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Boeing, airline stocks tumble as new Covid variant spurs travel curbs

Boeing, airlines and other travel stocks tumbled on Friday after several European and Asian countries announced new travel restrictions from southern Africa because of a new Covid variant. European Union member nations on Friday agreed to suspend travel from the region, a day after the U.K. said it would temporarily suspend flights from South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zimbabwe and Botswana. ( Más...

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Ed Schijf 3
I thought this was a club of people that love flying. But what you read here has nothing to do with it. How stupid can people be from both sides if you read these comments....
D Kaufman 0
Covid will only go away after everyone has had it. With this new variant Omicron being so easily transmissible and luckily with very light symptoms, maybe this will happen surprisingly fast. Btw, Mark Levin pointed out that if you scramble the word Omicron, you get Moronic.
srobak 2
so since everyone has had the flu why hasn't that gone away?
Derek Vaughn 2
Ignore media covid news until there's a reason to listen. No reason detected. Just carry-on with regular precautions.
Edward Bardes 5
It's only a matter of time before people disobey COVID restrictions en masse.
Philip Lanum 2
They will not be able to get on a flight.
srobak -3
yeah that will get changed to, and by force if necessary.
Philip Lanum 2
Are you going to carry a gun/knife/sword through security?

srobak 0
I transport weapons all the time by air - but that's not at all what I am referring to.
Randy Lawrence -1
No Mask, No Vaccine...It's called Natural Selection.
You won't be missed.
srobak 3
Fresh numbers for you to mull over.

332,973,310 USPOP (
48,100,000 of USPOP has been infected ( This is 14.4% of the population
777,000 have died ( Or 1.61% of USCOV infected are dead from it. 98.39% of infected survive.
0.23% of all USPOP dead from covid. 99.77% of USPOP survived covid.

[This poster has been suspended.]

21voyageur 1
Mother nature is patient. She makes the call based on man's ignorance. Good luck. Fear can bring out the worst in people. And yes the deniers see fear in their own eyes when they look at themselves in the mirror.
Take off your F-----g masks, shake hands with people, join the 100,000 folks at a football game, do what ever the hell you did before this B---S--- began, and never again take the advice of a clown president or his clown health advisors.
Philip Lanum -1
The next place we will see your name is at:

Along with the other dead people.
21voyageur -2
have fun at that game! The fact that 100,000 unmasked Americans attend a football game or Indy race fully supports the very sad fact that the USA - the country with the HIGHEST GDP IN THE WORLD also ranks #1 in the world per 100,000 population that have or had COVID-19. Unless you are of the Fox ilk and believe this is all part of some mysterious cabal play to shift global power, or a space alien ploy, facts also indicate that the powerful USA has a 50% higher infection rate than even India whose GDP is 1/7th that of the USA. But apparently, facts do not matter to you and tribal behaviour is the only answer. If nothing else, sow a bit of dignity and think of others. Pause.

Good luck with your cavalier approach. Hope you as well as family and friends make it.
Bill Williams 1
India's secret is Ivermectin. It reduces COVID death rates by 70-90% and costs $.02 per pill.
Bill Butler 1
That raised a question with me a few days ago. Looking at the numbers (from worldometer) India has half the deaths of US and 1 billion, give or take a few, more population than we.
srobak 3
Because somehow you think a virus and a country's GDP are remotely related? OK.

Anyhow.... fresh numbers:

332,973,310 USPOP (
48,100,000 of USPOP has been infected ( This is 14.4% of the population
777,000 have died ( Or 1.61% of USCOV infected are dead from it. 98.39% of infected survive.
0.23% of all USPOP dead from covid. 99.77% of USPOP survived covid.
Gary Ondrey 1
In 2021, the most washed part of your body wasn't your hands, it was your brain. Yours is well scrubbed
Gary Ondrey -1
Have you ever hit the nail on the head !!! Good for you in telling it like it should be, using facts and common sense. Bravo !!!!
21voyageur 0
Really? More noise from C-19 bait.
Gary Ondrey 2
Too bad your hands were not as washed as your brain appears to be
Flora Brands 4
So sad....the least dangerous of all so far!
Huck Finn -4
It's the masks stupid! People are opting out of the air and onto the road to avoid the federal government forcing masks on their faces. Neither masks nor social distancing nor vaccine have done anything to curb the spread of a virus that is like all other viruses in the past. The virus needs to mutate and travel through the population and as it does it is weakened through the science of 'herd immunity' But no, Big Government wants to control the false narrative about the Wuhan flu. We have always had viruses and will always have them among us. As for the aeroplanes flying or not that is immaterial to me.
Gary Ondrey 1
YES !!! YES !!! and YES !!!! This is ABSOLUTELY enough !!! I don't give a damn if i ever get on another airline flight
Jesse Carroll 1
Just drive, or dodge, on IH 35 or any Interstate Highway and see all the idiots called safe drivers! I distest commercial air travel now and detest driving more with speed demons on the road.
So guess I'll just stay in my easy chair!
Whats knew in in aviation? Certainly nothing to learn here!

