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United Airlines will place unvaccinated employees granted religious or medical waivers on leave

United Airlines told employees Wednesday that anyone granted a religious or medical waiver from an accelerated Sept. 27 vaccination deadline will be placed on temporary leave beginning Oct. 2. Employees whose requests for a vaccination exemption are denied will have five weeks to get the shots or be terminated by the airline. ( Más...

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Excellent. I will not take the risk of flying if the employees are not vaccinated. It is not worth it.
I can only compliment any organisation that chooses to protect its employees and customers they have my full support and I hope to be able to travel internationally from Australia soon. It's very handy to know before travelling what my safe options are.
Tim Dyck 2
Are there ever any “safe” options? Your riding through the sky on a chunk of metal and plastic that is a constant fight with gravity, a million little things can go wrong that will result in disaster. Now would you want the best people looking after the controls of that machine or just someone that is vaccinated?
Highflyer1950 2
One thing we should all agree on, there are very few available beds left in the hospitals in the vast expanse of the USA so regardless of whether one is an intellect with a high IQ or just a normal person doing the necessary mundane work that keeps the country going………..Covid 19 is a real problem. So, every person should take ALL reasonable precautions to minimize viral transmission and that includes vaccines!
Tim Dyck 4
I guess that depends on a person’s definition of reasonable. Some people see even the simplest request as unreasonable wile others will do anything they are asked to do without question. No matter what is suggested you will get those who are more then willing to comply but do they have the right to force the more hesitant to do the same? It comes down to wether society puts freedom of choice as being more important then tyranny. We need to find a place somewhere between those two that will both reasonably protect people from the virus and reasonably protect people’s rights. That’s the balancing act society will have to find…
Highflyer1950 3
Yep, however the “reasonable person” is not a particular person. Rather , the Standard takes into account both the practicalities of what ordinary people do and what the courts believe they should do. I for one like to analyze both sides of an issue, then make my own up my own mind. Some decisions are easy others not so much…..this one is easy!
wayne holder 0
I agree HF....all our eggs are in one basket and I don't want to see the healthcare system collapse. Everyone who gets the shot I say Kudos to you for not know the long term effects. And for those who don't, please do your part. I respect your choice and decision too!!
wayne holder 1
This is a stupid idea by UAL
The only harm an unvaccinated person can do is to themselves, like not wearing a seatbelt.
Stop segregating mankind.......AGAIN. We went thru this already 100 years ago.
Vaccinated persons should have nothing to worry about...your fully protected right?
MSU Sparty 5
United will not allow employees who have had covid and test positive for antibodies to skip the jab. HUGE mistake, you should NEVER throw a vaccine on top of natural antibodies
ken young 4
United seems to be floating a trial balloon here. My guess is United management intent is to see how other carriers react and possibly respond in kind to the same rules. One of those things to watch is though there are labor shortages in the airline industry, the other carriers will want to see how the effects of employee terminations regarding increases in the number of flight cancelations
mbrews 1
There's no trial balloon, and your "guess" doesn't comport with the facts.

Nothing but headaches for managers to safely, effectively, staff an international airline during a worldwide plague. United management is clearly DONE with half-measures and finger crossing.

So, they decided a policy : take the best available safety precaution (vaccine) or find employment elsewhere.
Gary Ondrey 2
Never will i fly with fascist United Airlines again

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Kent Heaton 4
When the liberals started getting involved like everything else they destroy! Like cities, education, all governments, the list is too long.
You will comply. You will be assimilated.
Randy Marco -3
Anyone refusing to get the vaccine should be FIRED for proof of being incompetent aka mentally inane!
"Vaccine"...this is nothing more than a flu shot.
More people would get the jab if the truth came out about its origin.
It is a manmade virus that is out of control.

