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Boeing schedules first 777X flight for 23 January

Boeing has scheduled the 777X’s maiden sortie for 23 January, an event that will finally kick off the revamped widebody’s delayed flight-test programme and potentially keep the airframer on track to begin deliveries in early 2021. Under the manufacturer’s current schedule, the 777-9 test aircraft should depart at around 10:00 Seattle time on the 23rd, although Boeing cautions that the timing “could change due to weather and other factors”. ( Más...

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djmobile 1
Go Boeing! Wishing the company the best on the test flight. Please make a great impression ! You need it!!!
Kim Kleppel 4
Just tuned in to the webcast. Says plane is waiting at end of runway due to inclement weather. And it shows the plane........waiting.
DouglasBoyd Boyd -6
Might be a good idea to check the flight software. In the past 30 years I have flown over 5 million miles. The 737MAX fiasco has totally spooked me. Thus, for the revised MAX and any new Boeing aircraft, I refuse to fly them until they have been in service for two years with no crashes.
fetchPlayz 0
mate ya got to understand
it was just an oversight
they realized their mistakes and are currently fixing them.
and besides, the 777x doesn't have mcas. it isn't a 767 or a 737 max.
Don Quixote 1
The 777X will be fine, trust me.
But that's when corrosion and fatigue set in. Maybe you better make it 5 years with no crashes.
Alex Sullivnan 3
787 is built with much of the same materials as the 777X. Hope not to jinx it, but it's been flying for 10 years with not a single crash or death on one of those planes. There is no reason to think that the 777X's safety record won't be similar.
I was just being a smart ass. Even if his premise was true, his 2 year no-crash probation period is just arbitrary nonsense (just like my 5 year suggestion).
Don Quixote 1
Agreed, the Dreamliner really is a great plane. Very efficient as well
Mark Kanzler 1
There's a webcast of the first flight of the 777X in just over an hour (10:00 today)

I'm not sure if it works from computers outside the Boeing firewall, but worth a try.
Philip Lanum 2
This site is available outside of the Boeing Campus.

But, they delayed the flight again as of 2020/01/24.

Sometimes when they do test flights, the go right over my house and they do it sort of low.
Mark Kanzler 1
For first flight, they have to depart over the water.

That meant they had a tailwind - they decided to postpone the test.
Ken Hardy 1
The Market seems to be moving away from wide bodies to narrow bodies like the 320XLR so I wonder if this will actually end up making money for Boeing in the long run. I also think the GE engines for this aircraft will have long term reliability issues, GE has pushed the material to its limits trying to get the lightest power plant while delivering the greatest thrust can you imagine what a catastrophic fan disk failure would do to this engine, then your down to ONE and over the Pacific ?
Rich James 3
I think the Premium Cabin pax reluctantly accepted the move from 747's or A380's with 4 engines with Widebody ETOPS. i think that for Oceanic flights there would be resistance to narrowbodies or stretched regional jets. I personally avoid West COast flights to Hawaii precisely because they are narrowbodies and feel exceedingly cramped compared to 787 or 777 flights (American). 77X is likely to be a real winner if they can move on from the 737 Max debacle. Some good PR is needed.
Tony Silverstrå -3
Swedish gresus says how dare you Boeing?
Don Quixote 1
Looks like its getting moved back a day due to weather in Everett

Just read on Twitter that they are going to postpone the test flight due to weather. They are considering the following day as an alternative.
Mark Weiser 2
I am old enough to remember the electra and "whirl mode" look at the glorious history that airframe has enjoyed, yes there were a number of similar seemingly baffling issues at the first. Just remember "flying people around is still as much an art as science" either be patient with the fine people who build them, or take the train, or a boat next time you need to go somewhere, we wont miss you!
Agree. Felt 100% safe, back in the day, over the Pacific in the P-3 Orion. Whatta bird!
Roy Corrales 6
Wish them the best... I am Airbus/Boeing fan (yes you can have the best of both worlds) and it's time for Boeing to clean the dirt, move on, and give us an upgraded amazing flying machine :D
Ricky Scott 4
Hope it goes off. Weather is supposed to be Crappy here tomorrow. Heavy winds and rain predicted.
Roger Anderson 5
Been hearing good things so far about the new CEO and his more firm approach to restoring order to Boeing. Hoping for a great flight tomorrow.
jeff slack 17
I am so tired of people basking in Boeings problems; I hope for Boeing a flawless first flight and a recovery not predicted by any of the people that just don't understand competition keeps us all honest and is the essence of business........
Donald Parsons 9
and this too shall pass. only a matter of time before they're back on track. a lot of people have great faith in the company even with the current black eye. like most disasters, you identify and recognize the problems, correct them and go forward to become even better. onward!
Tom Bruce 1
I agree...
Chris Muncy 5
Anyone know if Boeing will live stream the test flight or what the tail number of the aircraft is?
Harrell54 0
Tom Bruce 3
just tap KPAE tomorrow AM and see
Michael Gower 6
I hope that its flight testing, approval, and service go off without a hitch.
good stuff!
Robert Cowling 4
Years ago, I saw a 737-900 taking off. I can see why people near Everett huddle around the parking lots to take pictures. It took off, and I assume I saw the same plane land at Boeing Field.

It has to be exhilarating to be the first few people flying in a new plane.
Tom Bruce 2
will be fun to see when it comes down to Mather Fld, Sacramento for cross wind tests.. camera ready
Don Quixote 1
Can't wait!


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