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Man arrested over Ryanair flight 'bomb threat'

A man has been arrested over an alleged bomb threat made on a Ryanair flight travelling from the UK to Norway. The budget airline said a security alert was sparked earlier when a note was found by crew on the flight from Stansted Airport to Gardermoen in Oslo... ( Más...

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D Rotten 0
When British & EU 'news' Corps do NOT mention NAMES......everyone should KNOW what THAT means, right?!

David Tsai 2
I do not know what that means, actually. What does it mean?
Na Si 1
You right.
No, not really. Would you like to explain?
belzybob 2
That explains why he was swauking emergency over the North Sea.
doug marshburn 1
You mind telling me what you were on to pick up this info ?
Jay G. 1
What do you mean?


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