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Air Force Has Big Plans for Its Flying Car in 2021

Flight tests to start in early 2021 of S4 manufactured by Joby Aviation. ( Más...

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Heatseekerws6 0
I'd like to think a parachute system would be a standard item on this.
sparkie624 1
I can see it now... One engine fails... Rolls out of control, Parachute Deployees... Remaining engines cut lines! Happy landings!
Betty Goss 3
This looks crazy! How will it operate around electrical wires, for one thing? I just can't see it operating very well around ANYthing! I agree with the other posters who say it doesn't seem viable.

geroldn 3
For what mission? By the time the military gets done with their wishlist, it will be stealthy, multi-purpose, and carry a multitude of weapons AND be over budget, cost $100s of millions per copy, require extensive training to use, and dedicated maintenance infrastructure. And won't do any of these tasks well.

Buy a truck or other suitable vehicle if you need to drive, buy a airplane or helicopter if you need to fly!
Colin Seftel 1
Stealthy operations - will be able to silently land in your backyard!
sparkie624 1
Yeah... Not this sucker... It is going to be louder than the Osprey!
Colin Seftel 1
With electric motors? I doubt it!
sparkie624 1
The motors are not what makes the noise.... It is the Props that make all the noice.... Listen to a Drone Up close sometime! They have quiet electric motors and all of those props and never in sync as they cannot be... For every pound that is not directly on the CG will cause the motors to operate at different speeds and that means you are going to have even worse noise.
sparkie624 1
That is going to be Interesting.... Not sure if I would want to fly in it... Lose one motor in a hoover and you are done for.
linbb 0
What Hoover? Thought that was a vacuum cleaner. Wow you are right on top of thing having fun flying your quad copter?
coinflyer 0
Wouldn't the flight control computer instantly adjust thrust on the remaining motors to compensate?
sparkie624 0
If you lose one of the Aft Motors then your power will either be off balance or if they have the Osprey system of the shaft between the motors, then you have reduced power which will off load... I would be scared to risk my life on that thing... Flight Computer or No Flight Computer!
sparkie624 0
Also, what happens if one of the 2 inboard engines fail to rotate back up or back down.... Too many critical moving parts and I do not see enough redundancy.
linbb 1
Oh it will Hoover then. LOL


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