hhwff -6
Huck, you are one of the few (but growing in numbers) people that get it.
21voyageur 0
Oh oh, , , And they breed!
darjr26 8
Hey Huck, next time you’re speaking with JFK Jr ask him if he has ever gotten his instrument rating.
Huck Finn 1
Explain please
Philip Lanum 1
JFK Jr. died when he flew into bad weather. He was not instrument rated and he flew into the ocean because he was most likely disoriented. (No visible landmarks flying over the ocean at night with low clouds)
Huck Finn 0
I don’t understand how it is possible for me to speak to someone who is dead. ,
Jesse Carroll 0
You can only if you are a believer in God!
Before you ask, I'm a licensed pilot...
Let's get back to airplanes etc: That is what this forum is supposed to be, right?
darjr26 1
I’m sorry, is that a Question?
21voyageur 9
Flying may be immaterial to you but apparently so is common sense. Are you serious when you state "Neither masks nor social distancing nor vaccine have done anything to curb the spread of a virus"? Is this some grandiose scheme? My guess is that your cavalier approach would most likely be different if a family member was one of the > 802,000 USA C-19 deaths or 5,200,000 deaths worldwide.
Huck Finn -2
Every year influenza attacks the world and is spread through interactions with other people. In the past this has been accepted as a way of life until it was convenient to blame President Trump and have him defeated by a hysterical press. The press is still hysterical but for other reasons, ie, the 2022 elections they expect to disrupt and preserve the cancerous reign of the liberal mind dumb democrates.
Philip Lanum 2
More people died in the US in July than from the flu in 2019-2020.
srobak 0
more people die every month than they do annually from just the flu. Been like that for generations.
I'm 87, had Covid. and had colds that were worse. Most of the deaths you mention were due to over smoking, over eating, or over counting. The big problem is letting people pump cramp into your upper arm to see what happens.
srobak -7
You just now figuring out that this has all been a scheme? Welcome to the club the rest of us have been in for almost 2 years.
21voyageur 1
Nice to meet you. Hope you are aound next year to further our discussion.
srobak 1
Funny - that's the same thing some dipshidiot said to me last year. Guess what? He's actually not around.
srobak 2
hyper-reactionary market for something that is barely going to be a speedbump in the current trend. Jesus.
MrTommy 3
Does anyone still believe this stuff is about health and not total control over populations? We'll be getting 'boosters' and wearing masks for the rest of our lives if we don't stand up to this stuff.
Huck Finn 7
Right on MrTommy! The lefties have figured out that fear is the greatest motivator in people willingly giving up their freedom. Being told by a senile old fart in the White House to wear a mask, get vaccinated and hunker down in your cave is getting old.
srobak 4
amen. the more time goes on with the perpetuity of this nonsense - the more people are waking up..
Buenos dias. Ejemplo de que tenemos que unirnos,en la lucha por la pandemia, ahora los paises del sur de Africa, no lo podemos abandonar, todas las aerolineas, colaborar para aumentar la vacunacion en estos paises y asi nuestro planeta Tierra vuelva a recobrar su Belleza y que los seres humanos puedan viajar a donde deseen. unamos fuerza personas del mundo de la aviacion en esta batalla contra la COVID.TODO SE PUEDE. SALUDOS lAHERA ATENCIO.
Edward Bardes 0
"Hello. Example that we have to unite, in the fight for the pandemic, now the countries of southern Africa, we cannot abandon it, all airlines, collaborate to increase vaccination in these countries and thus our planet Earth regains its Beauty and that human beings can travel wherever they want. Let us join forces, people from the world of aviation in this battle against COVID. EVERYONE CAN. GREETINGS HELPER(?) ATTENTION."
(Please correct me if this is wrong.)
Huck Finn 1
You are wrong Eddie, the pandemic can and will continue but the cure is in herd immunity. You propose a concerted effort of the world to combat or fight this virus when the only thing that works is natural immunity not dirty face masks, arbitrary social distancing or billionaire enhancing vaccines. Flying with a mask on is similar to swimming in the no pissing side of the swimming pool.
Bill Butler 2
the last line had me on the floor!
Edward Bardes 4
I was translating the above comment from Spanish to English.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

21voyageur 8
for some there is no hope. Is this a cull of the stupid?
the “Coof” strikes again!
ADXbear -5
This is where the USA messes up.. there should be comp,ete cancellation to countries infected with these new variants
srobak 1
when that was tried in the beginning - the then president was called a racist and a bigot. Ironically by the same people who are trying to institute it now.
it was the quickest about-face in modern policy making. And then they eat their own words.
21voyageur 3
Beware the enemy (in this case the pandemic) as it is within. BTW @ADXbear, the US has 4% of the world's population but 25% of its coronavirus cases. Pause. Last time I looked at a map of the solar system, the USA is not the center of it. Or does that not matter?
srobak 1
That is false information.
There are 265,000,000 cases worldwide and 5,240,000 deaths worldwide.
The US has had 48,100,000 of those cases (18.15%) and 777,000 of those deaths (14.82%)

332,973,310 USPOP (
48,100,000 of USPOP has been infected ( This is 14.4% of the population
777,000 have died ( Or 1.61% of USCOV infected are dead from it. 98.39% of infected survive.
0.23% of all USPOP dead from covid. 99.77% of USPOP survived covid.
Such a typical statement from someone who is diluted by ignorance and zero understanding of communicable disease. Watch for the cliff - lemming. (I mean that in the kindest way possible).
Colin Seftel 6
Well that includes the USA!


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