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Why Some Airbus A340s Have A Middle Landing Gear

The Airbus A340 was specially designed for long haul flying and had something not seen with other widebody aircraft today. ( Más...

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Lee Withers 1
“High flyer” if you can’t read look at the pictures
Lee Withers 1
My first reaction to “highflier” is that he doesn’t read with comphension and calls others as he seems to be
Highflyer1950 1
Naw, just responding to the wording in the article. “ The Airbus A340 was specially designed for long haul flying and had something not seen with other widebody aircraft flying today.” as inaccurate.
Highflyer1950 -2
Hey Jackass, did you forget about the DC-10?

djames225 3
Did you not read the article? "The A340 is actually not the only aircraft to have this gear. It was also present on the DC-10-30/40 and MD-11."
pawsnursery47 1
And the Il-86/Il-96

Love how he says some A340's; they all have CMG


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