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Corrosion found in four engines of hibernating Air NZ Boeing 777-300ER

Auckland’s humid climate has caused corrosion in the engines of hibernating Air New Zealand Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. ( Más...

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sharon bias 4
Keeping a couple close makes sense, because NZ is a long way away from another land mass. If you need planes in a hurry, even if they need minors repairs, that's the way to go.
godutch 2
Define "in a hurry". That's NOT the way to go! Now they have a very expensive corrosion problem. "The way to go" is what the others do - storage at a (nearly) humidity-free environment.
linbb 2
Its the way they were put into storage more likly than not. Also why not tag this with engine maker also? But hey am sure you are up on how to store or pickle things on AC.
Jamar Jackson 4
Should have stored them in Mojave or Victorville like most others do.
Australia is closer and stored a lot of desert locations for storage too. SIA stored their A380s there and I think QANTAS used Victorville. Oh well
Jamar Jackson 1
QANTAS has a few planes stored at back of LAX also I see the windows foiled out on a couple of A380
Was not aware. Think LAX might be an expensive place to store but many storage places are likely at capacity
linbb 2
Lots more room at many places Moses Lake for one. Just a thought/

Jamar Jackson 2
Yes they have a new arge maintenance hanger base here at LAX
That is what makes them tRUSTworthy!
Martin Allan 2
Can anyone explain what is meant by "Hibernating Air" in this context please? As an engineering metallurgist i get the impression that stagnant/trapped air in the engine was not catered for during storage. being in Auckland & effectively surrounded by by sea (which in that area can be quite a humid salt laden atmosphere) I surmise that no special steps were taken to prevent ingress of and trapped salt wet air within engine spaces. NOT very professional & a basic mistake!
Chris Maguire 3
In Auckland, people don't tan, they rust .....
Franky16 1
The last thing I would state about the climate in NZ is that it is not humid. It has an English climate, and the top of the North Island is about 32" South - hardly in a tropical zone. I would suggest they're telling porkies, and did'nt prepare the aircraft corrrectly.
Chris Maguire 2
NZ's weather is regarded as "complex" .... unique in fact.... South yes, but sea currents bring quite warm water for the location.

Some parts of here, especially as you head further South, are indeed low in humidity. However, it's a misconception about here - parts of NZ are actually classified as sub-tropical, particularly Northland

However, Auckland's geography – it's a very narrow isthmus & being surrounded by ocean water on all sides, makes it especially vulnerable to damp sea air in summer. Almost no matter what direction the air is coming from, you get that humid air mass from the ocean.

NZAKL has saltwater tidal mud flats literally beside the runway - & of course we've all seen NZWLG .... Cook Strait at one end & Wgtn harbour at the other end - sea fog tends to be the problem there ....

So, as you head South, NZ has sub-tropical, 2 volcanic alpine plateaus, temperate, the South Island with an Alpine spine to rival most places, alluvial planes, cropping, high country drought areas, & Fiordland with one of the highest rainfalls p/a in the world.

2 generally narrow main islands - no part of NZ is further than 1.5 hours drive from a Coast..... there is even an annual 1 day race - West Coast SI beach to Christchurch beach... run, cycle, run/climb thru an alpine pass, river kayak, cycle - - yah, fun ...not
Chris Maguire 1
In fact - by sheer coincidence - the "Coast to Coast" mentioned in the final paragraph - is this weekend..!!


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