Still wearing my tinfoil hat, I am.
Evan Oulashin 0
The vaccines seem to increase the spread of the virus. They don't protect you, or anyone else for that matter. Check Israel - most vaccinated on the planet, also most infected in the hospitals now. Other regions with high vaccinations are seeing similar results. It appears we've been duped again.
Time to meet you behind the shed, like Corn Pop...
Another lie: vaccines work in Israel. More vaccinated but not 100%, and vaccines are not 100% effective (nobody claimed them to be)
An analysis of the Israel data:
RECOR10 -6
Um, you are incorrect. Again, under the premise that the idiots take with ChinaFlu, if I touch raw chicken I would then be "positive" for salmonella...Seriously, thus far only the genetically inferior have died. All in all, this is a good thing for the human race.
thiagocsf 1
whoa! easy there, Dr. Himmler.
s s -1
Shhhhhhhhh! Don't let facts get in the way!
Ron Dallmeyer -1
I will try to not fly UA if at all possible. Since the death rate is so low, and the fact that a person who had Covid has almost twice the resistance compared to the vaccine, it appears to be pure control rather than common sense. Our government over stepping their authority and not allowing individual freedom! Beware of the future.
Allen Irons -3
The vaccine program is mainly a $ maker for big pharm and Money flying into all kinds of pockets to keep this going. I have personal friends, not fake news, who have contracted covid after vaccination. I have pharmacy friends who had out of 100 positive test results, 40% were unvaccinated, 60% were vaccinated! How about you pilots, you gonna take a chance on f-ing up your future licensing medicals?
I think that forced vaccination is dangerous as well as unconstitutional. I say all the newly forced first responders and decent government workers should strike, as United ones should. They dont have to worry about losing their jobs, no one not working wants to work now anyway!!!
Great administration huh!
wjm100 2
The information from your pharmacy friends is anecdotal at best. Several states publish analyses of breakthrough infections but Massachusetts is the only one I am aware of that publishes the raw data. I have been analyzing it from the start of Aug -- thousands of cases. About 1/3 of reported cases are vaccinated people. Given that around 2/3 of the eligible population of MA is fully vaccinated, that means that the vaccines are still about 75-80% effective against the Delta variant. No vaccine is 100% effective; if everyone was fully vaccinated then 100% of the cases would be vaccinated people. This doesn't require complex statistical analysis, just a little basic arithmetic.
Ken Lane -2

A vaccine is not a guarantee against a virus. COVID-19 is no exception.

Natural antibodies have been proven to be far more effective than the vaccine.

Masks to not stop microorganisms short of being an NBC rated mask.

Airlines are run by idiots who have no clue about the concept of religious and medical exceptions when they still penalize the employee.
Randy Marco -1
Lane factually YOU are an ignoramus!
wjm100 4
Well, some of these statements are true.

Yes, no vaccine is 100% effective (the one against measles is quite good at 97%).

Currently research indicates that the most effective resistance to COVID-19 is produced by an infection followed by vaccination, not an infection by itself. (That is one of the arguments for a booster - trying to simulate an actual infection.)

N95 and KN95 respirators get their name from the fact that they will filter out at least 95% of all 0.3 micron particulate matter (NIOSH specification). 0.3 micron is used since this is the particle size at which the filter is least effective; they do better for both larger and smaller particles. So these respirators will filter out the virus effectively IF they form a good seal on a person's face.

I have no comment on the intelligence of airline executives.
Tim Dyck 1
Your wrong about the N95 masks, they are not ment to stop smaller particles. Respiratory protection is based on the size and composition of particles your trying to protect against and the N95 respirator is designed to protect against particles .3 microns or larger. An N95 surgical mask isn’t even rated to do that since it is not fitted, NIOSH doesn’t even bother to consider surgical masks as respiratory protection because they cannot form a proper seal o the users face.
If you worked in an industry were respiratory protection is a matter of life and death you would die. By spreading your misinformation you may put others at risk if they are stupid enough to believe you.
William Owens 1
Will go on‘the list “
Kevin Holly 15
Hahaha the comments here from the idiots who think they know how viruses work better than scientists do are sooooo predictable.
Mark Kortum -4
Those who set this fire are the same ones instructing us how to put it out. They may be the best ones to tell us, since they are most familiar with its origins, or they might not be. This research was conducted for and funded by we, the US taxpayers, based on decisions made by our corrupt leaders. China was our surrogate research site since such research here in the US would be harder to hide. Blindly taking their advice is not advisable.
Tim Dyck 3
I hate to admit it but Canada was complicit in the whole mess. Our Prime Minister is presently refusing a court order to turn over information about our Government Virus Protection Lab in Winnipeg Mb were a former employee was arrested and deported back to China in June 2019. In a previous arrest of another employee at the border it appears that live viruses were being smuggled out of the country but again all the information has been prevented from being seen by the public or even our House Of Commons or Senate. Our PM has an appointed one of his minions in charge of our RCMP and our national police force no longer answers to the people but only to the Prime Minister’s Office.
Duane Mader 3
Even if everyone was vaccinated tomorrow it wouldn’t stop Covid anymore than flu shots stop flu. You can still transmit Covid and you can still get Covid after vaccination. Vaccination may save you from serious illnesses with this variation, next year, who knows? The virus will continue to mutate around the vaccines.
This isn’t about stopping Covid it’s about control.
Richard Woollams -3
It would empty out the ICUs. Once the unvaxxed folks there now die out. That'll take a few weeks.
Tim Dyck 5
COVID19 has a relatively low mortality rate so no matter how badly you want to see those who disagree with you die it ain’t going to happen.
It’s hard to believe that some people actually want other’s to die just because they disagree with them. How did society get so hateful? How do we turn this around and start caring for others?
s s 6
ICU's are ALWAYS nearly at capacity! Hospitals are money making businesses, not charities. They don't make money off empty beds - it's why before "the virus" you had to schedule to have procedures done. They get people in and out as fast as they can because it's a volume business. Sorry tv news didn't explain this to you.
slatonr -1
Resist! They can’t fire everyone. Vaccine passports (CCP - Social Credit System) are the last hill we have to die on.
mc208b 3
agree 100 percent
mbrews 28
Imagine a theoretical flight attendant who works a 4-segment work day on 150-seat narrowbodies.

