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AT&T, Verizon Agree to Delay 5G After Airlines Threatened to Sue

AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. have agreed to a two-week delay in rolling out a new 5G service that airlines said might interfere with aircraft electronics and pose a safety hazard. ( Más...

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21voyageur -1
This site should get its sh*t together. Same release, two sources, two different headlines. Amature.

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21voyageur 2
@RECORD10 Did you forget to take your meds today?
RECOR10 -7
Someone did ask me if I had taken the vaccine...(I of course offer a shot from my Glock in exchange)...that count as not taking my meds?
Calvin Carter 1
Typical U.S thinking now
21voyageur 3
May want to double the dosage of those antipsychotics sport.
RECOR10 -4
Yeah, thankfully the folks who are lockstep with the diluted and weak-minded left are also anti 2nd amendment. When the civil war starts, hey, at least myself and my like-minded (Constitutionally abiding) individuals are VERY well armed to protect ourselves from the Tyrannical Government and their agents. Plus, myself and many of my peers also have the ability to fly on a whim (assuming that the Govt does not stop the fuel supply)

party on...
Bob Roehrer 1
NewsFlash: they (the preppers and the conspiracy morons) will all end up shooting each other, one can always hope. Or Covid. it'll all balance out.
21voyageur 2
Let's call it a cull by mother nature with those unwilling to recognize reality at far greater risk.
21voyageur 6
I think I know where you were on January 6th. Remember, from what I understand, prison food is not really that tasty. Must be lonesome between those ears of yours. But I do hope no one in your family gets infected. I sense you may sing a different tune should a sibling, parent pass. End of input sport.
mbrews 10
The airline pilots association has this to say on their website :

"ALPA supports the FAA safety actions, to ensure the safety of our crews, passengers, and cargo.

Canada recently restricted C-Band 5G transmissions in the vicinity of 26 airports, and ALPA supports those actions as well "

These are professional pilots. Do they have "skin in the game" for aircraft safety ? Yep, you bet. I for one will listen closely to their concerns.
k1121j 1
imagine paying 80 billion for something and the same person telling you that you can use it.
jrollf 1
It's not exactly new news. The industry raised safety concerns back when the FCC proposed selling the 3700 - 4000 MHz spectrum to mobile phone operators. The FCC ignored the concerns, and the FAA essentially did nothing and kicked the can down the road...
a mentor 2
there's a big difference between NEAR frequencies vs CONFLICTING. The proof is in the eating -- run some live tests in selected areas with various surrounding terrain.
linbb 0
Um yup kinda what them people do when checking problems out that crop up.

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Kairho Carroll 4
Other countries utilize different frequencies (heck, T-Mobile uses different ones) and I've read that they attenuate signal strengths when near runway environments.
Greg S 7
"5G" is not actually a single thing, it's a marketing term covering the next generation of mobile data technology. The actual specific RF parameters will differ from place to place according to needs and regulations.

Colin Seftel 6
In Europe, the permitted power levels are lower that what the FCC proposed.
linbb 3
Ok so would it be better to white knuckle it in being a pilot and hoping all is going to work out or have things proven better than they were? Hell of a choice isnt it be up in the pointy end before you spout that off. Its one thing to hope and another Light Speed got the political end to shove theres thru but an 11hr challenge shut them down that was GPS problems with theres.


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