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Blade becomes first aviation company to require passengers to be fully vaccinated

Not vaccinated? Don’t expect to fly — at least not on Blade. Starting Sept. 7, 2021, the company will require passengers to be fully vaccinated on all services, including helicopter, seaplane and jet. It’s the first aviation company to implement vaccination requirements for U.S. passengers. Blade founder and CEO Rob Wiesenthal told TPG that “passengers want the security of knowing their fellow fliers are vaccinated.” While it’s a safety measure on the surface, Wiesenthal suggested it’s a… ( Más...

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F. M. 2
How will they verify that the "proof" of vaccination is genuine and not forged?
Roberto Bisi 2
Reading the QR code you can easy check/validate the data of the passenger.
F. M. 2
Sorry, but my card is just a plain piece of white card stock with information about when the first and second dosages were administered.

I put some clear plastic package sealing tape around it so it won't deteriorate inside my wallet.

As I look at it, I think it can easily be forged.
srobak 0
what QR code?
Roberto Bisi 3
In my country we have:
srobak -3
Sorry to hear that :(
jeff slack 13
There was a day before 1976 when all passports had a yellow separate fold-out section.
(since stopped because of vaccinations and modern science; we defeated these distractions)

It specifically showed vaccinations for typhoid, cholera and smallpox.
In my case, travelling to Australia I had to show that I had a chest x-ray for T.B.

Once we were thinking understanding people of how disease travels and we responded responsibly and accordingly.

Now we are idiots toting smartphones and laptops with no idea or care for what has been the benchmark previously set because to care or educate oneself might be against personal rights and freedom.

We are all so stuffed.
Dan Grelinger -4
When one thinks a large number of people are idiots, it generally means that they are.
ADXbear 6
Good, welcome to the norm... too many people ARE DEAD over the virus.. families like ours do no public travel because of the nonvaxers.. I think this will and should be a requirement.. if you don't want the vaccine, then find another way to travel..
steve carter -4
Too many people are dead from so called vaccine which is unapproved experimental gene therapy. Enjoy your time.
Calvin Tan 1
those so called vaccines are killing worldwide
John D 1
State your (legitimate) sources.
Vaccines and gene therapy are two completely different things.
What will be your excuse when they are fully approved next month?
The were given emergency authorization because hospitals were being over run.
And now they are again as 95% of COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated people.
Calvin Tan 1
sound like 95% protection is there really? what booster shot for
Cleffer -8
So, where are the doomsday messengers for heart disease, the continued LONG TIME #1 killer not only in the United States, but in the world BY FAR?

1. It's preventable.
2. People don't want to help themselves by losing weight and eating healthy. We can make that choice for them by MANDATING healthy foods and exercise.
3. We could give away free gym memberships so people live longer.
4. We could ban pre-processed foods and closed fast foods restaurants.
5. We could have normal BMI-only businesses so we don't have to be around fat people.
6. "Fat people shaming" could become the norm so fat people would lose weight for fear of judgement from their peers.

I'm pretty sure you know what you are if this kind of thing sounds good to you. I love how hypocritical people are about COVID, yet heart disease has (and continues to) ravaged this country for decades. Nobody says a thing about that. Selective outrage... the emotion of the century.
Its not 100% preventable.
Eventually every one dies from heart disease if not another cause.
As people age the heart beats slower until eventually it cant beat anymore.
Matt LaMay 0
You will NEVER win an emotional argument with logic. There are too many lefties on this page anymore. It's why a comment like yours gets downvoted while a guy that believes the vaccine should be mandated gets upvoted.
F. M. 0
Closing fast food restaurants won't happen because too many low income people buy food from and/or work inside those establishments and closing them would therefore be considered racist.
btweston 5
Right. We wouldn’t want anyone spreading heart disease when traveling on a airplane.

Holy cow. You are something special.
Matt LaMay -1
We wouldn't want people spreading the flu while traveling on an airplane either. But I never heard anybody screaming about that. The bottom line is that nobody knows exactly what the death rate is for COVID-19. You can thank 2 reasons for that. Thie 1st is that this pandemic was politicized from the get-go. This leads to the 2nd point. Death rates were artificially inflated in an effort to make certain high-profile people look like they were inept. This isn't opinion; this is a well-reported fact. Physicians were paid a premium and hospitals were offered incentives for labeling deaths as Covid related. There was a study completed in late 2020 that showed that fully 95% of deaths where COVID-19 was listed as the cause had comorbidity attached. Anything from lung cancer to brain aneurysms to car accidents. What this country has become is disgusting. And both the right and left are responsible. You should care for your fellow man, but you should also leave that man alone to make the decisions that he feels is best for himself. And he should do the same to you.
jeff slack -2
Where is your medication?
Take more.........
Cleffer 3
Weak. Better go watch some Jeff Ross videos if you want some "sick burns" or something. People who make fun of mental health are the lowest form of scum out there and send this country back decades, never mind the people who are apprehensive about taking a vaccine. I see you're using the proper punctuation now, so that's a plus. You've yet to graduated from the personal attacks. Grow up, man. there's a big world out there, keyboard warrior. I'm sorry you didn't grasp the point I was trying to make behind all of your narcissism and vitriol. It must be hard to be you.
M.F. LaBoo 2
Personal attacks? Pot, meet kettle.
mbrews 10

The post was about enforcing public health measures, namely limiting the spread of communicable diseases.

