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American, Southwest Airlines Extend Alcohol Suspensions After ‘Disturbing’ Incidents
The decision comes after a flight attendant lost two teeth during an assault. Nationwide, there has been a significant rise in unruly passenger behavior, the FAA said. Southwest and American Airlines are both extending suspensions of alcoholic beverages to in-flight passengers following a significant rise in unruly passenger behavior across the country. American Airlines announced its decision in an internal memo sent to flight attendants on Saturday and obtained by HuffPost. It came one day… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Not everyone feels the need to punch someone in the face after a few beers. Just sayin.
Punish the masses because of a few. Reminds me of my Army days.
It needs to be done for the time being. The risk is too great. When things calm down in the world, maybe they can reinstitute the sales
This is not punishment. This is discipline. Were you able to drink in your army dsys wherever you felt like it?
Mission versus vacation. Not exactly the same thing.
So you can't drink on a plane going on vacation. You can't drink in a car going on vacation either.
Right. But I'm not driving the plane.