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Large hydrogen-powered airliners could be in service by 2030

n May 2021 Clean Sky 2 published its first Technology Evaluator1. One of its main conclusions is that “the main focus on decarbonising aviation should be on short-range aircraft flying distances of less than 4,000km, however with much larger passenger capacity, well over 300, even over 400 passengers in the cabin. This type of aircraft does not exist today. ( Más...

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Greg S 1
I think hydrogen is more a more likely "clean" alternative for aviation than electric.
All for hydrogen for airplanes. I'm all for hydrogen. It is a viable option. Love to know who keeps pushing strictly electric everything?
ToddBaldwin3 2
It's an interesting concept, and I really do hope it works out, but the authors are making some claims that I'm not sure will happen.

" However, by 2035 almost all new airliners on order will still look conventional but will run on liquid hydrogen."

I really think that's speculation on their part, not established fact or even probable fact.
mbrews 2
- Airships that use Hydrogen have flown in the past. The well-known Hindenberg explosion continues to reverberate many decades later.

Greg Daley 1
Sadly, hydrogen has long been scapegoated with respect to the demise of the Hindenburg. It was well established in short order than the fire originated in the highly combustible materials and finish used in the skin of the airship. Not well publicized though for a variety of reasons. In one of those coincidences that never cease to impress me, just last night I read an article on this that my father had saved for 24 years for me to read. “Odorless, Colorless, Blameless” Air and Space Magazine April/May 1997. Richard G. Van Treuren.
linbb 5
Will see just like the electric airplane will be something some time. The hydrogen fuel has been touted for years and years but so far nothing. Will wait and see.


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