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Why American Airlines Has No Use For A 100 Seater Aircraft

The A220 has been selling like the proverbial hotcake. From Latvia to Africa, the A220 is proving a popular aircraft for regional ops, and is doing well in the US too. However, a couple of large carriers have been notably absent from the Airbus order books. Here’s why American Airlines (and United) have no desire to buy the A220. With Delta’s fleet of A220s growing by the day and other North American airlines scrambling to join the queue, eyes have turned to the other two of the ‘big three’, who… ( Más...

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the bottom line is the cost of operating and buying new aircraft..i think aa is trying to "conserve" at present up to and includinng their regionals..(the seats on those are like sitting on a carboard box,and the cabin is crowded)..
djames225 1
Yes, but it costs more in the long run to operate old aircraft..AA still hasn't figured that out.
Michael Weaver 1
American can buy cheaper E-175 and jam 100 seats in them

Robert Cowling 4
And lose customers to other airlines. The spiral to the bottom has to have some blowback. Maybe this is the moment? I am surprised, and disgusted to see so many airlines using the RJ's for cross country flights. They are so uncomfortable, and cramped. Hard pass from this traveler.
bentwing60 -1
Maybe somebody else here has figured out that what is sellin in the a220 line ain't a 100 seat airplane and I said they wouldn't 4 years ago. The 300 is outselling the 100 at better than 4-1. 421/90, last WIKI quote. Pretty good odds at the track, and count the seats. It ain't a hundred. AB bought the a series to prevent the future 500 stretch, which may have been envisioned at the initial design phase, from competing with a320 should a financially strapped bombardier manage to float some more quebecios subsidies (taxpayer loans) and manage to sell some great but late airplanes. No tellin what will happen with flamin liberal politics loose with the checkbook. Not to worry, they were TU financially and everyone in the industry knew it. Shotgun weddin'. And Paul Tellier will never have to ask the price of a bottle of wine!
djames225 1
I think you nest go back and re-think your "AB bought the a series to prevent the future 500 stretch, which may have been envisioned at the initial design phase, from competing with a320" part of that sentence. AB was interested in the CS Series at the onset, but did not want to commit until a viable product was actually selling/flying. The way the craft was designed, 2 stretches can be made, and Airbus is looking at the smaller stretch and extended range factor. The A220-100 can actually seat 130 pax.
If AA wants to keep using old fuel gulping tech, that's on their plate. And it's Quebecois, with a capitol Q, thank you.
bentwing60 0
Where's your Avro Arrow, it still ain't about fair play! Thank You. And AB was slamming the C series till they bought them for a dime on the dollar.
djames225 1
No they weren't slamming the C Series. They were very much interested in it from the beginning, but not going to invest in an unknown bird that could flop.
As far as the Arrow, you're right, it wasn't fair play. Let's just say it was mighty miraculous how Skunkworks got titanium forming down to a science not long after the Arrow got canned.
bentwing60 1
"there are none so blind as those who will not see", John Heywood, 1546.

"Speaking at Airbus's annual press conference Tuesday in Paris, John Leahy, Airbus's chief salesman and commercial officer, called the C Series "a nice little plane" that was probably forever doomed to be a poor seller". 2016

I suppose you will ignore the thrust of the quotes and article ,as usual, and down vote my reply. I didn't return the favor. So accept my belief that Bombardier builds
a great product, CL60 type in my pocket. My issue has always been what the development has cost the company, employees, taxpayers and other products scrapped for it's continued last breath. The Lear 85 comes to mind. The fire sale to AB allowed Paul to negotiate the deal in French (quebecois) and he will never have to ask the price of a bottle of wine.
djames225 1
In know exactly what Leahy said and why I stated "They were very much interested in it from the beginning, but not going to invest in an unknown bird that could flop."
When it didn't "flop" and they saw a potential, they jumped at the chance when Bombardier went looking.
BTW, who is Paul??
bentwing60 1
I don't care who said squat about AB, the Bombardier "Paul Tellier" and family upper management led the C-Series into the hands of AB, at great cost to many a Canuck. The bulk of the profits will flow to AB and some Canadians who actually pay taxes won't be able to afford to fly in one. Missed my first comment that you down voted Ehhh, BTW, who is Paul?? Adieu.
djames225 1
I said "BTW who is Paul??" because your comment made no sense..and it still doesn't.
HTH do you figure a person from 04 is responsible for the sale of the C-Series to Airbus?
Neil49 3
Had to give up reading your post after the first couple of sentences.

Better stick to something with a tighter character limit, if your writing skills don't improve.


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