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Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787 Diverts Following Terror Threat

A Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787 Dreamliner was forced to divert to Fukuoka yesterday. The flight from Tokyo to Hanoi reportedly diverted after a threat to shoot the aircraft down was made via a phone call to the airline’s Japanese office. Thankfully, the aircraft landed without further incident despite the threat. ( Más...

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scottiek 1
That livery is gorgeous. Classy.
Paul Miller 2
I also hope that this does NOT get thrown all over the media as seems to happen these days far too much!!!!
sparkie624 1
That much is certain. I hate the way media paints the Aviation industry in general.

sparkie624 2
it has been a long time since I have heard of a Terror Threat... I hope this is an isolated incident and not the start of a new trend!


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