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Boeing 737MAX First Flight and Return Schedule (All North American Airlines)

After an almost 2-year hiatus where the Boeing 737MAX was grounded due to safety issues related to an onboard computer, it returned to service early this week on December 28 and 29, 2020 on American Airlines flights from Miami to New York-LGA. Here's how you can fly aboard the MAX in the coming months if interested. ( Más...

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houseofgold 1
How about the A300 whose tail snapped off in NYC
ADXbear -2
Not me or my family and friends.. I ask before booking and boarding.. not flying on it
Stephen Jensen 5
Suit yourself... I'm guessing this aircraft is now one of the safest and most scrutinized in recent memory, if ever.

linbb 0
Hell Airbus years back had a known issue with there A310 and killed everyone on board but hey they didnt make a big deal it seems out of it. And to get it fixed took screwing one verticaly into the ground then it still took months without grounding to get it fixed a software issue they knew about for several years prior to the accident.


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