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Woman detained in-flight by Air Marshals threatens to “stab entire plane”

A North Carolina woman who said she wanted to "stab everyone on the plane" then commit suicide was charged with assaulting a federal air marshal on board a flight that landed in Virginia's Dulles International Airport on Saturday after he attempted to stop her from entering the plane's lavatory with a lighter. ( Más...

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Pat Cook 2
A friend, an Air Marshall, told me, "I carry a 9mm through security, but I can't carry 4 oz. of shampoo."
Don Quixote 1
Plus they don't even go through regular security, they enter through back doors, out of public view where they get searched, then arrive at their gate
WhiteKnight77 3
I always had enough drinks to get me feeling really good for those long flights (of course we could smoke freely on planes those days) so I could sleep most of the way (was drunk enough to fall asleep before take-off at LAX and woke up 30 minutes outside Anchorage and slept through the landing and take-off at Oakland on a return trip to Okinawa). Nowadays people who get that drunk tend to get obnoxious. Is it the fact that they cannot smoke? Hard to say, but it seems that people tend to get more combative than it used to be.
Gary Stone 3
I don’t think folks are more combative. It’s just that with social media, like FlightAware, we tend to hear about these things more often.
john doe 8
Stabbing everyone on the plane sounds like an awful lot of work.
MR. A. B. JAMES -3
they should have executed her! she is a terrorist! a palestinian terrorist!
Joe Taranto 0
Peter Cooper has the best idea. AFTER she serves her prison time here in this Country. PUT HER ON THE NO FLY LIST! She apparently is a Palestinian... pardon me, don't most of them hate us because we support Israel? Should be a no brainer, but I am sure there are many progressive sympathizers out there who will criticize this idea.
Just sorry she was from my State!
Dale Ballok 1
Doesn’t matter where she’s from!
Has no bearing on what she did and how she acted!
John Smythe 3
I think I’m going to write a new book called “how to get on the no fly list for Dummies”
I figure it’ll be on the New York Times best seller list for quite a while

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Dale Ballok 9
Can’t help but to throw politics into the conversation, huh?
kginsberg 1
The article said she was Palestinian, not Democratic.
It's been my experience, at least up here in the Northeast, that this particular party and anyone employed by academia go hand-in-hand. So by deductive reasoning (and by her irrational behavior), we can safely assume party affiliation there.

Flame away ... but it's the truth today.
richardt bowman -1
Palestinian Democrat... yikes
Penelope L Goss -6
Which article states she's Palestinian? I must be overlooking something.
A North Carolina woman who said she wanted to "stab everyone on the plane" then commit suicide was charged with assaulting a federal air marshal on board a flight that landed in Virginia's Dulles International Airport on Saturday after he attempted to stop her from entering the plane's lavatory with a lighter.

Flight attendants aboard the United Airlines plane from Frankfurt, Germany, said they were alerted that a flight lavatory smoke detector had been activated while in the air and found Dana Ghazi Mustafa in the bathroom. They told Mustafa that smoking on board the aircraft is prohibited by federal regulations and asked her to return to her seat, which she did, according to court filings.
kginsberg 2
From the article referenced at the top of these comments "Mustafa also threatened to stab the air marshal and said: "I'm going to stab everyone on the plane then kill myself. I'm Palestinian! That's how we get down," according to court documents" She seems to have said it herself..
Eric Schmaltz 5
I’m thinking Penelope is a bot?
Similarly worded comments posted at least 5 times that I could see. I would bet on that, Eric!
Penelope L Goss -1
Thanks! :o)
The woman was distraught. They should CANE her. Then send her home.
Dale Ballok 2
They’re out there!
Today you have to stay aware anytime you’re in a group of people

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Ed LaFoe -1
Only if a judge says there's cause for concern, like after a serious conviction, or as part of a mental commitment. Freedom of movement is important both for work and the "pursuit of happiness," and must not be abridged without cause.