On one work day, that flight attendant is in close contact with 600 passengers inside 12-foot diameter metal tubes. Not counting people at terminals, ground transport, etc.

If the NOT vaccinated, management concludes the employee would be working in an unsafe manner health-wise, and therefore does not meet the job safety requirements for the role.

The decision by UAL management, to set and enforce job safety requirements, is quite simple - and I agree with it 100%
Ken Lane -8
Clearly, you have no clue how the environmental system works on an airliner.
mbrews 2
People should read the articles.
The subject is about United Airlines enforcing management policies on vaccines.

Not a single word about cabin airflow. Or changing tires. Or drones. Or lack of onboard meals. Or anything else people rant or whine about.

It's called reading and comprehending.
Ken Lane -7
Read your own post, Dippy...

"On one work day, that flight attendant is in close contact with 600 passengers inside 12-foot diameter metal tubes."

Again, you're clueless how the system works.
Duane Mader -9
A vaccinated flight attendant is just as capable of transmission. You are NOT stopping Covid with the vaccines.
George Dinius 3
I've read that 'vaccinated' people can carry a greater viral load and are therefore capable of greater viral shed.
William Owens 0
This is a fact that will not be reported by the propaganda laden CCP news world network.
wjm100 17
You are confused by the fact that a vaccinated person who becomes infected can spread the disease. But you are ignoring or are ignorant of the fact that vaccinated individuals are much less likely to become infected. If you combine these factors, the consequence is that vaccinated people are much less likely to spread COVID.
George Dinius -5
This is not true. The Moderna and Phizer shots are not vaccines in the traditional sense. They create no antibodies. The J&J is a traditional vaccine, and does.
paul trubits 4
ken young 10
Nearly half of all UK cases are of vaccinated people. Israel is the most vaccinated nation on earth. Yet, that nation is in the midst of a significant surge in Covid cases.
I'm vaccinated and contracted covid 7 weeks ago. My symptoms, however, were mild. I think the vaccine is responsible for that.
I hear that regularly, but Israel is no longer in the top position as far as vaccinations are concerned, Portugal, Spain, UAE, and a couple of others have a higher vaccinated population. Even Canada is ahead.
Tommy Boy 0
Israel's problem began with lifting all the COVID-19 restrictions, then sending unvaccinated children back to in-person school. The children all got sick and took it home to their families.

