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Uber will test its flying taxis in Melbourne

Uber has chosen the third test city to join Dallas and Los Angeles for its flying taxi trials: Melbourne, Australia. The third location was supposed to be Dubai, but negotiations fell through and prompted the company to look for another site for trials outside the US. Uber considered Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paris, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Tokyo and Sydney. In the end, Melbourne won. Susan Anderson, Uber's Regional General Manager for Australia, New Zealand and North Asia, told Reuters… ( Más...

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jmilleratp 2
This link goes to an ad site that gets blocked by ad blockers. I am not sure in Engadget has its site going through and advertising gateway, or if they have been hacked. But, I can't get to the story.
sparkie624 1
Yeah... I refuse to go to those sites.

sparkie624 2
OMG... I do not want to be even close to that!


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