Similar to red flag laws for guns. We recently enacted one here in Colorado, and the judicial process worked. Someone with a grudge made a bogus report, trying to get another's guns confiscated. The judge threw it out and sanctioned the requester for the false report.
kginsberg 1
Where is it in the Constitution that "Freedom of Movement" is a constitutional right not to be infringed upon by a privately owned business? Missed it when I learned about the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution and its amendments.
John Smythe 1
Then demon liquor strikes again
Penelope L Goss -6
Where's the article stating she was intoxicated/drunk? I'm confused.
A North Carolina woman who said she wanted to "stab everyone on the plane" then commit suicide was charged with assaulting a federal air marshal on board a flight that landed in Virginia's Dulles International Airport on Saturday after he attempted to stop her from entering the plane's lavatory with a lighter.

Flight attendants aboard the United Airlines plane from Frankfurt, Germany, said they were alerted that a flight lavatory smoke detector had been activated while in the air and found Dana Ghazi Mustafa in the bathroom. They told Mustafa that smoking on board the aircraft is prohibited by federal regulations and asked her to return to her seat, which she did, according to court filings.
kginsberg 3
The article stated .... "A federal air marshal aboard the plane who saw Mustafa with the lighter said in a sworn affidavit that she smelled of alcohol.

Flight attendants tried to stop Mustafa from entering the lavatory with the lighter, but she pushed the attendants and tried to shut the door.

She also fought back against two air marshals on board who attempted to restrain her and place handcuffs on her, and Mustafa repeatedly kicked one of the marshals in the shins.

She was eventually handcuffed and seated next to the air marshals who found a half-empty liter of Absolut vodka visible at the top of her open bag and said Mustafa complained that "I was allowed to drink my duty-free bottle of vodka on my previous flight.""
Penelope L Goss -1
Thank you!!
drinking on an airplane unfortunately can make some people crazy,while others just relax..i think its the oxygen!..this woman was one of the "crazies", and that is what the air marshalls on board are there for..those guys (and sometimes ladies) are smart,quick with their repsones to any problem,and they do know how to handle themselves and others..oh yes, and they are armed although only the flight attendants and cockpit crew know that..

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kginsberg -1
I heard that she rolls her own cigarettes and buys the tobacco directly from the farms in the Carolinas. Why would that be RJ Reynolds or Philip Morris's fault?
And to the manufacturer of whatever automobile make she drove to the store to buy the cigarettes. AND, to the store that sold them to her. AND, to the gas station that sold her the gas to fuel the car she drove to the store. AND, to the state or federal government for paving the road that she drove on to get the gas to go to the store where she bought the smokes.
John Smythe 8
Its always someone elses fault
It clearly wasnt hers (like fuck it wasnt)
James Simms -9
My late Father passed away from a stroke I believed was caused by his Chemo & radiation from throat cancer. Fortunately it was caught @ a very early stage. Both my parent smoked like chimneys back in the day. Dad passed @ age 77 & Mom @ age 80.

Having said the above, I hold absolutely no ill will towards the tobacco companies & will vigorously defend a person’s right to smoke. Too damn many restrictions on our Liberty’s as it is. Benjamin Franklin once said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

The whole lot of you can flame away to your hearts content, but I don’t give a rat’s as* what you or anyone thinks.
darjr26 2
I don’t think our constitution gives us a “right” to smoke.
Bob Poberezny 13
Our Constitution does not "give" us ANY protects and guarantees our innate rights.
darjr26 -7
Ever hear of the Bill of Rights?
Bob Poberezny 3
Of course. You, on the other hand, have obviously never heard of reading comprehension.
Chris Traynor 10
As long as I as a taxpayer don’t have to pay for all their tobacco related cancers, emphysema, stroke, heart disease etc then I agree.
And if it’s a drunk or dope addict I don’t want to pay for those morons either.
Their choice, their wallet.