Masking and social distancing have been been required again, but the damage was done. However, what fools do not understand, and the liars fail to mention is the NUMBER of new cases, which by comparison are low. Yes, MOST new cases may be vaccinated people, but the number of cases are not that staggering, comparatively speaking, considering the Delta Variant is far more contagious..
s s -8
Yep, that's the latest cock and bull story after being told the vaccines were up to 95% effective in keeping people from GETTING Covid so you could unmask and enjoy a hot dog. Then you were told you needed a booster. Now a booster for the booster plus masks everywhere. Always believe what the tv news says!
Dale Ballok 5
No, if you don’t know, the boosters are to combat the delta variant that followed the original.
Again, as for cock and bull stories; how many cases were there prior to the vaccine, and how many since the vaccine has been distributed?
Case closed!
William Owens -2
Here here!
wjm100 13
Rather than conspiracy theories, maybe you should consider some actual data if it doesn't produce too much cognitive dissonance. The EFFICACY of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines was about 95% IN CLINICAL TRIALS AGAINST THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF SARS-CoV-2. Since then several new variants have appeared that are much more contagious because there are so many unvaccinated people incubating new strains of virus. The fact that these original vaccines are still 75-80% EFFECTIVE (what happens in the real world) against the much more contagious Delta variant is extremely fortunate for the people with enough sense to get vaccinated. I have calculated this effectiveness using data on breakthrough infections published by the state of Massachusetts.
Thank you!

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Tommy Boy 3
William's facts are straight. Your comment is completely lacking in facts.

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You seem to be confused about the meaning of “ 95% effective”.

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William Owens -1
Here here here!
James Ulrich 2
You tell "what's really going on" bright boy.
MrTommy 0
The way you find out what's "really going on" is to turn off the evening news, CNN, MSNBC, NPR etc. Then don't read the New Your Times. Pick up a copy of the Epoch Times newspaper and wade in. If you are really interested in the truth, quit subjecting yourself to the conspiracy going on with our (and world) governments and mainstream media (which is tied tightly to the democrat party). As they used to say on the X-Files, "The truth is out there".
Tommy Boy 0
Ooooooohhhhh!!!! It's a CONSPIRACY!

Of course it is, Q-boy.
Yeah, Epoch Times, established by Li Honzhu, who started the Falun Gong religion, to promote himself and his beliefs. Among his claims: aliens started invading human minds in the early 20th Century, resulting in the invention of computers and mass corruption. He also denounces feminism and homosexuality. He claims he can walk through walls and levitate. Sounds like QAnon, about right for Trumpanzees.
mbrews 4
Your comment ignores the liability / costs to United Airlines of their employed F.A. catching covid on-the-job.

-United has a self-insured employee health care plan. And United could expect lawsuits from employees who catch covid on-the-job.

Nobody is claiming to stop Covid to 0 percent.

Airlines never claim 100 % air safety, but have an enviable safety record by working to DECREASE MANAGEABLE RISKS.
wayne holder 0
No-one can prove where they contracted the disease. It's impossible unless there's only 2 people left on earth. They're risks haven't decreased what so ever.

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mbrews 8
Its about setting and enforcing safety rules. For a ramp worker, hearing protection (ear muffs)are REQUIRED in the high noise areas, for personal safety.

The worker who refuses to wear hearing protection in high noise areas will be disciplined and can be legally fired. He is free to choose employment elsewhere
William Owens -3
NO it’s about dropping America’s economy to its knees
Peter McGrath -1
The ramp worker can't wear ear protection that isn't certified as safe and effective. See the difference?
ken young 2
No...Nice try though
mbrews 6
This commonly heard excuse is now out-of-date. In a rulemaking August 23, 2021, the FDA gave Full Approval (not emergency approval) to the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

This Full Approval is exactly what gave UAL management a strong legal foundation to require their employees to be covid vaccinated.

So it's simple. Comply with company safety rules or your paycheck disappears.
s s -7
Nah, it's all about power and you, a powerless person, love to see people forced to comply.
Kevin Holly 1
Lie. Do some research.
Randy Lawrence -3
Darwin had a term...for the un-vaccinated mentality...Natural Selection.
You won't be missed.
Matthew Ardaiz 5
Lol. “We” think the same of you who trust the manipulations of fallible men over the natural immune system that has brought us this far over the last “millions” of years. Good luck to all who volunteered for the Fauci-Gates-Soros experiment!
MrTommy 2
Hopefully you are still alive to "not miss me".
MrTommy 11
Let's understand one thing here. There IS no science anymore. Only political science.

