualified to fly a plane.
srobak 3
ah - that must be why there are so many minorities in aviation. cause all the white devils are lazy and unqualified. lol get over yourself.
DonDengler -1
Not foolish but to the fool himself.
And what is wrong with that?
Just seen on NBC last night were United opened up their own flight training school. Claimed they need 10,000 pilots in the next 8 years.
DonDengler -5
OMG. I can’t believe my (expletive deleted) ears !
uapilot 1
Great solution. Have Mainline UAL fly them with A319 or Guppies! That equals less RJs and more hires at Mainline UAL! Win-Win!
James Cox 2
A lot of these places don't have the passenger volumes to support larger aircraft, UA isn't going to fly an Airbus in there if it's half empty, they'd lose money.
uapilot 1
But when you compare CASM then it makes better sense. New hire class at UAL last week was 70. It’s going to be that way for some time. This is why there are few pilots for Express as UAL is taking them from their RJ seats
uapilot 3
Plus you assume the RJs are making money. In fact
They are subsidized by mainline. Add that to EAS and it’s all more doable.
many of the "regionl routes" were very small cities that were added the last 15-20 years as all the carriers started using and merging with regionals..its sad in a way, but it does save money,so the people affected in those communities will have to drive to the larger city airports as they used to do...


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