Oh Chris I am sure you offended all the bleeding hearts out there.
Bob Poberezny 2
Yes, he hates them. Until he needs a cop, fireman, FEMA, a driveable road, social security, student loan (ha ha), etc.
Calvin Miller 2
I agree with the freedoms, however IT IS your wallet that is effected by people smoking, drinking, and drugs. You pay for it via the burden on Medicare, Medicaid, the penitentiary system, and the general increase in all insurance for the increased risk of claims
Kobe Hunte 0
yep so true.
Kobe Hunte 2
What people are these days. *sigh*

Glad she never carried out her sadistic threat anyway.
Chris B 7
News reports says she lives in Durham NC and works or lets say worked as an elementary school teacher.

Fine role model
srobak 5
Keep her AWAY from children
Edward Bardes 0
For a second, I thought she said "stab the entire plane", as in stab the plane itself.
Kobe Hunte 1
She would be there a while!
Chris Traynor 2
And wouldn’t her arm get tired?
Greg S 11
Some people are just not happy drunks I guess.

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kginsberg 3
From the article .. "A federal air marshal aboard the plane who saw Mustafa with the lighter said in a sworn affidavit that she smelled of alcohol.

Flight attendants tried to stop Mustafa from entering the lavatory with the lighter, but she pushed the attendants and tried to shut the door.

She also fought back against two air marshals on board who attempted to restrain her and place handcuffs on her, and Mustafa repeatedly kicked one of the marshals in the shins.

She was eventually handcuffed and seated next to the air marshals who found a half-empty liter of Absolut vodka visible at the top of her open bag and said Mustafa complained that "I was allowed to drink my duty-free bottle of vodka on my previous flight.""
Thank you! :o) I needed to reopen the article to see it. Thank you again!!!
Mike Webb 28
Good to know there still ARE air-marshals on flights.
Dale Ballok 3
Don Quixote -3
Why wouldn't there be?
Ed LaFoe 3
Don Quixote 1
That's where your $5.6 per ticket each way is going to, TSA/DHS.
Don Quixote 2
A route from Frankfurt to Dulles would usually have a couple on board.
Peter Cooper 22
Lifetime flying ban on any airline and deportation when she gets out of jail, assuming she's not a US citizen
Alexis Prel -5
I don't think she's going to jail for being drunk.
Penelope L Goss -5
I am confused. Where in the posted article does it state she was drunk/intoxicated? Have i overlooked something?

A North Carolina woman who said she wanted to "stab everyone on the plane" then commit suicide was charged with assaulting a federal air marshal on board a flight that landed in Virginia's Dulles International Airport on Saturday after he attempted to stop her from entering the plane's lavatory with a lighter.

Flight attendants aboard the United Airlines plane from Frankfurt, Germany, said they were alerted that a flight lavatory smoke detector had been activated while in the air and found Dana Ghazi Mustafa in the bathroom. They told Mustafa that smoking on board the aircraft is prohibited by federal regulations and asked her to return to her seat, which she did, according to court filings.
kginsberg 3
From the article .. "A federal air marshal aboard the plane who saw Mustafa with the lighter said in a sworn affidavit that she smelled of alcohol.

Flight attendants tried to stop Mustafa from entering the lavatory with the lighter, but she pushed the attendants and tried to shut the door.

She also fought back against two air marshals on board who attempted to restrain her and place handcuffs on her, and Mustafa repeatedly kicked one of the marshals in the shins.

She was eventually handcuffed and seated next to the air marshals who found a half-empty liter of Absolut vodka visible at the top of her open bag and said Mustafa complained that "I was allowed to drink my duty-free bottle of vodka on my previous flight.""
Thanks!! :o)
srobak 15
She should also be charged with terrorists threats and disabling a smoke detector on a flight. Both are federal crimes with the first being a felony.
30west 15
Alexis, as the article states, she is being charged with assaulting a Federal Air Marshal.


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