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wjm100 1
Actually, it's the bodies that are already stacking up like cordwood in areas where most people "think" like you.
We had them stacked in our morgue...back when it was not legal to have a funeral and families wanted us to keep folks "on ice" for a bit...other than that, hell, when isn't our morgue full? 13%ers keep shooting each other...

s s 0
Yeah, where? More BS fear mongering.
wjm100 -1
OK, I was wrong -- you don't think. But natural selection will eventually take care of you and solve the problem for those who do.
s s -1
LOL Guess what, Mr. Can't Do Simple Math? The place with the highest Covid death rate is leftist paradise New Jersey with leftist utopia coming in a strong third.
And Florida, that scary red state with the scary Republican Governor, is in 18th place behind great centers of leftist "thinkers" like Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
Looks like natural selection is working overtime in the lefty states...
Tim Dyck 1
WOW! Has this become a competition to see which states can kill the most people?
wjm100 0
You forgot to look at the bottom of the list where you won't find too many "righty" states. Your exemplar of epidemiological sanity, Florida, has almost 5 times the death rate of "lefty" states like Vermont and Hawaii. If you listened to the real news you might have noticed that the pandemic has been moving around the country for a year and a half. The northeast was one of the first places hit and the death rates were much higher in the early days and there were no vaccines. (Yes! Even people in Florida are getting vaccinated.) Given time and the current leadership, Florida will continue to climb the ladder toward first place.
s s -1
Nah, it just seasonal and even now Florida is leveling off while your commie paradise of New York is starting to get hammered lol.
Gerald Poppy -4
The risk to the population is not dependent on unvaccinated people. That is the epidemiology of it. Any of you that say the unvaccinated are risking the vaccinated dont understand medicine. If you are worried about the Covid risk then get vaccinated and stop worrying about what other people do.
Brian Tilbury 16
The COVID19 jab is not like polio, smallpox and other vaccines that use the actual virus. All the COVID19 shot does is trigger the natural immune system in the body to go to work and fight the virus.
Dan Grelinger 0
Misinformation! "Polio, Smallpox and other vaccines" do NOT use the 'actual' virus. If they did, you would get the 'actual' disease. Which would be stupid.
All vacines act as triggger of the natural inmunne system: they train it.
wjm100 4
This is true of the vaccines used in the US and EU. China and India have also developed vaccines using the older approach with deactivated viruses that you mention. They do not appear to be as effective as the mRNA and adenovirus vaccines and have zero chance of ever being approved for use in the US.
While I do believe that China's and India's inactivated virus vaccines are not going to be approved by the US, that approach can be developed by an US or European company
The mRNA and adenovirus vaccines seems to be more effective for adults, but are showing some very rare negative effects on young people. Maybe for adolescent and children the inactivated virus vaccines are the way to go
wjm100 5
Good question. Attenuated or deactivated viruses are the 1st generation approach to vaccines. Most of the problems with defective vaccines have been for this type, so I'm sure they would be subject to pretty close scrutiny. Still another approach is to just inject a form of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, but so far the results have not been that encouraging.

Keep in mind that the most serious cases of COVID are caused by a disregulation of the immune system and long COVID is likely the consequences of similar effects. It's not surprising that a vaccine will cause similar effects since it is supposed to stimulate a strong immune response, which in some people may produce an "over-response."

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ken young 0
And you lawsuit will be tossed with th disdain for it as we feel for the blaring horn of an inadvertently triggered car alarm in a suburban shopping mall parking lot.
Obnoxious but ignorable.
wjm100 5
Don't worry -- no will come to your door and put a gun to your head. Of course, you may not be able to find a job or go to a restaurant or theater. But I'm sure you will find ways to fill your time while you wait to get infected and acquire natural immunity or relocate to the cemetery.
s s 0
Yeah, because even moderately healthy people have less than a 1% chance of dying from Covid. And all those kids you love to mask have a way smaller chance than that. Keep on watching your fear porn.
wjm100 4
Yes, you are correct about the roughly 1% case fatality rate. But think about what that means. Without a vaccine and social distancing and masks eventually everyone will get infected. US has a population of about 330 million. 330 million infections and 1% fatality rate translates into 33 million deaths. It's just simple arithmetic. Try it some time. Are you signing up to be one of the 33 million?
ken young -2
Willie, regardless of whether we mask, all get vaccinated, shut down the entire country for a year or whatever draconian acts the governments throw at us, one thing is a certainty, the virus MUST make its course through the entire population. That IS a cold hard fact.
s s 0
LESS than 1%, not 1%. But you keep on enjoying your fear porn and the notion you can "beat" a virus by wearing cloth masks and sheltering in place.
wjm100 1
The case fatality rate was about 1.5% during the peak last winter. Currently it is running around 0.9%. Yes, that is less than 1%, but not by much. That 0.1% wouldn't be enough to entice me to play Russian Roulette.
s s 0
Complete and utter crap. If you're a moderately healthy person you have far less than 1% chance of dying from this. If you're a kid, you have a near ZERO chance of dying. If you're older or have serious health issues, it's more of a concern and THOSE people need to take special precautions. Stop torturing kids who already have enough to worry about in life besides a virus they likely won't even know they had it.
wjm100 5
Children have a much lower case fatality rate, but as of 9/2/21 444 children have died. Even more troubling is the increasing percentage of child cases. In the spring of 2020 they were under 10% of all cases. In the week ending 9/2/2021 pediatric cases had increased to 26.8% of all cases. If this trend continues there will likely be a corresponding upswing in deaths. Even a small fraction of a large number can be a large number. Do you want to be the one to tell the parents of a child that died that it was to save the child from wearing a mask?
s s -5
444 children?!