Not very different from the vaccination card people might need for overseas travel where Yellow Fever is endemic.
John D 12
There is plenty of messaging for heart disease. Last I checked heart disease isn't viral, though.
Cleffer -8
> Last I checked heart disease isn't viral, though.

No, it's not but odds are it's still killing your family members as well as mine. No shock and outrage that our family members are dying from the #1 killer for decades and the government isn't doing anything about it. Neither are we.

While there is plenty of messaging, there's no free outreach, no wide-reaching programs similar to the vaccine to help. It just goes on and on and on killing unabated.

Every single down vote is an admittance to the total ignorance of the situation I'm talking about. Once again, "Selective Outage" proving my point, yet again.
srobak 0
I upvoted. You gotta remember the attention span and lack of depth of a lot of people who are not only objecting to your statements above - but who also create rules, laws and policies. The very same kind of people who will cry foul about tragic gun killings all day long and look to strip the millions of responsible gun owners of all their weapons - while completely ignoring and outright deflecting the fact of illicit & criminally negligent vehicle use results in more than 35x as many deaths per year as illicit gun use does. Just can't get through to some people.

600k+ every year die from heart disease.
600k+ every year die from cancer.

Every. Damn. Year.

cancer & heart disease swap being the #1 and #2 killers annually... they have FOR DECADES. That is tens of millions of lives lost and families ruined.

Covid did that much in 18 months - and that is including all the "covid deaths" from car accidents, falling out of trees, electrocutions - and ironically - even guns.

But - if you call these things you - they deflect and accuse you of "whataboutism".

It's not whataboutism - it's the facts, jack.

We've got REAL problems causing REAL amounts of serious deaths in this country that need REAL attention. Especially with how things stand right now - covid is several rungs down that totem pole or priority.
btweston 1
Apples and hand grenades.

You are the one being selective here. This is a post about aviation on an aviation website discussing spreading a deadly virus on airplanes.

You want to change the subject. Why didn’t you pick seatbelts or sunscreen, you whack job?
srobak -1
as has been proven time and again - the air turnover and sanitization of an airliner rivals that of a hospital. You are safer on a plane without a mask than you are in an office with a mask.
Cleffer 2
I'm just saying there's something out there that's been there for decades that no one does hardly anything about and it's been killing the masses for decades, unabated. I get it's different than the flu. But in some ways, it isn't. And if you can't see THAT, that's an issue, also.
jeff slack -8
sadly dude you have proved nothing but the possibility you possess your one and only educational diploma from pre-k
Cleffer 6
Sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period. So, there's that, Pre-K. Plus, that sentence structure needs a ton of work. You make it out of 6th grade? We done with the personal attacks now?
John D 7
Apples and oranges. Most heart disease is a result of choices (eating poorly, smoking, etc.) COVID is in the environment. Very few ways to avoid it.
I am not a big fan of the government fixing things like bad eating habits, but there is plenty of work done on changing behaviors on many levels of government as well as the medical community.

The government gets involved in things like pandemics because it's a public health issue and that's what we want them to do.
Cleffer 4
Duly noted. Thanks for not stooping to personal attacks like the other people on here. Have a great evening.
Cleffer -7
From a financial perspective, Blade just cut their potential revenue stream down to 51% of the population, according to the CDC. That's financial suicide for a company when there are alternative choices for their customers, regardless of the message they are trying to send.

And even with this approach, we're well aware of a number of vaccinated people who are still testing positive, so this is nothing more that a marketing ploy and grandiosity. And on top of that, when do they incorporate the booster shots into their policy? I mean, you can't just stop here when the vaccinated are testing positive, right?

This is the "Law of Unintended Consequences".
Calvin Tan 1
hopefully they will shut down in just a week
btweston 4
Yeah that number probably isn’t true. People traveling on private aircraft are less likely to get their science from YouTube.
Matt LaMay 0
Where do they get it then? CNN?
Cleffer 3
What number? 51%? I got that from

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Calvin Tan 1
they wiill
Dennis Dulac 2
Hopefully you don't get sick from this terrible virus or God forbid you don't lose a family member to it!
btweston -1
Honestly, that would be a win for evolution.
Matt LaMay -1
This isn't Twitter, asshole. Go somewhere else with that crap.
Dan Grelinger 1
Great un-Twitter-like reply! You show 'em!
dnorthern 1
Honestly. You are a piece of digestive remains

The evolutionary win would have been your dad not having parked his package where he did

Alas. Here you are
Dan Grelinger 1
Well thought out reply! Reasonable, unbiased, stayed on topic, did not attack the individual, only the idea. We need more posts like this on FlightAware.
Cleffer 0
Keep spreading the hatred. I think I know what would be a win for humanity.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

jeff slack -1
I am actually predicting quite the opposite as this pandemic splits into Delta and Lambda strains.
Calvin Tan 1
then you lose your bet


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