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Brazilian Judge Blocks Boeing/Embraer Deal Again

Once again, a Brazilian judge has blocked the sale of the Embraer’s commercial aviation business to Boeing. On December 19, the repeat injunction allegedly follows a class action suit placed by the Brazilian planemaker’s unions, who claim that should the deal go forward, job losses will occur in Brazil. The same judge issued a similar injunction in early December, followed legal actions by a group of Brazilian who tried to stop the deal from moving forward. However, it was successfully… ( Más...

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I'm an Embraer (happy one, so far...) shareholder. When we look at the financial report 3Q 2018 we can only see a tragic debt situation. Forget the future orders. If Bombardier was partially supported by the Canadian (Quebec) government Embraer in Brazil was being supported by the BNDES bank (goverment owned). With the new government in Brazil willing to clean up the non-performing loans at the BNDES the Embraer financial situation is at least complicated as a private company. The deal with Boeing is mostly to pay the debts. KC-190 is the star from now on.
Sounds like someone is shorting the stock market. Anytime a judge blocks the deal the price of the shares go down (buying time). Anytime the judge decision is reverted (for the third time soon) the stock price goes up. Isn't that funny?... and profitable !
djames225 0
Sounds like someone is trying to save jobs and someone else is thinking $$$$ and tossing jobs and a company out the window.
If you look at the history of the Embraer stocks the past 8 months, there has been very little deviation, not enough to issue a huge buy or sell.
0,50 cents X a 1 000 000 = 500,000
this is obviously a political "hotbutton" issue in brazil,trying to keep business,jobs and large corporations in their own country,just as this has become the norm here in the united states..we do have a "global economy",but some dont see it that way..
djames225 2
Either that, Mary, or doesn't want to see Embraer eventually go the way of McDonald Douglas? It's 1 thing to J/V with a firm and control a small portion, but another to take control of the whole commercial aircraft division.
djames225 5
Huge difference between this and the Airbus/Bombardier deal..that deal was just for the CS line, not the whole commercial aircraft division, which at the time included the Q400 and CRJ. Be interesting to see how this all pans out.
mcrossbow24 0
The “CS” line is the total of their commercial business after selling their legacy platforms.

djames225 2
No it isn't..they still have CRJ...that and they include portions of business jets as commercial as well. Embraer's commercial line is including part of their "military" line as Boeing can't wait to get their hands on the KC-390 to sell it.
Easy going... the military line is not included in the deal. There will be a MARKETING and SALES jointly owned company ONLY for the KC-190. The swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen deal is far hands off from Boeing. A contract is a contract.
djames225 0
And that is why I stated "part of their military line"
djames225 4
Just to add, I'm wondering if the judge was looking back on what happened to other aircraft companies that Boeing swallowed.Like I interesting to watch.
Cansojr -3
The next thing they will pull is filing a complaint with the WTO and all their trade unions not realizing that they shot themselves in the butt. GOOD LUCK it's a global economy that drives industrial and technical growth. Brazil might be the "BREXIT for Brazil.


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