My god, that's slightly more than the number who die in swimming pools each year!

Better mandate everyone to rip out their pools or they're headed for certain tragedy!

PS: About a thousand die from drownings (pools, lakes, etc.) every year, so Covid better hurry if it wants to catch up...
wjm100 6
444 children that did not need to die. Since their lives don't seem to mean anything to you, I repeat my suggestion that you be the one to tell their families that their lives were sacrificed in a good cause.
s s -2
Well maybe try blaming CHINA where the virus came from because many of those kids died BEFORE there even was a vaccine. So who the hell are you angry at? The people looking at numbers and telling the truth about the risk?
Actually 1% fatality would mean 3.3million death.
But it would be 25% for people +80 years old and less tahn 1% pr younger than 50
wjm100 4
Your right -- my math error. But still a lot of people.
s s 0
Ever do the calculations of what percent of people over the age of 80 die each year from everything else? I mean, do you think people 80+ can buy life insurance at a cheap rate, if at all?
wjm100 1
Good point. So why don't we just save a lot of time and money and just let them all die? How old are your parents or grandparents?
ken young 1
Straw man argument, Dismissed
Dale Ballok 13
Good luck with that!
Going to be tough conversing with your lawyer while you’re on a ventilator!
Tim Dyck 1
I’ve already had COVID19 and like most people who have had it did not end up on a ventilator. Your exaggeration and fear mongering makes you sound dilusional.
What about all the people who have died of COVID-19?
JJ Johnson 0
So I assume you are ok that a vaccine is mandated without liability protections? That is medically unethical
Fred Mew 2
Sparkie??? Who the h3ll are you using that term?

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Highflyer1950 3
Actually, that’s exactly what happens. You go to the “medical facility” with one thing and come down with three other issues. That’s a choice you made. You have no choice when you board a flight with your unvaccinated child only to be subjected to the idiocies of those you could but won’t. If you had seen the hordes of drunken idiots, the unwashed, the self entitled, the morons that clip their toenails, the spoiled adults that forced crews to land immediately….jail is too good for them! Sorry I missed the point about your vaccine…….you refused it and it went down the sink because?
Kent Heaton 3
Why do you care if the vaccination works? If it doesn't work. Why do you care who gets it?
Highflyer1950 24
Sorry Sparkie, I agree only to the point where a persons’ medical history is off limits for most things. However, when that medical history impacts the travelling public the service provider has an obligation to protect it’s customers from a known danger. United just has to be clear about its employment requirements. Just my opinion.
s s -4
How about Hepatitis? Do FA's who handle ice in people's drinks all have mandatory HepC screenings and vaccines?
paul trubits 1
It is coming. I was tested at my last physical.
wjm100 3
Hep C? It's only necessary if you are sharing needles with them. You should ask them before you do.
s s -5
Says the person who can't do a simple math problem. Bet you're a scientist in your spare time, right?
wjm100 4
It's better to get a simple math problem wrong because the error is obvious when pointed out. It's worse to get matters of life and death wrong, particularly when they involve other people's lives.

Since you are a specialist on infectious disease, please explain to us exactly what Hep C is and why it is relevant to air travel.
Ken Lane -3
The Framers would disagree with you.
Jim Magee 13
While not a Framer, George Washington ordered mass inoculation of his soldiers against smallpox in early 1777, with disease being a bigger risk than enemy fighters.

In 1905, the Supreme Court ruled for mandated vaccines and criminal fines for those not in compliance in Jacobson v. Massachusetts.

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David Isaacs 10
Likewise, sorry Sparkie, this refusal to be vaccinated is killing others. Furthermore, it is causing many potential air travelers to put off travel for fear of being in the metal tube with someone who has COVID.
ken young -1
"this refusal to be vaccinated is killing others."
That's melodramatic.

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ken young 0
Ahh, the is but one type of person more objectionable than the one who suffers from irrational fear. That is one who is fearful AND angry.
Look familiar, Karen?
Garth Harley 0
Keep drinking your KoolAid, like so many other mindless sheep. The monied interests lie about and suppress multiple effective treatment options. I have years of experience in professional aviation and medicine. You are clueless.
harold smith 2
How about smokers, alcoholics,overweight people? Should they be forced to stop their self destructive ways? Denied medical care! Your opinion please!
D Edwards 3
No one is talking about smokers, alcoholics or overweight people here.
This is all about getting vaccinated for covid-19 to prevent yourself and others from getting this virus dying or getting dramatically ill.
Airline cabin workers need to be protected from this disaster.
ken young 2
"dying" "dramatically ill", "disaster".....Yep, I see you have all the bases the irrationally fearful want covered.
JJ Johnson 1
Spoken like a true Marxist
Dale Ballok 2
It’s very simple. Just compare the cases prior to and after the vaccine.
Brad Webster 2
That's total bs. If you did a little research you might learn that there is the human version of this drug that has been used for YEARS for intestinal parasites.
Stay away from me also with your ignorance.
Jim Highfill 4
The human version won a Nobel prize for medicine, and has been proven safe and effective. Ask folks who received it for Rheumatoid Arthritis, malaria and lupus as well as intestinal parasites. Because this has been off patent since 1996, nobody is going to spend the millions to submit it for treatment/prevention of COVID-19, so its efficacy may never be known, but comparing this to horse de-wormer is disingenuous at best when there are legitimate human uses for it.
Fact Monger!
There is a human version, but the shortages of the animal version suggest that some people are taking horse de-wormer.
ken young 2
"suggest".....Proof...Or stow your suggestions

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Mark Kortum 9
"Science" has become a religion for many who do not understand it. These uninformed folks then accuse others of "denying" science if they don't agree with their personal dogmatic nonsense. Science is theories (same Greek word origin as "theology") that are supported by evidence at hand. The main difference between religion and science is that scientists search for new evidence that usually debunks their old theories. Mr. Cowling is a great example of misusing science in this way.
Sorry, "theory" and "theolgy" do not come from the same root. The former comes from theoros, spectator; the latter from theos, god.

A scientific theory is testable and makes predictions that can be confirmed. It can be enhanced as new facts accumulate. The existence of the divine cannot be tested.

Science is founded on facts, laws, and theories. How is Mr Cowling misusing science?
wjm100 6
As a scientist myself, I find the expression "improving their old theories" more congenial than "debunking their old theories." :-,) But basically it is an empirical process: observation and data get the final word on what is accepted.
One one hand people beat up the CDC for changing its guidance as they learned more about the virus, and on the other hand they give us sermons like this one.

Of course science includes taking new information on board. Of course. But what information are you suggesting hasn't been considered? Invermectin isn't recommended (yet, perhaps) because no really high-quality study has demonstrated meaningful benefit. But at least a couple are underway, so we'll see. Until then, counting on invermectin in lieu of a vaccine that is safe and effective is, frankly, stupid.
RECOR10 -2
Science once said the world was flat...
wjm100 7
Actually the Greeks knew the earth was spherical 2,500 years ago. Aristotle may be the first person to try to calculate its size and in 240 BC Eratosthenes came up with a number that is quite close to being correct.

As for current belief, there is still a flat earth society that holds conferences at which they ridicule our foolish beliefs about it being spherical and part of the solar system, which is part of the Milky Way galaxy, which is part of ....
David Kozlowski -2
Uh, not really…..
dj horton 16
And idiot “flat earthers” still say it is, and they have all kinds of “scientific proof” - just ask them.

It’s what happens when you get your science education from a guy on Facebook who has an uncle that has a friend who’s sister blah blah blah and not an actual scientist.
Mark Kortum 1
So many talk about "flat earthers". Where can I find one? I have never seen one, heard one speak, or read any material written by one. Do they exist today or did they go extinct long ago?
I have a friend who is one. She believes that the Earth is ringed by ice walls that are protected by an army from NASA. Also, the United Nations knows this to be true because of their flag. No joke. Whenever she gets started on that crap, I just slowly back away.
ken young 4
How in the hell could you be "friends" with such an irrational person.
I despise these "prove me wrong types".
And that is precisely what flat earthers are..They say "the earth is flat. Prove me wrong"...MY response..I do not prove negatives".
Anyway,,,Not here to pick anyone's friends for them. Just wondering how it is anyone could stand being around such lunacy
Tim Dyck 3
There are a lot of batshit crazy people in this world but they need freinds as much as anyone else. Some people are actually capable of overlooking the things they disagree with other people and focusing on their positives. Imagine a world were we could all get along with one another?
The GOP ran one for US Senate in Delaware last year. Lauren Witzke. Look her up! She's a trip: flat earther, Qanon nut, the whole package. Put forward by one of our two major parties for US Senate.
W B johnson 5
To get you started in your search, here's a link to a number of "flat earth" groups:
To keep this aviation brother had a staff member who met a guy on a plane who knew a woman whos neighbor said he was an expert on Infectious Disease...and he said.........
sparkie624 -8
This looks like it may turn into a Legal Mess for United.... A person's medical history is none of United's business!
Robert Cowling 6
Actually, no, that's not true. The military REQUIRES vaccinations, and requires proof of getting them

You are confusing HIPAA, and other forms of 'health privacy'. You are able to keep your infections (STDs, cancer, etc) from the public, you are NOT allowed to shield your vaccinated status. Heck, in the past, people who traveled to other countries were REQUIRED to either get certain vaccines, or prove they got them.

You are entitled to your diseases, you are not entitled to hid your health danger to others.
wjm100 2
Yes, there are a lot of nonsense ideas bouncing around the internet on what HIPAA requires. Basically, an organization or person who has custody of your healthcare records (e.g., your doctor) cannot share those records with another entity without obtaining your permission. As a simple example, an airline can legally ask you to provide proof of your vaccination status but they cannot get that information directly from your doctor without your approval.
paul trubits 24
I am a pharmacist and was required to get a Hepatitis B vaccination in order to vaccinate patients. In order to keep my job I got vaccinated. FYI: Do you know why there is no polio in this country? President Eisenhower(a Republican and former General in the US Army) ordered everyone in our country to get vaccinated.
My Dad was never vaccinated--and he was in WWII. That comment cannot be accurate.
wjm100 1
I believe he is referring to when Eisenhower was president from 1953 to 1961.
paul trubits 1
Yup! The vaccine came out in 1955. No polio in this country since 1979.
W B johnson 8
Agree. And why small pox doesn't exist anymore. Interesting tidbit: the first governmental mandate for vaccine was given by George Washington in 1777, mandating that all his troops be vaccinated against against smallpox.
Duane Mader 5
This isn’t a stable virus like smallpox. It will continue to mutate around the vaccines just like the flu does.
Yep, just too bad about those 40,000 cases of polio that were CAUSED by the vaccine! They weren't important, anyway, right?

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None of the vaccines modifies DNA.

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From Wikipedia:

“A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as a threat, destroy it, and to further recognize and destroy any of the microorganisms associated with that agent that it may encounter in the future.”
Tim Dyck 1
I am not disputing your post but please use a source more reliable then Wikipedia. Wiki is too easily corrupted and cannot be considered reliable. May I suggest an actual dictionary or university site for definitions? I use Webster’s and Oxford University as my starting point but there are other equally reliable sources that you may be more familiar with.
In a day and age were so much information is available to us we all must take personal responsibility to guard against misinformation.
paul trubits 1
Are you Russian, North Korean, Iranian or Chinese?
Tim Dyck 1
He could be American, Canadian, British… legate does it matter? Discus the content of the post not the nationality of the person posting. An American or Russian can be equally right or wrong as anyone else.

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RECOR10 -1
We should have tattoos on everyone. So, when push comes to shove I do not use my legal firearms to protect a liberal from the crime that is so prevalent in their "safe spaces".

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linbb -2
You are a real piece of work stupid posts that are very bad and not true.
Michael Hawke 22
HIPAA would not apply to the employer anyways. It only applies to healthcare providers, insurance companies, and data clearing houses associated with them. Everyone likes to quote it as making their medical history super secret but needs to read what it actually applies to.


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